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[1.12] HyperEdit [v1.5.8, July 10, 2018] - Cheat, Teleporter, Orbit/Planet Editor, & More


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Good sir,
If it would not be too much trouble, could you please be so kind as to explain the precise meaning of the initial rotation parameter in the planet editor.  Is it still accurate?  I wonder what the initial rotation is relative to in the case of  both planets and moons, and relative to what longitudinal coordinates.
Thank You for your time,


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2 hours ago, mcirish3 said:

Good sir,
If it would not be too much trouble, could you please be so kind as to explain the precise meaning of the initial rotation parameter in the planet editor.  Is it still accurate?  I wonder what the initial rotation is relative to in the case of  both planets and moons, and relative to what longitudinal coordinates.
Thank You for your time,


I'm not sure what you mean by "accurate", but it certainly still works. As to what it is relative to, I'm not entirely too sure - the KSP documentation doesn't say much (actually... nothing at all), but I'm guessing it's relative to the rotation that it was modeled/created in. That, of course, doesn't make much physical sense in-game - so it's probably best to play with that parameter while actually looking at the planet, to make sure it's in the right orientation.

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I know it works, I actually am not wanting to edit anything, I am actually wanting to use the data that it puts out to save me the time and trouble of gathering the data experimentally in game.   The hardest piece of the problem I am trying to solve is getting an accurate greenwich line for the various planets.  In other words the exact orientation of the planet or moon relative to Sol at time 0.  It can be gathered experimentally but due to the low resolution of the planetary textures the accuracy is  is very poor.  For example on keribin experimental data is + or - 17 seconds(I actually know the exact orientation of Kerbin at T=0)  I would expect smaller planets and moons to be better but bigger ones would be worse.

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pick through this and you'll find what you need, namely the rotini value (output by KSPTOT):

; This is the file that holds information regarding the 
; solar system KSP TOT works with when performing analysis.
; You may edit this file to add, remove, or modify celestial bodies 
; in your KSP solar system.  Alternatively, with the KSPTOTConnect plugin
; installed into KSP and KSP running in the flight scene, start KSP TOT and use:
; "File" -> "Create New Bodies File from KSP"
; Each bodies.ini file required a body called "Sun" with all 
; zero orbital elements.
; Here is a breakdown of the various entries required by each body, 
; a description of the quantity, and their units:
; [NameOfBodyOneWord] = Name of this body, must match name field below
; epoch = Time at which the given mean anomaly applies, [sec]
; sma = Semi-major axis of the body's orbit, [km]
; ecc = Eccentricity of the body's orbit, [dimensionless]
; inc = Inclination of the body's orbit, [deg]
; raan = Right ascension of the ascending node of the body's orbit, [deg]
; arg = Argument of periapsis of the body's orbit, [deg]
; mean = Mean anomaly at the given epoch of the body's orbit, [deg]
; gm = Gravitational parameter of the body, mu, [km^3/s^2]
; radius = Radius of the body's sphere, [km]
; atmoHgt = Maximum height of the atmosphere above the surface, [km]
; atmoPressAlts = a comma separated string of altitudes that correspond to the pressures in atmoPressPresses, [km]
; atmoPressPresses = a comma separated string of pressures that correspond to the altitudes in atmoPressAlts, [kPa]
; atmoTempAlts = a comma separated string of altitudes that correspond to the temperatures in atmoTempTemps, [km]
; atmoTempTemps = a comma separated string of temperatures that correspond to the altitudes in atmoTempTemps, [K]
; atmoTempSunMultAlts = a comma separated string of altitudes that correspond to the sun mult factors in atmoTempSunMults, [km]
; atmoTempSunMults = a comma separated string of temperature sun multiplication factors corresponding to atmoTempSunMultAlts, [noUnit]
; latTempBiasLats = a comma separated string of latitudes (0-90 deg only) that correspond to the temperature latitude biases in latTempBiases, [deg]
; latTempBiases = a comma separated string of temperature latitude biases, [K]
; latTempSunMultLats = a comma separated string of latitudes (0-90 deg only) that correspond to the temperature latitude biases in latTempBiases, [deg]
; latTempSunMults = a comma separated string of temperature sun multiplication factors corresponding to latTempSunMultLats, [noUnit]
; rotperiod = Rotational period of the body, length of sidereal day [sec]
; rotini = Initial rotation about the body spin axis at given epoch [deg]
; bodycolor = string that provides the body's gradiant color scheme when 
;             rendering, see for valid  body colors (Color Map Names): 
;             https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/colormap.html#inputarg_map
; canBeCentral = set to 1 if this body has moons/planets orbiting it or 0 if not
; canBeArriveDepart = set to 1 if this body is orbiting another body and at least 
;                     one other body also orbits the same parent body, or 0 if not
; parent = name of the parent body as shown in that body's "name" field
; parentID = Id of the parent body as shown in that body's "id" field
; name = name of this body as displayed in the software, MUST match what's in the
;        brackets [] above
; id = Id number of this body, must be a non-negative integer unique to this 
;      solar system.  Once you use an ID number once in this file, you CAN NOT
;      re-use it again or the software will get confused.
; For questions, post at the KSP TOT thread on the KSP Forums:
;     forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36476

