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Planets and ScaledSpace.

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-activates mid reader on myself-

Sorry about that, part of my brain exploded and my jaw is missing D:

i have to this, u got more star systems o.o and more planets, working!

Hope this comes out soon

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  OopsThatNotWork said:
Question: Can you post a picture with the current map of the universe?

Yes. Please do.

Also, what are the limits of your creation abilities? Can you place atmospheres? Oceans? Terrain scatters? Easter eggs? Planets rotating on a different axis? Oddly shaped Rocheworlds (god I would love to have one)? Or even some kind of psudo-barycenter for more realistic binaries?

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Im curious if these planets will be compatible with Kethane and any off-shoots it. Im guessin so since MJ can land on them you could probly just add them to the resource seed.

Really cant wait to see this released, its gonna get crasy!

Edited by KhaosCorp
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  KhaosCorp said:
Im curious if these planets will be compatible with Kethane and any off-shoots it. Im guessin so since MJ can land on them you could probly just ass them to the resource seed.

Really cant wait to see this released, its gonna get crasy!

you are victim of autocorrect.

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Ah, such happy Kerbals. Now that the unpleasant talk of jaws has subsided I can address a few questions.

Release date. Yes! Yes Indeed! You will be very happy to know that we know the exact time your new planets will arrive down to the very millisecond.

And I assure you we here at Kragrathea NEVER miss a date. The hyperspace time/date is exactly You will be issued a hyperspace tracking number the

moment we process your species payment.

Map of the universe. Well, no. I am afraid the universe is somewhat beyond your compression. And it would be too big a file, more than a few stars out there you know.

That said I might be able to bash together a local map, time permitting of course.

Making your own planets? Oh, heavens no. You would blow yourselves to bits in no time. And why bother yourself? Leave the heavy lifting to Kragrathea.

Mushroomman, too many questions my friend. I don't have the memory I did when I was your age. Here are answers to the ones I remember.Yes, probably, definitely not (I am offended you asked) and "What?".

Duna close to kerbin? Ah I see how you could be confused. That isn't Kerbin nor is it Duna. Those are full scale cardboard stand-ins of your planets. We use them on our Fabulous

Kragrathea Factory Floor when we are assembling planets. It is essential to consider the view of the other planets in the clients system when designing a planet. How else are we to get that perfect shade of atmosphere that compliments colors of the gas giant the planet will eventually orbit? When those shots were taken we were considering a blue planet/ruddy atmosphere pallet. Magnificent, isnt it?

I assure you no detail is too small here at Kragrathea.

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  stupid_chris said:
This is the best thing that has happened to KSP since solid rocket boosters.

This is like solid boosters with money and strippers and top shelf scotch inside!

On a serious note I would like to place an order for 1 star, 3 planets, 5 moons =)

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I am sorry Kerbals. My cartography department tells me that a map is unworkable. Something about scale. I dont pay much attention when they get on...

But I did get this from R&D. Its a brief tour of a proposed system arrangement. All planets and orbits subject to change of course. In particular Ares is currently in a temporary parking orbit (I occasionally take my work home) and has yet to be terraformed.

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Yea I am/was really psyched about this but unless the planets/moons have their own textures Im gonna be quite bummed. I dont need/want to see another Minimus, Eeloo or Duna, resized and renamed. I would like to know how this is done so we can make our own mods, glad you did this and willing to wait for new textures. But at the rate I think you are going to get requests, I think we would all be better off being able to make our own (as far as time is concerned), besides someone might come up with something cool you might not think of.

Edited by OopsThatNotWork
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