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[0.22] Extraplanetary Launchpads Legacy Thread


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anyone know if the sphericals or the hooligan's pads will wotk with this mod? I usually use a modded spherical, since it's small n cute and looks better than trying to fly up the Chrystler building

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Why would you want to completely circumvent the purpose of the game? On top of that why would you hate the kethane plugin? Majiir and everybody involved put a lot of work into and it's one of the few plugins (including EPL) that actually add some engaging purpose to landing on other planets other than roleplay. If you just want to circumvent all that and say how you hate that play style, I don't think you deserve any help, or even a voice. Of course it's Skykooler's prerogative to help you or not, and he's a nice guy.

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Anybody else getting NullRef errors from their launchpads? I've noticed it happen while timewarping, this goes away if you toggle timewarp again. Both the launchpads I've got to the Mun have thrown errors shortly after landing, causing low framerates and all built ships to spawn in contact with the munar surface, intersecting the pad and exploding. Could it be an incompatibility with the Lazor mod? Have I installed wrong? The pads appear to work fine for a while, but after they've been around a while (or maybe experienced a timewarp?) they break and do this.

Edit: This happens with both the Hooligan Labs pad and the one included in this pack, I am using the 0.21 compatible DLL.

Edited by G Addict
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Why would you want to completely circumvent the purpose of the game? On top of that why would you hate the kethane plugin? Majiir and everybody involved put a lot of work into and it's one of the few plugins (including EPL) that actually add some engaging purpose to landing on other planets other than roleplay. If you just want to circumvent all that and say how you hate that play style, I don't think you deserve any help, or even a voice. Of course it's Skykooler's prerogative to help you or not, and he's a nice guy.

So because someone put a lot of time and effort into a mod everyone else has to like it or not get any help? Seems a little... not right. Ever consider that maybe Kethane doesn't work properly for him? I know it doesn't always work for me which is why I dislike it as well.

Skycooler awesome mod, works like a charm, will solve my cursed moon problem hopefully...

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Maybe there should be a special part you can put on the ships that effectively docks it to the lauchpad?

This would mean that the ship must be undocked before it can be used, but should also make the whole thing much more stable..

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That's something I've been considering (would save the whole issue of figuring out how to setup an orbit), but then I'd have to figure out how to attach one ship to another, especially when the built ship might not have any docking ports.

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I think I know how to do it without requiring a port on the ship (and there's a problem with requiring one: needs to be relatively clear). I should be able to attach the dock's port to pretty much anywhere on the ship using a technique similar to what the VAB uses (in case you haven't noticed, docking ports put together in the VAB are not docked, they're attached just like any other part, but ports are magical in that you can decouple them).

Anyway, I'm still thinking about how I want to do it while I iron out a few last obvious issues in the code. Hopefully I can get these fixes in before skykooler releases.

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