epoch = 0
sma = 0
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0 
arg = 0
mean = 0
gm = 1172332794.832490700
radius = 261600
atmoHgt = 600.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,5.00000000000,10.00000000000,10.75308984375,14.19400976562,350.00000000000,400.00000000000,590.00000000000,600.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 16.00000000000,8.30000019073,0.68000000715,0.30095401406,0.26131790876,0.10000000149,0.03999999911,0.00002000000,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,10.00000000000,50.00000000000,250.00000000000,500.00000000000,600.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 5840.00000000000,4465.00000000000,4000.00000000000,5800.00000000000,6000.00000000000,10000.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.000800000
rotperiod = 432000
rotini = 0
bodycolor = hot
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 0
parent = 
parentID = -1
name = Sun
id = 0

epoch = 0
sma = 5263138.304
ecc = 0.2
inc = 7.0
raan = 70 
arg = 15
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 168.609378655
radius = 250
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 1210000
rotini = 190
bodycolor = copper
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Moho
id = 4

epoch = 0
sma = 9832684.544
ecc = 0.01
inc = 2.1
raan = 15
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 8171.730229211
radius = 700
atmoHgt = 90.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,9.72352539062,20.00000000000,45.00000000000,80.00000000000,90.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 506.62500000000,113.49179840088,29.09679985046,0.81807577610,0.00551215094,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,15.00000000000,50.00000000000,60.00000000000,70.00000000000,90.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 420.00000000000,280.00000000000,180.00000000000,190.00000000000,160.00000000000,250.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,15.00000000000,50.00000000000,70.00000000000,90.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,1.50000000000,2.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.52359877560,0.95993108860,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000,-15.00000000000,-30.00000000000,-60.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 9.00000000000,11.00000000000,12.00000000000,8.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.043000001
rotperiod = 80500
rotini = 0
bodycolor = cool
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Eve
id = 5

epoch = 0
sma = 31500.000
ecc = 0.55
inc = 12
raan = 80
arg = 10
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 0.008289450
radius = 13
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 28255
rotini = 5
bodycolor = copper
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Eve
parentID = 5
name = Gilly
id = 13

