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Naval Battle League 2016-2018

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1 hour ago, Iago said:

Welcome to the forums, and the battle club, Dillon

May your missiles purge your enemies and your engines outshine the sun

Thanks for your welcome!

I managed to get some images of my ground craft, 3 of which are practical and probably 0 of which are that good.


I have no idea how to embed so I will just link this and hope that works.


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1 minute ago, Frozen_Heart said:

Ok turn taken.


I took my last fighter to the Argentum and fired everything. I think I heavily damaged it but it still has an engine and a pod so it might still be usable.




I'll make my move later tonight. The Core 3 Nanos should get some use at least.

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9 minutes ago, Frozen_Heart said:

I don't have any armed ships left so pretty sure that is a win for you..... Unless you fancy mopping up the unarmed stragglers :wink:

Yeah, I don't have any crewed ships to save survivors. Why didn't you pick up any weapons from the dead Co-113s?

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3 hours ago, Frozen_Heart said:

If you fancy. :) I don't really use tactics, just fly to first ship I see and shoot it...

So basically, target the biggest ship you think your ship will work against. If you had first turn, that may have changed the fight because my Boas would be dead, your fighters would be out or almost out, and you would have 1 Co-113 left(or 2 if I whiffed my shot). Best case, you have 3 armed ships and I have 4 armed ships. Then it would be your move, and that would put you in the best place possible without me whiffing horribly. 


-You get first move, and kill 1 Boa with a fighter.

-I move and kill a Co-113 with a Boa.

-You take out 1 more Nano, and have 1 Hastati left.

-I finally get the last Hastati with a Nano.

That would end with 2 armed Nanos for me, as opposed to my current 4 working Nanos.

Pretty much, don't target unarmed ships unless you know that the opponent can reload.

Now on your ships. I like them for non-combat ships, instead being exploration ships. Maybe just apply a bit more armor to detect small arms, and cut fuel capacity per planet to cut weight down. Weapons wise, the fighter mounted missiles were fine. I didn't see the SRBs.

Edited by Alphasus
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So hows everyone doing?

Now that im back from vaca i can actually build stuff, or well continue with my unreachable goal of making something nearly invincible (minus excessively powerful weapons) while keeping the hull under 150 parts, and having at least 10t of weapons, 3000 dV, and be under 60t (and with good TWR).

At least it seems that the new 1.2 update being worked on has optimizing, finally the bloody devs realized that adding tons of flashy parts is meaningless when the game cant even load 4000 of them at once without lagging...

Also im quite close to finishing my minmus base, its already 10000 parts sofar (at most 2000 loaded in one area...)

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19 minutes ago, Alphasus said:

Do you have a tonnage in mind?

3 ships, 150 tons, +-10% weight change?

I was hoping to try battling at Gilly/high eve orbit as well. It'd be entertaining, since orbits would be so close together, and ships that got pinged onto the surface might still survive. 

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3 minutes ago, quasarrgames said:

3 ships, 150 tons, +-10% weight change?

I was hoping to try battling at Gilly/high eve orbit as well. It'd be entertaining, since orbits would be so close together, and ships that got pinged onto the surface might still survive. 

Gilly seems fine with me. Eve has such high gravity though, that my 2.5 km/s ships have about 4 maneuvers in them.

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Well just made a new ship which is far fromn perfect but better then the older 1st gen...

The SK-CRV-IIIg2 is basically 100% combat vessel, with a bit of a new look (even AKS warships have to eventually change...).  That and the best part about it is that in the very likely event of core failure what is left can usually do something (the ship is made of 3 segments each of which has its own propulsion, droid brain, and weapons.  Yeah, armor is moot these days (impossible to defend against ibeams without exceeding 500 part hull, impossible to defend against phasing torps while exceeding 500 parts :D), but at least we can make ships that have enough redundancy to be virtually unkillable even if the entire ship is split apart...


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Sorry for the delay. Here is the persistence file:


Three ships, the Quaesitor heavy fighter (32 tons), and the Arcus and Sagitariis Cruisers (66.25 tons each) putting my fleet just under the mass limit.



Enjoy. You get the first move.

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I have been working on some ships lately. I built a destroyer, and then used it as the base for a frigate, which then became the base for a corvette. I did this because I'm too lazy to build entirely new ships. They have some weapon and armour, but I have no idea how good it is. My ships have a strange combination of angular shapes, and two of them have secondary engines. Kind of.


This is the DTI Celsius class Destroyer mkI v1. It weighs 90 tons and has I-beams, guided missiles and SRBs. It has two sets of engines (four total) and is almost 90t.

