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Thoughts on Gilly?


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I just made my first Gilly landing and found it fascinating. For one thing, the legs of my lander were constantly twitching, which doesn't happen on other bodies, and I sent a kerbal on EVA, and almost lost him into the depths of space when he tripped and went spinning off into the sky uncontrollably. I managed to regain control of him using his jetpack controls, but it took some time and effort. I only stayed for a few minutes and then promptly packed up and put the lander into a high parking orbit around Eve for later retrieval. I must say overall I didn't like Gilly at all (and I don't mean that as a complaint... it just means I won't be going back anytime soon).

But enough about me. What does everyone else think of Gilly? Am I missing something spectacular on this peculiar little captured asteroid?

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I love that place. If it weren't so far away and time consuming, I would build a base that spans the entire Gilly surface.

Way way way back when in 0.17, I found a spot that wasn't glitch, and landed there, with the MK5 "Ant" rover by Bobcat. The Ant was actually still in early testing back then... the memories.

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Only been there once. As you can probably tell from my mission ribbons, it did not go well. No orbit dot, one black stripe, and my vehicle designator is "impactor." You figure out what happened! :P

Okay, so my map view showed my periapsis was low, but still above the surface. Apparently it was all lies! I crashed into the surface going a thousand meter per second and sent a fine stream of debris into an eccentric Eve orbit. ;^_^

I vowed to never return until I had mastered round trip interplanetary flight without the crutch of having refueling stations at both ends. Good times!

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Gilly is great fun. Lowest of the low-G moons.

So much so that its feels like it is in some transitionary zone where you can see there is gravity working but can mostly ignore it when manauvering.

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Alright, so perhaps I'm just in a bad mood. I think the main problem I had was the extremely low gravity... I didn't even bother to deploy my rover because my EVA kerbals were already so hard to control.

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I don't like visiting there because it's a pain to move around, but it's a very cool place to deorbit satellites. The low gravity means most of it doesn't get destroyed, and so I have some pretty spectacular crash sites on the surface.

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I've posted this several times, but it still amuses me. Once my guy on Gilly tripped and fell down, and you know how they do that little jump when they get up again? When he did that he headbutted the ship, and this was the result. Vxhcs.jpg

It flew through the (lack of) air, spun 1.5 times, and landed on its stide.

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Thoughts on Gilly (both those of mine and the Kerbal Astronomy Department (KAD)):

"Don't quote me on this, but we think Gilly may actually be a rather large pebble. We landed there once and it was very weird; the rather large pebble had smaller pebbles all over it, despite its low gravity! We also think it could be, well... Kraken excrement..." -- Wernher Von Kerman.

There is considerable controversy within the KAD over what Gilly actually is. However, it's typical for such a description as Von Kerman's to appear regularly in a heated argument.

As for myself, I think Gilly is interesting. I'm in the process of sending a small probe to its surface, which will be the second Gilly landing for me. If I learned anything from the first, manned landing, it's that you don't trust your legs; either yours or those on the lander. They won't work in the low gravity. The view from the surface is also quite something when you have Eve in the background :)

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