epoch = 0
sma = 13599840.256
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0 
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 3531.6
radius = 600
atmoHgt = 70.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,1.24102502441,2.43959301758,3.59711010742,4.71494189453,5.79440917969,6.83679101562,7.84332812500,8.81521972656,10.78641992188,12.10140039063,13.41704980469,16.67847070313,21.14309960938,26.97791992187,33.59382031250,42.08187109375,49.31212890625,56.66994921875,62.30083984375,70.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 101.32499694824,84.02915954590,69.68138122559,57.78001022339,47.90861892700,39.72148132324,32.93169021606,27.30109024048,22.63205909729,15.36839962006,11.87312984467,9.17279815674,4.84226083755,2.05009698868,0.69059288502,0.22017340362,0.05768468976,0.01753794029,0.00459182402,0.00149707205,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,8.81521972656,16.05038964844,25.72923046875,37.87944140625,41.12923828125,57.44012890625,68.79788281250,70.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 288.14999389648,216.64999389648,216.64999389648,228.64999389648,270.64999389648,270.64999389648,214.64999389648,186.94599914551,186.94599914551
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,8.81521972656,16.05038867188,25.72923437500,37.87944140625,57.44012500000,63.90271875000,70.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,0.30000001192,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.20000000298,0.20000000298,1.00000000000,1.20000004768
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.17453292520,0.31415926536,0.52359877560,0.61086523820,0.78539816340,0.95993108860,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 17.00000000000,12.00000000000,6.36370992661,0.00000000000,-10.00000000000,-23.00000000000,-31.00000000000,-37.00000000000,-50.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,0.95993108860,1.18682389136,1.32645023152,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 9.00000000000,14.19999980927,14.89999961853,12.16518020630,8.58290863037,5.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 21599.912014540
rotini = 90
bodycolor = winter
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Kerbin
id = 1

epoch = 0
sma = 12000.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0 
arg = 0
mean = 97.402827904
gm = 65.138397521
radius = 200
atmoHgt = 0
rotperiod = 138984.376574476
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotini = 230
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Kerbin
parentID = 1
name = Mun
id = 2

epoch = 0
sma = 47000.000
ecc = 0
inc = 6
raan = 78
arg = 0
mean = 89.5662016
gm = 1.765800026
radius = 60
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 40400 
rotini = 230
bodycolor = cool
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Kerbin
parentID = 1
name = Minmus
id = 3

epoch = 0
sma = 20726155.264
ecc = 0.051
inc = 0.06
raan = 135.5
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 301.363211975
radius = 320
atmoHgt = 50.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,12.00000000000,20.00000000000,35.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 20.26499938965,3.82756400108,0.72293347120,0.05934198946,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,1.00000000000,25.00000000000,30.00000000000,45.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 233.00000000000,232.80000305176,153.69999694824,150.00000000000,150.00000000000,160.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,1.00000000000,25.00000000000,45.00000000000,47.35000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,1.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.45513451099,1.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.87266462600,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 20.00000000000,0.00000000000,-30.00000000000,-50.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 18.00000000000,25.00000000000,20.00000000000,5.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.014000000
rotperiod = 65517.859375
rotini = 90
bodycolor = autumn
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Duna
id = 6

epoch = 0
sma = 3200.000
ecc = 0.03
inc = 0.2
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 97.402827904
gm = 18.568368573
radius = 130.000
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 65517.8621348081
rotini = 0
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Duna
parentID = 6
name = Ike
id = 7

epoch = 0
sma = 40839348.203
ecc = 0.145
inc = 5.0
raan = 280 
arg = 90
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 21.484488600
radius = 138
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 34800
rotini = 25
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Dres
id = 15

epoch = 0
sma = 68773560.320
ecc = 0.05
inc = 1.304
raan = 52
arg = 0
mean = 5.729578037
gm = 282528.004209995
radius = 6000
atmoHgt = 200.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,32.08693945312,123.45000000000,150.00000000000,200.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 1519.87500000000,628.04357910156,30.00000000000,10.00000000000,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,29.00000000000,123.45000000000,168.00000000000,187.50000000000,194.00000000000,200.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 200.00000000000,165.00000000000,120.00000000000,160.00000000000,175.00000000000,167.00000000000,350.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,29.00000000000,123.45000000000,200.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000,0.50000000000,0.80000001192,1.50000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.87266462600,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 30.00000000000,10.00000000000,-20.00000000000,-40.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 9.00000000000,12.00000000000,18.00000000000,5.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.002800000
rotperiod = 36000
rotini = 0
bodycolor = summer
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Jool
id = 8