In case you're wondering, no, I did not fly it to Duna, I used HyperEdit because I wanted the background to be more interesting than Kerbin.


This vessel here is the DTI Kelvin class Frigate mkI v1. Notice the naming theme yet? Anyway, the craft mostly uses I-beams, but also has an anti-ship guided rocket in the barrel. It comes out at around 60t.


Finally, the DTI Fahreneit class Corvette. A small 40t warship, it has four I-beams and a pair of guided missiles. It only has one engine to keep the weight down.

DTI ships so far are named after units of measurement or scales of measurement. These three are named after scales of heat measurement in no particular order. The mk means the mark of the ship, with redesigns leading to an increase in that number. The v (short for version) value is for minor changes. Some ships may also have variants will be marked with letters (A, B, etc) placed between the mark and version, and each variant will have versions marked separately.

A few other images can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/8hRNh

Edited by Dillonator407
Spelling error correction
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8 hours ago, quasarrgames said:

Also, @panzer1b, your weapons and aiming are some of the most accurate i've seen. Do you have any tips on how to make weapons and aiming more accurate?

I achieve accuracy with my own weapons by using a few methods.

For unguided crap its almost always a very good knowledge of my warship weapon hardpoints and then compensating for their offset from the cockpit.  Most ships that use my SRM-6 cannon have that as a centralized weapon that is directly infront of the cockpit, then it just becomes a matter of aiming at the exact center of your screen (not that hard as i used to no-scope alot with sniper rifles when i was a kid) and in the case of decentralized launch hardpoints compensating with a minor tap with w, s, a or d depending on where the launcher is located (i never place a launcher that has both x+y offset from the cockpit im using to aim the ship from as its hard to compensate for 2 directions at once).

As for guided stuff, there are many methods, the main one being raw practice (on average i test fire at least 10 times PER ITERATION when im developing a vessel, and most of my really good ones i iterate at least 20 times on (and that doesnt count my final testing which can be up to 100 shots from various weapons).  The second one is mainly keeping the reaction wheel amount proportional to the missile's mass to avoid that jitter bug when you use aim at target com autopilot mode.  The easiest way to hit something with a guided weapon is to maneuver into a desired angle, lock camera to behind the missile and then lock it onto the target's com, and burn to target making minor corrections to keep the target dead center.  Its also easiest for me to use the naviball initially (until within 1km) to try and set the trajectory as close to the target, then i hit F2 to kill the hud and do minor corrections by tapping w, s, a, or d if i notice and drift from center (disabling the hud makes it so much easier to target stuff btw as no ammoying and stupid text all over the ship and i can also aim at something other then center of mass if i want to).  The advantage of my weapons style is that i can actually get precision hits using missiles that say have no gimbal at all and only use the probe's reaction wheels (its enough for minor corrections and a last second side burn if needed).  Ofc the downside of this is that if you mess up the trajectory too badly (or the enemy has very good TRW and is actively trying to dodge you will have a very hard time and are likely to miss.  For real time MP ive always used high reaction wheel missiles and no autopilot mode as its easier to track fast movers, but against the mainstream ships on here my weapons are fine as is since nukes (even if you spam em) dont give you enough TWR to actively dodge my weapons (that and there is no real time MP yet).

If you dont want to read the wall of text just try to keep the number of reaction wheels down so that you can use the "aim at target" autopilot mode without jitter, and try to keep the yellow circle atop the purple circle (you can actually hit stuff that way quite easily although i prefer to use manual view from behind the missile by killing hud).

Also, consider building with a cockpit that lets you look directly forward somewhere on the ship so you can use unguided weapons without autoaim feature (lets you target specific components even on a spinning vessel with practice).



Also, im almost done developing the 2nd generation AKS class-III corvette...


Bloody hard to kill the thing with both ibeam weapons and various general purpose torps (ofc 10t+ weapons still destroy the thing outright), and the best part is that while it tends to get split in half a little more often then id like it to, both halves usually retain control, mobility, and weapons.  You just turn one warship into 2 smaller ones.  That and the new claw layout (it sucks having to abandon a very iconic layout that every AKS warship before had, but combat comes before looks) makes it easy to reattach the 2 parts if you dont want to have multiple vessels after taking a nasty hit.  Now all i need to do is decentralize the RCS system so that each portion retains RCS capability after being shot apart and ill have the ultimate warship!  Yeah it still sucks in firepower and armor compared to teh best, but its like 1/3 the part count of the competition...


And the final version (with additional side-skirts for minor improvement to protection and well most of all looks):


Couldnt get the RCS the way i wanted to (armor broke?!?), but the ship is in a state im quite happy with.  Few more tests and ill upload this thing...

Edited by panzer1b
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