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[0.25] PartCatalog 3.0 RC8 (2014-10-08)


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LoL, how many 'release candidates' versions are there?

*hint hint* you're supposed to scrap the RC after you have good enough version of what you want.

Anyway, just dropped by to thank you on the mod. I have great mastermind plans to categorize ever part in the context it deserves to, but I don't know if I'll ever get to it...

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Having trouble using PartCatalog lately. The very first startup shows the configuration window (where to position the toolbar, where to position the settings button, etc.), and after closing it...there are no parts or tabs on screen...everything is blank and leaves no option to auto tag parts. What did I do wrong?

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Confirmed that this mod is causing my game to randomly freeze up on the loading screen. Not sure why but the loading bar gets to about 80% or so and it appears to have loaded all the module manager patches. Then just freezes! At first it took a couple tries and eventually the game would load but with the number of mods I have that is just too damn painful to have to sit through five or more tries to get the game started.

I pulled ksplua and partcatalog and the game starts first try every time. I put partcalog and ksplua back and it starts to randomly freeze up again.

Btw because of the intermittent nature of this bug this was ridiculously hard to track down. I have been actively trying to find the culprit for the hangs for more then three weeks now! I really like the mod and would be happy to share any information that would help you to isolate and correct this problem so that I can use the mod again. I thought it might also have to do with -force-opengl which I have to use because of the number of mods I am using. But the game has been loading fine for more then a week now without partcatalog and with opengl so it really appears to be partcatalog that is causing the loading screen hangs.

If necessary I can rar my entire gamedata folder for you to test it out at your end.

Edited by ctbram
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  ctbram said:
Confirmed that this mod is causing my game to randomly freeze up on the loading screen. Not sure why but the loading bar gets to about 80% or so and it appears to have loaded all the module manager patches. Then just freezes! At first it took a couple tries and eventually the game would load but with the number of mods I have that is just too damn painful to have to sit through five or more tries to get the game started.

I pulled ksplua and partcatalog and the game starts first try every time. I put partcalog and ksplua back and it starts to randomly freeze up again.

Btw because of the intermittent nature of this bug this was ridiculously hard to track down. I have been actively trying to find the culprit for the hangs for more then three weeks now! I really like the mod and would be happy to share any information that would help you to isolate and correct this problem so that I can use the mod again. I thought it might also have to do with -force-opengl which I have to use because of the number of mods I am using. But the game has been loading fine for more then a week now without partcatalog and with opengl so it really appears to be partcatalog that is causing the loading screen hangs.

If necessary I can rar my entire gamedata folder for you to test it out at your end.

Post a log of your crash and it will be easier to figure out the actual cause.

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  jstnj said:
Post a log of your crash and it will be easier to figure out the actual cause.

If I decide to put it back in again I will do that. By the way there is no crash it just locks up the loading screen and hangs there forever until I kill the process.

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  ctbram said:
If I decide to put it back in again I will do that. By the way there is no crash it just locks up the loading screen and hangs there forever until I kill the process.

I'm having very similar issues. Have a crash log available for you. The game also sometimes freezes when I have the catalog mod installed, and sometimes when I get into the VAB the game will crash.

Error - http://txt.do/oyba

Output_log - http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=3dj2jvyq

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Another bug to report. See the screenshot. I installed Solviet_probes_and_Ships. There are two mod packs you can see in the RH panel RN_R7 and RN_Solviet_Probes yet on the LH panel you can see they did not get a tab added for them??? You can also see the parts area is blank when I filter all but the RN mods out. Yet I can load premade ships???

Also the interface drives me nuts! once I click on any tab in the LH window I cannot deselect all tabs. I can click on another one but I can never get back to the initial all deselected state. Oh and add tab doesn't. I can click add tab until I am blue in the face and no new tabs appear. There does not seem to be any manual that describes any of this on the forum page so I am terrified to click on anything for fear of deleted something and then never being able to get it back. Man page or better yet youtube demo video would be nice. Just a suggestion.


Edited by ctbram
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  ctbram said:
Is there a way to re-sort the tags? They start alphabetically but now I have some that were added and they just get stuffed onto the end of the tag stack.

Yes. Click on a tag in the options menu, and then click the up-arrow and down-arrow buttons. It's a big of a pain, but it works. The left-arrow and right-arrow buttons convert tags into sub-tags, but then if you ever autotag parts again, the tag will be re-added as a top-level tag, in addition to the sub-tag, so I wouldn't recommend using those options.

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  ctbram said:
Is there a way to re-sort the tags? They start alphabetically but now I have some that were added and they just get stuffed onto the end of the tag stack.

Alternately, if just want the automatic alphabetic sort, I believe you can hold CTRL and press "Autotag" to forcibly recreate all tags (not sure if that's the right key command, but hover over the "Autotag" button and it should tell you). This will leave everything sorted alphabetically.

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having a similar problem it seems a lot of others are having: i'm using the mod admin v1.4, assigning the 3.0 RC9 into the gamedata folder. When i first enter the VAB or hangar the options window pops up, but if i try to select where the settings tab appears, suddenly the game starts mis-representing my mouse position (i get the button highlight as though my mouse were hovering only if i am about +300px on the X axis, then when I close the menu not only do the part catalog tabs not appear, but all of my tabs to switch through the various part types at the top disappears as well.

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  kiwiak said:
It seems that new editor part filter will allow filtering by manufacturer.. pretty much same thing this mod does.

Yea not only that, custom filtering by modules and the like as well, so quite the big feature intersection.

I do wonder whether the PartCatalog was inspiration behind that and if it indeed was whether they'd ever acknowledge that.

One way or another, lets see what the new version brings, but I guess that means PartCatalog is EoL then.

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  Woopert said:
BlackNecro, would you be able to make a plugin that allows page scrolling? Besides the cataloging of parts by mod/manufacturer, I love being able to scroll part pages. Makes everything a lot quicker. :)

Was just about to request the same thing

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  Woopert said:
BlackNecro, would you be able to make a plugin that allows page scrolling? Besides the cataloging of parts by mod/manufacturer, I love being able to scroll part pages. Makes everything a lot quicker. :)

Gonna add my request also :P. I had no idea how useful scrolling pages by mouse wheel was until I tried .90 without this feature. I really can't deal with it.

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It seems to me, that there are a number of things that this mod did better than the new stock mechanics

- a better GUI for categorizing parts

- more levels of sorting (0.90 only adds custom categories and subcategories, and there are times I would like sub-subs :P)

- gives you the option of sorting parts you've yet to research

- the ability to change the relative position of tabs (I can't believe this isn't stock, but I can't find a way to do it without deleting and recreating the higher one)

- better/more icons (though I think these is trivial to add to your stock game now anyway)

Edit: - also selecting a category should show all parts from all subcategories held within, rather than from the first subcategory

- others have been saying scrolling, (I don't care because I always keep my tabs below one page long)

Something else I would love to see is the ability to remove the default categories from the screen entirely, as I end up sorting every single part again anyway. I understand why that wasn't possible in this mod before, but I don't know how 0.90 has changed things in this regard.

Edited by Cultist_O
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