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[0.25+] HexCans - Standardized Resource Canisters 0.7.1 -- Breaking Ground Edition


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things like this I kinda have to do myself because I have to check something, change something repeat; what I could use is playtesting on the HexPod, TurboHex engine, and the two new air intakes, just copy them from Unfinished Parts to /GameData/HexCans/Parts/

Note, the HexPod does not have an IVA, and you cannot EVA from it.

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Alright so here are my findings with the TurboHex engine and the air intakes.

Test Craft: A HexPod with a Large Fuel HexCan on each side, stock Swept Wings with the stock large control surfaces. Flight control handled by Romfarer's Laser Mod.

Test Craft Photos:





Power: Two TurboHex engines

Test: Takeoff and climb to 1000m

Results: The engine seems slightly underpowered as it took two of them to lift my test plane. However takeoff was achieved before end of runway. The craft was tested with both air intakes and did not suffer any loss of performance once airborne. Shock Wedge did require a longer takeoff distance than the HexRam.

Summary: All parts seem to perform well. Ascetically pleasing and matching to the style of the other parts in the mod.

Edited by JewelShisen
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Tried out a small variation on my test jet. Quad Jet this time. Flew up to 9259m and went 1.335Mm at a 2km altitude before running out of fuel.

Top speed of 308m/s and went for 2:22:12. All in all I would say that the engines work great on small craft and seem to have excellent fuel efficiency.

Edited by JewelShisen
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Dunno if this was an issue before(or is a hexcans issue, but appears to be) but I decided to take advantage of the update and start a fresh save. Sent a small probe consisting of a core, a oscar-b, the new small rockomax LFO engine(the probe-sized one), and 4 small hexracks and 4 small lFO hexcans to supplement the fuel reserves, as well as 8 kethane scanners to scan Minmus with and 4 XL solar panels for power, that were attached to the hexcans . Well, I get to minmus fine, but coming out of warp I hear an explosion, and one of the small hexcans(along with the panel) starts drifting off for some reason. I chalk it up to a physics glitch of some sort, detach the probe, and start scanning. After coming our of time warp a few timse to ajust position, I start hetting a good map going, when I again hear an explosion, and another hexcan floats off, taking out another panel. I decide to give up on scanning with only two sails left, and revert the flight.

TL:DR Hexcan suddenly breaking off for no discernible reason. Any idea what's causing the hexcan separation?

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Idea, an item, possibly an engine that burns liquid fuel and either intake air or oxidizer and produces no or negligible thrust similar to an ion engine, but creates a large amount of electricity very quickly. It would have to burn a low enough amount of fuel to use a toroidal tank as a viable option, otherwise it would be useless for probes. potentially it could have a setting to activate if the power went to zero as an emergency supply.

can this please happen?

(quote from me)

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If you want electricity it'd be better to make an APU which doesn't generate thrust at all, which can be done with moduleGenerator, but there are several flaws that I'm not happy with, such as any stock module that consumes two resources will continue to consume one after the other has run out; while not producing anything. As well i would want to do a custom model for the APU hexcan, as I'm considering adding customizations to the RTG hexcans. This may happen, but it's not a priority at the moment.

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Yes, I realize the thrust is a bad idea, (old quote), I suppose the real reason I am asking is because although I can make good meshes, I don't know how to export a uv map, add a material, export to unity, Etc. etc. Secondly, i would feel silly making just one part without other stuff to go with it, and my creation would never see the outside of my hard drive. After writing that, I feel the real takeaway here is that I should stop being lazy and retry to learn how to do this stuff.

Also, I remember I actually did use a nuclear power plant in the H.O.M.E. pack that used the low-burning engine thing, and it was a pain to use, I remember I forgot to turn of the main engines of another lander I had attached to the plant with a KAS cable before hitting shift and walking away to get a glass of water. Suffice it to say, bad things happened.

Edit: a quote outlining why it uses oxidizer as well as intake air.

Sounds like it would be a good idea for a kind of early tech tree generator once we have a career mode. I like the kerbalness of them thinking: We need electricity. Ok, let's strap this generator from the hardware store on. But it doesn't work in space with no air! Well, what if we run it on rocket fuel? (Read:bipropellant)


Edited by blueshark15
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Ah thank you! I do love the textures and once this is updated to .21 I'll be sure to use this texture set for my stealth crafts.

Speaking of which, any idea when this will be up to 21.1?

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Wensday at the soonest, though in my limited testing it currently works fine excusing the lack of reaction wheels.

Lebannehn, Great work, sorry I haven't responded to your PM, I've spent most of the last week asleep or at work and that's not going to change today. Do you mind if I include the link to your texture pack in the first post?

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