epoch = 0
sma = 27184.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 1962.000029236
radius = 500.000
atmoHgt = 50.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,5.25000000000,10.00000000000,17.00000000000,22.00000000000,31.00000000000,38.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 60.79499816895,33.40898132324,17.78605079651,7.10057687759,3.81242108345,1.31248199940,0.51040548086,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,5.25000000000,10.00000000000,17.00000000000,22.00000000000,31.00000000000,38.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 277.00000000000,206.00000000000,206.00000000000,217.80000305176,235.50000000000,203.00000000000,199.00000000000,214.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,5.25000000000,10.00000000000,17.00000000000,27.00000000000,38.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,0.10000000149,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.17638349533,1.00000000000,1.20000004768
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.87266462600,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 5.00000000000,1.00000000000,-10.00000000000,-30.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 6.00000000000,9.00000000000,11.00000000000,2.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 52980.8790593796
rotini = 90
bodycolor = winter
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Laythe
id = 9

epoch = 0
sma = 43152.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 207.481499474
radius = 300.000
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 105962.088893924
rotini = 0
bodycolor = bone
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Vall
id = 10

epoch = 0
sma = 68500.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0.025
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 2825.280042100
radius = 600.000
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 211926.35802123
rotini = 0
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Tylo
id = 12

epoch = 0
sma = 128500.000
ecc = 0.235
inc = 15
raan = 10
arg = 25
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 2.486834944
radius = 65
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 544507.428516654
rotini = 230
bodycolor = copper
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Bop
id = 11

epoch = 0
sma = 179890.000
ecc = 0.17085
inc = 4.25
raan = 2.0
arg = 15.0
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 0.721702080
radius = 44
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 901902.623531173
rotini = 25
bodycolor = pink
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Pol
id = 14

epoch = 0
sma = 90118820.000
ecc = 0.26
inc = 6.15
raan = 50
arg = 260
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 74.410814527
radius = 210
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 19460
rotini = 25
bodycolor = bone
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Eeloo
id = 16


Edited by Gaiiden
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1 hour ago, Gaiiden said:

pick through this and you'll find what you need, namely the rotini value (output by KSPTOT):

