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On the 0.21 Update News: Your most anticipated new feature, your disappointments...


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Seems like the Squad is now pushing for the 1.0 release so that they can start with DLC/Expansion content..

Seeing as the talk of expansions was just spitballing and they have no idea whether or not they'll ever make any, I doubt that this is driving development decisions.

The last major thing we got from Squad was in 0.18... Everything since then might as well have not even have been released for as little as it matters.

So go play 18. It was a pretty awesome game already back then. As for myself, I'm enjoying a better selection of engines to tailor to my craft, more choices of command pods and probes, rover wheels, terrain improvements, performance improvements, Kerbal facial expressions, improved construction of large ships with the big docking rings, the many possibilities allowed my structural pieces, and other stuff I'm too lazy to remember and list right now.

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I was looking forward to resources for the added major objective in the sandbox mode. The idea of building mining operations and expanding my influence slowly with an expanding ring of moon bases sounds like a lot of fun to me. Right now I just don't have much incentive for those sorts of permanent mission bases. Luckily I still have plenty of places still to visit so I at least have a lot I can do. For those who've been around longer I can imagine that they'd want something more substantial to keep them busy the way the stock resource system would enable.

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Someone made a good point on reddit about resources and it's making me rethink if I want to continue on with the game as it is...

What good would resources even be right now where the best, overclocked CPU cant keep a 500 part base above 10fps?

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No where did they say they WEREN'Tworking on resources; just that it won't be ready to release with 0.21. Just because they aren't releasing it does NOT mean it isn't being worked on; 0.20 featured a large amount of work on resources with only a very small portion actually being in the final build. They weren't comfortable giving you anything less than 100% working resources, hence changed the short term goals.

And don't complain about them improving their backend. BACKEND WORK is as important, if not more, than the frontend. Mods rely entirely on the backend to function (and people don't even utilize 5% of what the backend can actually do), improving it creates opportunities for mods, allows improvement... Backend work also makes it possible to create a much stronger frontend, so just be patient! If you hate how slow development is, find another game and take a vacation.

Well I am not that hyped about that feature beacause you can already do it perfectly well with the Crew Manifest mod .. of course it will be implemented better by Squad no doubt, it would be good to see Kerbals having a few more stats introduced and being made customisable.

From what I recall, the Crew Manifest mod manifested as some kind of cheating?? device. (Well, kerbals don't really do anything...).

The idea about training (and kerbals actually doing something) is a bit different, as you would somehow "improve" their stats (rather than setting them) and would work at keeping them alive (/me creates CrashTest Kerbal instead ;p).

Rather than being a bit flat as crew manifest, the ideas that got thrown around made it seem like they wanted to find a way to personify kerbals.

I hope that the space centre scene will finally reflect the actual time of day at the launch pad.

What about the VAB / SPH! Eternally daylight :(

Wait, if the VAB / SPH get added into the mesh.... does that mean we can go INSIDE them from the "Outside"?

Personally, I expect some of the more experienced (or newcomers who aren't as closed minded as the elders) modders to use these new frameworks to make more addons. They are making it easier to do interesting things, or even have multiple mods changing various aspects of said interesting things.

Edited by Fel
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it's making me rethink if I want to continue on with the game as it is...
"Work in progress," people! What part of "the game is not finished" isn't clear? The drama around here is just ridiculous. "THE NEXT UPDATE WILL NOT ADDRESS MY OWN PERSONAL PET PEEVE! I SHOULD SHOW THOSE INCOMPETENT JERKS AND QUIT PLAYING!" Firstly, you can do an awful lot of interesting stuff in this game without getting anywhere near 500 parts. Secondly, they have announced all along that streamlining the code will continue as development proceeds, so frame rate issues are certainly going to improve. And thirdly, are you actually considering giving up on the game because you might not like the way they implement something that they aren't even going to try to implement for weeks or months yet? How could you possibly know whether you'll like it or not when you haven't got slightest idea what you're objecting to yet? In short, "the game as it is" is not the way it will always be, so why don't you wait and see what it becomes before complaining that you don't like it?
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I'm sure I'll be perfectly satisfied with 0.21. In a way, I'm glad resources are being delayed in favor of components that will drive Career mode, because resources are something we know what to expect with. Whatever surprises they bring will be tempered by the fact that we've been waiting on them this long. But each and every addition involving Career mode is a fresh new surprise for which we have no expectations particularly built up due to promises of what is to come.

So really, no matter how much of what was mentioned today makes it into 0.21, I'll just be fine with it.

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The update feels like it's going to be a bit light on bringing new gameplay possibilities to the game. Most of the stuff is just cosmetic or invisible groundwork for career mode. Nothing that's going to pull me in for a couple of extra hours. Hopefully they'll get to resources in 0.22 and basic career mode for 0.23.

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I'm not surprised by the lack of mention of resources, since I've imagined that's going to take quite a bit of work to implement in the first place. Like rodion, though, I do wish they'd implement some kind of subassembly support for rocket construction (especially if they could do it in a manner that lets you use all the attachment nodes available).

That said, crew management is definitely something I'm looking forward to.

yes, I can imagine them not mentioning resources until development of the system is well underway in order to prevent people complaining that they don't have the complete thing running and operational in the next update 2-3 weeks after the announcement.

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Probably a place to auto refuel landed craft will be implemented while you cant end flight no more..... The destiny of your kerbals are in your hands.... Thankfully i have tons of fully balanced and tested crafts. Will be great to have a multiple missions craft and crew... And i think that s the SQUAD aim. Squad please change the iva of the cupola.... Wtf a huge visual bocked by instruments????..... And we still waiting the update iva s for the old cockpits. Thanks. Resources can wait

hope you can still end flights in some way... Else what happens to a splashed down capsule or probe? Or something you shot out of the system?

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If you don't like the game, you don't need to play it. How about instead of saying squad is doing bad and not fast enough, you thank them for what they have done? And .19 & .20 where both performance upgrades and visual.

never seen an online community where some people didn't bitch about lack of updates, then bitch about the updates they do get even if they were the exact thing they'd been asking for...

And they always have a lot of people aping them, just nodding their heads when anything negative at all is said about the devs.

Waiting for the "KSP iz ded, Squad is deliberately making it buggy and laggy to get people to stop playing" threads, they're surprisingly absent (unless the mods are very actively deleting them) compared to other game forums.

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I generally prefer sandbox games to campaigns, so I have no feelings about the next update.

I'm excited for them finally updating the drag model and adding re-entry damage, but everything HarvesteR has been saying for the past few months suggest the technical side of KSP isn't likely to change until the campaign is fairly well fleshed out. Oh well, I have mods...

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Anything that steps in the direction of Career mod I like, My worry is that in blog posts before the forum crash they said that they were releasing smaller update in order to reduce the time between updates. I'm not complaining, but it would be nice to see more progress as it is being done.

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hope you can still end flights in some way... Else what happens to a splashed down capsule or probe? Or something you shot out of the system?

The Tracking Station does that, right? You can filter out which flights you want on the map display, select the flight you want to end, and press X to delete.

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The Tracking Station does that, right? You can filter out which flights you want on the map display, select the flight you want to end, and press X to delete.

Maybe it's just more realistic not to be able to vaporise an existing flight. Maybe it's a consequence of having to look at that kerbal that you stranded every time you open the tracking station.

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I'm not disappointed by the 0.20.

But I'm looking forward to the resources system, the career mode, to do (at last) science, in one word, to see a new dimension in this game.

Going to planets just to go there is fun, now I whish I have new goals...

And moar struts, just because ! :D

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