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[0.22] Extraplanetary Launchpads Legacy Thread


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  ronny said:
If anyone wondered, you can't put a launchpad in orbit and build a space station. The objects you spawn start at zero ms and the launch pad tend to disappear from orbital view. Kind of sad about that, but I guess mining the mun and launching from it will suffice.

OrbitalConstruction is going to provide that functionality.

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This popped into my head this morning while sitting on my "thinking chair" In regards to mining "ore" I know right now its set to be everywhere, and imo it should be, lets assume the kerbals are using advanced nanotech (able to extract useable metals out of all soil), very unkerbal like but it happens, they can just transform matter into matter. My thought was after glancing at the kethane posts and such I saw something about "planet seed". Is there a way to set the "density" of the ore differently for different planets? Density isnt the right word but let me extrapolate, say if Im on kerbal, I can extract ore at a rate of Z per minute. Now say I fly to the dusty lifeless world of Duna, all of a sudden im extracting at 2x Z, dres or moho IMMA GONNA MAKE ALL THE THINGS! This would encourage setting up ship manufacturing on different mineral rich orbital bodies, making some planets more attractive for mineral mining.

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  Temeriki said:
This popped into my head this morning while sitting on my "thinking chair" In regards to mining "ore" I know right now its set to be everywhere, and imo it should be, lets assume the kerbals are using advanced nanotech (able to extract useable metals out of all soil), very unkerbal like but it happens, they can just transform matter into matter. My thought was after glancing at the kethane posts and such I saw something about "planet seed". Is there a way to set the "density" of the ore differently for different planets? Density isnt the right word but let me extrapolate, say if Im on kerbal, I can extract ore at a rate of Z per minute. Now say I fly to the dusty lifeless world of Duna, all of a sudden im extracting at 2x Z, dres or moho IMMA GONNA MAKE ALL THE THINGS! This would encourage setting up ship manufacturing on different mineral rich orbital bodies, making some planets more attractive for mineral mining.

That is indeed the plan. Ore distribution anyway. As a matter of fact, that is how it is set up in my dev version. Here are how some of the planets will look:

  • Gilly is mostly carbon; not very many ore deposits.
  • Minmus has a lot of variation, so there are more deposits than the Mun but smaller.
  • Duna is very high in iron ore. The deposits are large, plentiful and rich.
  • Dres has regolith which contains iron. Not as much as Duna, but more than Kerbin or the Mun.
  • Jool has no accessible ore (it would sink to the bottom of a gas planet).
  • Laythe is rich in ore. I don't have any information about Laythe's coposition from the wiki, but Laythe bases are awesome.
  • Tylo is covered in a rhyolite layer of rock, nickel, a little cobalt, and some sort of ice and dust. Not as much ore here as on the Mun.
  • Bop is covered in iron oxide. Very rich.
  • Pol is covered in phosphoric or sulfuric compounds. Not a lot of deposits, and the ones that exist aren't very rich.
  • Eeloo is icy. Not a lot here; only a few deposits.

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  skykooler said:


*Laythe is rich in ore. I don't have any information about Laythe's coposition from the wiki, but Laythe bases are awesome.


Actually, it stands that, According to Nova , Laythe is (going to be) volcanic.

EDIT:Forgot to write something: with volcanic activity there's often iron involved :)

Edited by Lurven
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  Lurven said:
Actually, it stands that, According to Nova , Laythe is (going to be) volcanic.

Oh, I forgot about that. I would assume that, based on the Laythian islands' similarity to the Hawaiian Islands, they are mainly composed of basaltic lava. Basaltic lava is high in iron and magnesium, and as such would justify the large quantity of ore on Laythe.

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hi folks,

excuse my grammar and accent, i am from germany. i hope you still got no trouble to decypher my questions :D

i am messing around with the latest release incl kethane 0.6:

i used Impossible Innovations Lander as base and mounted the launchpad ontop.

startsequence goes well until at exactly 6000km orbit.. the launchpad seperates from the Thrusters... you see just 2 bungee ropes (struts) in the space..

i continue until i orbit at 110km. (no plane visible.. everything by "feeling and instruments".