; This is the file that holds information regarding the 
; solar system KSP TOT works with when performing analysis.
; You may edit this file to add, remove, or modify celestial bodies 
; in your KSP solar system.  Alternatively, with the KSPTOTConnect plugin
; installed into KSP and KSP running in the flight scene, start KSP TOT and use:
; "File" -> "Create New Bodies File from KSP"
; Each bodies.ini file required a body called "Sun" with all 
; zero orbital elements.
; Here is a breakdown of the various entries required by each body, 
; a description of the quantity, and their units:
; [NameOfBodyOneWord] = Name of this body, must match name field below
; epoch = Time at which the given mean anomaly applies, [sec]
; sma = Semi-major axis of the body's orbit, [km]
; ecc = Eccentricity of the body's orbit, [dimensionless]
; inc = Inclination of the body's orbit, [deg]
; raan = Right ascension of the ascending node of the body's orbit, [deg]
; arg = Argument of periapsis of the body's orbit, [deg]
; mean = Mean anomaly at the given epoch of the body's orbit, [deg]
; gm = Gravitational parameter of the body, mu, [km^3/s^2]
; radius = Radius of the body's sphere, [km]
; atmoHgt = Maximum height of the atmosphere above the surface, [km]
; atmoPressAlts = a comma separated string of altitudes that correspond to the pressures in atmoPressPresses, [km]
; atmoPressPresses = a comma separated string of pressures that correspond to the altitudes in atmoPressAlts, [kPa]
; atmoTempAlts = a comma separated string of altitudes that correspond to the temperatures in atmoTempTemps, [km]
; atmoTempTemps = a comma separated string of temperatures that correspond to the altitudes in atmoTempTemps, [K]
; atmoTempSunMultAlts = a comma separated string of altitudes that correspond to the sun mult factors in atmoTempSunMults, [km]
; atmoTempSunMults = a comma separated string of temperature sun multiplication factors corresponding to atmoTempSunMultAlts, [noUnit]
; latTempBiasLats = a comma separated string of latitudes (0-90 deg only) that correspond to the temperature latitude biases in latTempBiases, [deg]
; latTempBiases = a comma separated string of temperature latitude biases, [K]
; latTempSunMultLats = a comma separated string of latitudes (0-90 deg only) that correspond to the temperature latitude biases in latTempBiases, [deg]
; latTempSunMults = a comma separated string of temperature sun multiplication factors corresponding to latTempSunMultLats, [noUnit]
; rotperiod = Rotational period of the body, length of sidereal day [sec]
; rotini = Initial rotation about the body spin axis at given epoch [deg]
; bodycolor = string that provides the body's gradiant color scheme when 
;             rendering, see for valid  body colors (Color Map Names): 
;             https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/colormap.html#inputarg_map
; canBeCentral = set to 1 if this body has moons/planets orbiting it or 0 if not
; canBeArriveDepart = set to 1 if this body is orbiting another body and at least 
;                     one other body also orbits the same parent body, or 0 if not
; parent = name of the parent body as shown in that body's "name" field
; parentID = Id of the parent body as shown in that body's "id" field
; name = name of this body as displayed in the software, MUST match what's in the
;        brackets [] above
; id = Id number of this body, must be a non-negative integer unique to this 
;      solar system.  Once you use an ID number once in this file, you CAN NOT
;      re-use it again or the software will get confused.
; For questions, post at the KSP TOT thread on the KSP Forums:
;     forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36476

epoch = 0
sma = 0
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0 
arg = 0
mean = 0
gm = 1172332794.832490700
radius = 261600
atmoHgt = 600.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,5.00000000000,10.00000000000,10.75308984375,14.19400976562,350.00000000000,400.00000000000,590.00000000000,600.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 16.00000000000,8.30000019073,0.68000000715,0.30095401406,0.26131790876,0.10000000149,0.03999999911,0.00002000000,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,10.00000000000,50.00000000000,250.00000000000,500.00000000000,600.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 5840.00000000000,4465.00000000000,4000.00000000000,5800.00000000000,6000.00000000000,10000.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.000800000
rotperiod = 432000
rotini = 0
bodycolor = hot
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 0
parent = 
parentID = -1
name = Sun
id = 0

epoch = 0
sma = 5263138.304
ecc = 0.2
inc = 7.0
raan = 70 
arg = 15
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 168.609378655
radius = 250
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 1210000
rotini = 190
bodycolor = copper
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Moho
id = 4

epoch = 0
sma = 9832684.544
ecc = 0.01
inc = 2.1
raan = 15
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 8171.730229211
radius = 700
atmoHgt = 90.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,9.72352539062,20.00000000000,45.00000000000,80.00000000000,90.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 506.62500000000,113.49179840088,29.09679985046,0.81807577610,0.00551215094,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,15.00000000000,50.00000000000,60.00000000000,70.00000000000,90.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 420.00000000000,280.00000000000,180.00000000000,190.00000000000,160.00000000000,250.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,15.00000000000,50.00000000000,70.00000000000,90.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,1.50000000000,2.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.52359877560,0.95993108860,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000,-15.00000000000,-30.00000000000,-60.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 9.00000000000,11.00000000000,12.00000000000,8.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.043000001
rotperiod = 80500
rotini = 0
bodycolor = cool
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Eve
id = 5

epoch = 0
sma = 31500.000
ecc = 0.55
inc = 12
raan = 80
arg = 10
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 0.008289450
radius = 13
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 28255
rotini = 5
bodycolor = copper
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Eve
parentID = 5
name = Gilly
id = 13

