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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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Well, what is it? Is it traverse-able on the inside? is it pressurized? is it full of mech? What is it intended to rotate? Is is supposed to be made of space aged Kerbal Composites or metal scrap? That would be a good starting point. Ideally though I'd say look at similar parts from other packs and see what their mass is. I honestly don't even know what the vanilla mass units are. They aren't labeled. Is it supposed to be tons or Kg?

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Got a strange bug happening now mate, not sure where it came from, I upgraded to 0.16.5a and I'm now getting double ups of each part. So even if I add one rotatron, I get 2 in the servo group window.. fresh install, no other mods etc.. just never had it do this to me before. It's not game breaking as they are a double up in the group window only, it's not creating 2 parts, just two identical controls for it - just makes it messy for craft with say 10 IR parts, as that makes 20 controls for me, then if you add some more, say 20 IR parts that 40 controls.. and onward..


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just tried to repro here under my install (modded) with 16.5a and I'm not seeing this issue. Devo are you just selecting them straight from the part menu? I saw this when I added sub-assemblies, but sirkut fixed that

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just tried to repro here under my install (modded) with 16.5a and I'm not seeing this issue. Devo are you just selecting them straight from the part menu? I saw this when I added sub-assemblies, but sirkut fixed that

Yeah, directly from the item list, not sub assemblies... very weird. I swear it wasnt happening last night and I was on the same 0.16.5a, maybe my KSP is just corrupted.. ill do another fresh install

ive noticed all sorts of crap after they added the nasa mission stuff, including the increased load times :(

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Must have been the old version... updating gutted the vessels I had up... though I swear I had the latest version. I'll try to reproduce.

Er... I think it might have been the IR Rework parts, instead of IR proper.

I'll see if I can get it to reproduce. I hope I can, cause if not, I gutted my sandbox game for nothing.

Looks like I'm getting an anomalous force when the arms are fully extended, which results in a positive feedback cycle resulting in an out of control condition and rapid unplanned disassembly (with parts getting stellar escape velocities).

Vessel Pic (kicking it to orbit with Hyperedit).


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I think the problem comes from the magnet: because the part isn't docked but merely attracted by magnetism, it's inducing a "faux force" where that it will pull the shuttle around (i have the same issue).

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that's really cool.

so is the rotating station hub, sirkut. is the central core configured for connected living space?

I suppose I could add a line to the cfg file for it but I really don't use it CLS. I will try to release it tonight. I have another version that needs to be textured and will release that next.

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Hi sirkut, I've just updated to 16.5 (I was a bit slow on the uptake!) and I really like the changes that you've made. The scalable parts feature is really nice. Thanks for your hard work!

That rotating hub looks really cool. I've made rotating mid sections of stations before using a powered rotatron and a free moving washer and they've worked but there has always been an odd result/limitation (and this is going back to Dammed Robotics days). If you put command pods on the rotating section, the IVA view does not move with the rotating section. The view stays still, but you can see parts from the rotating section clipping through the view. If you use a static camera on the rotating section then it's view moves as the section rotates, but IVA view seems to be relative to the ship, not the movement of its' part.

Is there anything that you can do to fix this? Or is it a limitation of the game?

I've been having a bug with docking and robotics parts and its produced two interesting results (sorry if you already know this).

I've been working on a unmanned construction rover, so it's a fairly standard docking-port-on-hinged-arm-on-wheels type craft. The only thing is I was building it as a subassembly so its' probe core is not the root part of the craft file.

The rover could pick up small things and things that didn't have a command pod, but when picking up something over a certain weight or any weight but with a command pod then the arm (all robotics parts) would stop working. They stop moving, or move extremely slowly with very limited range. When the docking goes well the camera just pans to the side to account for the change in mass, when it goes badly and the arms break, the camera re positions to be zoomed out just like if you'd quickloaded.

If I increased the mass of the rover, then it could pick up heavier objects without the arm locking up. It's almost a "that not a bug, that's a feature", the rover has to have a mass >= to what it's trying to pick up otherwise it's hydraulics get shot, which is kinda realistic, just would be nice to have a way to fix it!

But still anything that had a command pod could not be picked up. As I was building it as a submassembly, the root part was not part of the rover, the rover has its own probe core and it decouples from the root part. With that setup, if it was picking up something that contained a command pod then the arms would break. BUT if I changed it so the root part was part of the rover, then it doesn't matter if the thing it is trying to pick up has a command pod.

So basically your 'rover with a docking port on hydraulic arms' has to a) have a mass >= what it's trying to pick up and B) contain the root part if it is going to pick up a command pod (if its just picking up debris and things with probe cores, then it doesn't matter).

On a different subject, do you ever plan to add rotation limits to the free moving washers? I'd find that very useful.