Quicksave, Quickload.. voilá my ship is back with the launchpad...

so i use the hoffmann interception course to Mun... everything fine.. acceleration, brakes, everything.

entry - orbit of mun.

i try to "circulate.. intercept, adjust velocitys...."-- whatever i do, the ship seperates again from the launchpad...

i just see the struts in space...

fresh reinstall (the third since i had to mess around with KW Rocketry..

again, vanilla install, kethane pack 0.6, impossible inoovations, EL.

i just build a basic rocket and attach the launchpad.. switch to "launch/ramp"... i am in space..

i see a clear lineup of mun, sun, kerbin.. thats it..

i jumped back (esc space center and back to SPB) and my simple constructed rocket with launchpad is inside the construction hall... BUT:


complete bugged need to restart KSP.

any ideas? well known bug?

not compatible plugins?

thank you in advance


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Still working on getting a Munar base set up before I over-engineer myself to a Moho base. Might I recommend that future versions include empty storage tanks as well as full tanks? I know the goal is probably to seed a base with a few of the smaller containers so that you can just build one of the larger ones on-site, but I'd like to be able to just deliver storage. It's easy enough to just make LargeEmpty.cfg etc for the three types, and I've done so for my own usage, but it'd be nice if that was included by default.

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  Hremsfeld said:
Still working on getting a Munar base set up before I over-engineer myself to a Moho base. Might I recommend that future versions include empty storage tanks as well as full tanks? I know the goal is probably to seed a base with a few of the smaller containers so that you can just build one of the larger ones on-site, but I'd like to be able to just deliver storage. It's easy enough to just make LargeEmpty.cfg etc for the three types, and I've done so for my own usage, but it'd be nice if that was included by default.

The official release will only include empty tanks; evilC's dev build has full ones for easy debugging.

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  k0s said:
hi folks,


complete bugged need to restart KSP.

thank you in advance


I just had the same problem. I went back and manually deleted the old Kethane (it is installed completely different in .6 than any other. Open the zip file for any kethane mods you have and go and manually delete them and it should work. At least it did for me

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Debug mode no longer works? :(

  ronny said:
If anyone wondered, you can't put a launchpad in orbit and build a space station. The objects you spawn start at zero ms and the launch pad tend to disappear from orbital view. Kind of sad about that, but I guess mining the mun and launching from it will suffice.

Might be possible to copy the velocity from the launch vessel to the newly created vessel, but I don't know what magic they are using to make this work.

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Anyone else having issues with the runway part constantly shaking itself to pieces as soon as you try to open it? Also it's not really shaped in a way that makes it easy to attatch any necessary parts to it for use.

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  Yargnit said:
Anyone else having issues with the runway part constantly shaking itself to pieces as soon as you try to open it? Also it's not really shaped in a way that makes it easy to attach any necessary parts to it for use.

Yes it did for me, even on the flat area at Minmus. Think you has to use KAS to attach anything to it.

I wanted it for rovers as its hard to launch rovers from the mobile launchpad.

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  skykooler said:
The official release will only include empty tanks; evilC's dev build has full ones for easy debugging.

Alright, awesome, thanks. Speaking of debugging:

  Yargnit said:
Anyone else having issues with the runway part constantly shaking itself to pieces as soon as you try to open it? Also it's not really shaped in a way that makes it easy to attatch any necessary parts to it for use.

I haven't tried the runway yet, but I'm definitely noticing something when I try to fill my tanks up: They turn into jumping beans and tear my craft apart. I don't just mean everything dips into the ground, it shakes itself apart and explodes. The creator of the Orion drive mod had a similar problem with his magazines: KSP's engine doesn't like dense objects. They made a script that took all the mass from the magazines and put it into the (large) central engine. The only things I can immediately think of that could work similarly would be to 1) take the mass from the various storage units and put it in the launchpad/runway, 2) increase the physical size of the storage tanks, or 3) decrease the capacity of the storage tanks.

On another note: It seems some designs arbitrarily can't be loaded. I tried to make a smaller and better-reinforced storage truck, but for some reason nothing happens. The "select a vessel to load" menu goes away, but the Select Craft menu doesn't go to the select-resources panel. I'll do some more digging and see if I can find out why. Some ships DO work, but some don't.

Edit: Found it! Probably to prevent recursion, any vessel with an EPL part on it can not be selected, even if the parts are empty. I took the new storage vehicle I was going to use, saved it as a different name, and attempted to build it again as-is. No dice. I took off the ore, metal, and rocket part containers and it worked like a charm. This is understandably annoying, if someone wants to save themselves the trouble of shipping containers and just build them on-site.