epoch = 0
sma = 13599840.256
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0 
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 3531.6
radius = 600
atmoHgt = 70.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,1.24102502441,2.43959301758,3.59711010742,4.71494189453,5.79440917969,6.83679101562,7.84332812500,8.81521972656,10.78641992188,12.10140039063,13.41704980469,16.67847070313,21.14309960938,26.97791992187,33.59382031250,42.08187109375,49.31212890625,56.66994921875,62.30083984375,70.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 101.32499694824,84.02915954590,69.68138122559,57.78001022339,47.90861892700,39.72148132324,32.93169021606,27.30109024048,22.63205909729,15.36839962006,11.87312984467,9.17279815674,4.84226083755,2.05009698868,0.69059288502,0.22017340362,0.05768468976,0.01753794029,0.00459182402,0.00149707205,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,8.81521972656,16.05038964844,25.72923046875,37.87944140625,41.12923828125,57.44012890625,68.79788281250,70.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 288.14999389648,216.64999389648,216.64999389648,228.64999389648,270.64999389648,270.64999389648,214.64999389648,186.94599914551,186.94599914551
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,8.81521972656,16.05038867188,25.72923437500,37.87944140625,57.44012500000,63.90271875000,70.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,0.30000001192,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.20000000298,0.20000000298,1.00000000000,1.20000004768
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.17453292520,0.31415926536,0.52359877560,0.61086523820,0.78539816340,0.95993108860,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 17.00000000000,12.00000000000,6.36370992661,0.00000000000,-10.00000000000,-23.00000000000,-31.00000000000,-37.00000000000,-50.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,0.95993108860,1.18682389136,1.32645023152,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 9.00000000000,14.19999980927,14.89999961853,12.16518020630,8.58290863037,5.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 21599.912014540
rotini = 90
bodycolor = winter
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Kerbin
id = 1

epoch = 0
sma = 12000.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0 
arg = 0
mean = 97.402827904
gm = 65.138397521
radius = 200
atmoHgt = 0
rotperiod = 138984.376574476
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotini = 230
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Kerbin
parentID = 1
name = Mun
id = 2

epoch = 0
sma = 47000.000
ecc = 0
inc = 6
raan = 78
arg = 0
mean = 89.5662016
gm = 1.765800026
radius = 60
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 40400 
rotini = 230
bodycolor = cool
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Kerbin
parentID = 1
name = Minmus
id = 3

epoch = 0
sma = 20726155.264
ecc = 0.051
inc = 0.06
raan = 135.5
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 301.363211975
radius = 320
atmoHgt = 50.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,12.00000000000,20.00000000000,35.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 20.26499938965,3.82756400108,0.72293347120,0.05934198946,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,1.00000000000,25.00000000000,30.00000000000,45.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 233.00000000000,232.80000305176,153.69999694824,150.00000000000,150.00000000000,160.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,1.00000000000,25.00000000000,45.00000000000,47.35000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,1.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.45513451099,1.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.87266462600,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 20.00000000000,0.00000000000,-30.00000000000,-50.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 18.00000000000,25.00000000000,20.00000000000,5.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.014000000
rotperiod = 65517.859375
rotini = 90
bodycolor = autumn
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Duna
id = 6

epoch = 0
sma = 3200.000
ecc = 0.03
inc = 0.2
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 97.402827904
gm = 18.568368573
radius = 130.000
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 65517.8621348081
rotini = 0
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Duna
parentID = 6
name = Ike
id = 7

epoch = 0
sma = 40839348.203
ecc = 0.145
inc = 5.0
raan = 280 
arg = 90
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 21.484488600
radius = 138
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 34800
rotini = 25
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Dres
id = 15