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Hi again,

the new update is really good. Of course I had to replace the old version's parts with the new ones on my crafts. And it turned out the new version is better for huge crafts, like my Jaeger. The hinges and rotratrons seem to have stornger joints, so the attached part is much stiffer. Is it possible to make it even stonger, so that the connection is 100% fixed. In the gif you can see the hinges are not entirely stable, they wobble alot after the movement stops (hyperextending knees) and the joints are not fully stable. Also if the parts would have more power to move, lift, rotate things it would be awesome. I hope you understand what I try to describe and maybe you can help me with this.

Here the gif.

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Vibration pauses, resumes from where it paused as soon as time warp is returned to 1x.

Physical time warp, the vibration and amplification is still present, but presents differently (begins pitch spin much quicker, with much less oscillation of the arms).

It may have something to do with the small "strut-truss" sections I have connecting the spreader arms to the main trunk arms. Taking those out and seeing if the problem still presents.

Taking the spreader arms off does cause the problem to present differently. The phantom force is still present, but doesn't amplify as easily.

The arms cause the vessel to tremble slightly... rather than enter the complete out of control condition shown earlier.

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Vibration pauses, resumes from where it paused as soon as time warp is returned to 1x.

Physical time warp, the vibration and amplification is still present, but presents differently (begins pitch spin much quicker, with much less oscillation of the arms).

It may have something to do with the small "strut-truss" sections I have connecting the spreader arms to the main trunk arms. Taking those out and seeing if the problem still presents.

Taking the spreader arms off does cause the problem to present differently. The phantom force is still present, but doesn't amplify as easily.

The arms cause the vessel to tremble slightly... rather than enter the complete out of control condition shown earlier.

Note that I have yet to update the parts to the recent mass scaling of 0.16.5, so that could be the cause. I don't have time at the moment to push out a new version.

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hi, fairly new to the game, I got version 15b and I got IR Model Rework - Robotic + IR Model Rework - Structural , does this include all + more??

also I`m doing a Daedalus spaceship [custom 3dmax] not that great with animation, I might use this mod for the landing gear, if I make it bigger will it work,???

great mod by the way, one of the best

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hi, fairly new to the game, I got version 15b and I got IR Model Rework - Robotic + IR Model Rework - Structural , does this include all + more??

also I`m doing a Daedalus spaceship [custom 3dmax] not that great with animation, I might use this mod for the landing gear, if I make it bigger will it work,???

great mod by the way, one of the best

Why are you using 15b? what do you mean by include all + more?

You could try making landing gear but I can't guarantee that the mass will be nice to the joints used.

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I though there was no more update. as I saw someone was adding stuff to it, anyway great to know its updated. I read a bit more, so nvm, I will add this and add ir rework on top of it, or does it make a difference what installs first?

or, yes for landing gear, one of the missing items in ksp, not enough of them, and mine will have to be very big, weight is no prob, I can play with it in the cfg .

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I though there was no more update. as I saw someone was adding stuff to it, anyway great to know its updated. I read a bit more, so nvm, I will add this and add ir rework on top of it, or does it make a difference what installs first?

It shouldn't make a difference but do IR first before the Rework just to be safe.

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Couldn't find any definitive word to this when I searched the thread, but I might have missed it... any possibility of a resizeable servo grouping window? Or, at least, could it automatically scale its width so we don't have to scroll sideways to see the buttons?

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Couldn't find any definitive word to this when I searched the thread, but I might have missed it... any possibility of a resizeable servo grouping window? Or, at least, could it automatically scale its width so we don't have to scroll sideways to see the buttons?

I already brought that up with Sirkut and he told me that it is not possible at the moment to make resizable servo windows. However I didn't ask about it resizing itself.

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Note that I have yet to update the parts to the recent mass scaling of 0.16.5, so that could be the cause. I don't have time at the moment to push out a new version.

So noted. Troubleshooting on hold until update to Rework.

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Hey there,

I'm having two issues with v0.16.5a. Firstly, when I click on the IR toolbar icon in the VAB/SPH, the edit servo box does not appear. I can edit servos while out in the world, but I cannot do so from within the assembly buildings. Secondly, the blue "edit servos" icon does not appear in the toolbar even after checking it on, or even creating a separate toolbar. I have updated the toolbar to v1.7.3, and this is a fresh install of IR.

Thanks for the assistance.

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Hey there,

I'm having two issues with v0.16.5a. Firstly, when I click on the IR toolbar icon in the VAB/SPH, the edit servo box does not appear. I can edit servos while out in the world, but I cannot do so from within the assembly buildings. Secondly, the blue "edit servos" icon does not appear in the toolbar even after checking it on, or even creating a separate toolbar. I have updated the toolbar to v1.7.3, and this is a fresh install of IR.

Thanks for the assistance.

I need to see a log file. I _think_ the window is outside of view if you are playing the game at a low resolution (I need to create a base config). Try editing the numbers in the config.xml to something smaller and that window should appear.

Group editor button does nothing while in the VAB, that's purely during flight so enabling it to appear in the VAB/SPH means nothing. Good news is you don't have to restart to see a change in the window's position, just save the config, try clicking the IR button again.

try this for both editorWinPos


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