Edited by Hremsfeld
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  Hremsfeld said:
Alright, awesome, thanks. Speaking of debugging:

I haven't tried the runway yet, but I'm definitely noticing something when I try to fill my tanks up: They turn into jumping beans and tear my craft apart. I don't just mean everything dips into the ground, it shakes itself apart and explodes. The creator of the Orion drive mod had a similar problem with his magazines: KSP's engine doesn't like dense objects. They made a script that took all the mass from the magazines and put it into the (large) central engine. The only things I can immediately think of that could work similarly would be to 1) take the mass from the various storage units and put it in the launchpad/runway, 2) increase the physical size of the storage tanks, or 3) decrease the capacity of the storage tanks.

On another note: It seems some designs arbitrarily can't be loaded. I tried to make a smaller and better-reinforced storage truck, but for some reason nothing happens. The "select a vessel to load" menu goes away, but the Select Craft menu doesn't go to the select-resources panel. I'll do some more digging and see if I can find out why. Some ships DO work, but some don't.

Edit: Found it! Probably to prevent recursion, any vessel with an EPL part on it can not be selected, even if the parts are empty. I took the new storage vehicle I was going to use, saved it as a different name, and attempted to build it again as-is. No dice. I took off the ore, metal, and rocket part containers and it worked like a charm. This is understandably annoying, if someone wants to save themselves the trouble of shipping containers and just build them on-site.

I've run into the dense objects problem (which is why I limited the capacity to 200 tons). My best suggestion is to send things empty and only fill with the minimum of resources needed to build. Also, I don't remember including any no-recursion code, perhaps evilC did? I'll check.

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  skykooler said:
Oh, I forgot about that. I would assume that, based on the Laythian islands' similarity to the Hawaiian Islands, they are mainly composed of basaltic lava. Basaltic lava is high in iron and magnesium, and as such would justify the large quantity of ore on Laythe.

Maybe the oceans are going to be made into lava HOT LAVA!

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  Kerb O said:
can't launch launchpads from the launchpad. As in' date=' from Mun, I can't load a ship from the EPL that has its own EPL attached. Can we?[/quote']

Huh. Even though I couldn't build any Ore/Metal/Rocket Part storage tanks on-site, I built a second launchpad with the first. Sounds like a pretty similar problem, though.

I did a work-around in the form of building a roughly-equivalent-massed object, ending its flight, putting the vehicle I "couldn't" build on the launchpad, and persistence editing it to a few km away from the base. Very gamey, yeah, but it got the job done.

Also, it should be noted that, if you want to store large quantities of Ore/Metal/Rocket Parts, quantum strutting it to hell and back seemed to work. 600 tons worth of parts insta-pops the XL3 wheels on the Mun, if anyone was wondering.

Edited by Hremsfeld
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  skykooler said:
I've run into the dense objects problem (which is why I limited the capacity to 200 tons). My best suggestion is to send things empty and only fill with the minimum of resources needed to build. Also, I don't remember including any no-recursion code, perhaps evilC did? I'll check.

Yes remember all the problem with the heavy spare part modules in Orbital construction.

One solution might be to make the modules larger. It should make it easier to strut them or even use as base.

On the other hand its mostly the other parts who are weak, using an orion (atom bomb rocket) I was able to launch 6 of then to Minmus, its over 1200 ton, I almost managed to land to :)

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I'm running into an issue with the launchpad as well, with the most basic of things. I can't launch a rover without all the physics going wacky, half of the time leading to a complete implosion of everything around. It's happened twice to me now on completely different bases (tried mun and minimus) - somewhat disheartening. The launchpad model is actually moving on me as well (so it's no longer a cross, but more like a T). I'm looking at the part file and wondering what happens if I put the Open/close GUI module on something as simple as a 8x8m panel.

As for OC, I actually never had any issues (albeit I had only used the latest version just before it disappeared) - and kind of wish we had a similar 'spawn' functionality as it worked in orbit and on worlds. I don't want to have to put clamps and mini boosters on rovers just to get them off the pad without exploding :(

The GUI is working great though and it has a ton of potential. I love that you can bring in partially filled tanks! If anyone knows of a way to simplify the launch part/model so that it works without issues, let me know - no matter how it looks. Going to try the module on a simple panel and see how it goes. Maybe a scaled up flat command pod since it seems to need one to operate anyways.

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