epoch = 0
sma = 68773560.320
ecc = 0.05
inc = 1.304
raan = 52
arg = 0
mean = 5.729578037
gm = 282528.004209995
radius = 6000
atmoHgt = 200.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,32.08693945312,123.45000000000,150.00000000000,200.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 1519.87500000000,628.04357910156,30.00000000000,10.00000000000,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,29.00000000000,123.45000000000,168.00000000000,187.50000000000,194.00000000000,200.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 200.00000000000,165.00000000000,120.00000000000,160.00000000000,175.00000000000,167.00000000000,350.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,29.00000000000,123.45000000000,200.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000,0.50000000000,0.80000001192,1.50000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.87266462600,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 30.00000000000,10.00000000000,-20.00000000000,-40.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 9.00000000000,12.00000000000,18.00000000000,5.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.002800000
rotperiod = 36000
rotini = 0
bodycolor = summer
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Jool
id = 8

epoch = 0
sma = 27184.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 1962.000029236
radius = 500.000
atmoHgt = 50.000000000
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000,5.25000000000,10.00000000000,17.00000000000,22.00000000000,31.00000000000,38.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 60.79499816895,33.40898132324,17.78605079651,7.10057687759,3.81242108345,1.31248199940,0.51040548086,0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000,5.25000000000,10.00000000000,17.00000000000,22.00000000000,31.00000000000,38.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 277.00000000000,206.00000000000,206.00000000000,217.80000305176,235.50000000000,203.00000000000,199.00000000000,214.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000,5.25000000000,10.00000000000,17.00000000000,27.00000000000,38.00000000000,50.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 1.00000000000,0.10000000149,0.00000000000,0.00000000000,0.17638349533,1.00000000000,1.20000004768
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000,0.87266462600,1.22173047640,1.57079632679
latTempBiases = 5.00000000000,1.00000000000,-10.00000000000,-30.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000,0.69813170080,1.13446401380,1.57079632679
latTempSunMults = 6.00000000000,9.00000000000,11.00000000000,2.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 52980.8790593796
rotini = 90
bodycolor = winter
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Laythe
id = 9

epoch = 0
sma = 43152.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 207.481499474
radius = 300.000
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 105962.088893924
rotini = 0
bodycolor = bone
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Vall
id = 10

epoch = 0
sma = 68500.000
ecc = 0
inc = 0.025
raan = 0
arg = 0
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 2825.280042100
radius = 600.000
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 211926.35802123
rotini = 0
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Tylo
id = 12

epoch = 0
sma = 128500.000
ecc = 0.235
inc = 15
raan = 10
arg = 25
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 2.486834944
radius = 65
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 544507.428516654
rotini = 230
bodycolor = copper
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Bop
id = 11

epoch = 0
sma = 179890.000
ecc = 0.17085
inc = 4.25
raan = 2.0
arg = 15.0
mean = 51.566200196
gm = 0.721702080
radius = 44
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 901902.623531173
rotini = 25
bodycolor = pink
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jool
parentID = 8
name = Pol
id = 14

epoch = 0
sma = 90118820.000
ecc = 0.26
inc = 6.15
raan = 50
arg = 260
mean = 179.908753682
gm = 74.410814527
radius = 210
atmoHgt = 0
atmoPressAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoPressPresses = 0.00000000000
atmoTempAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempTemps = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMultAlts = 0.00000000000
atmoTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
latTempBiasLats = 0.00000000000
latTempBiases = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMultLats = 0.00000000000
latTempSunMults = 0.00000000000
atmoMolarMass = 0.028964400
rotperiod = 19460
rotini = 25
bodycolor = bone
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Sun
parentID = 0
name = Eeloo
id = 16


Thank You

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Unfortunately the parameter 

rotini = Initial rotation about the body spin axis at given epoch [deg]

Does not explain say relative to what point.  I happen to know this number is not relative to 0o 0' 0" on Duna (duna is set to 90 and Kerbin is set to 90)  BUT kerbin is rotated exactly 90 degrees from Noon( sunset),  However the sun is s at approximately (since I don't know the exact calculation hence this question) 45 degrees from noon at that same time at  0o 0' 0".   Thank You very much for the help and the file does have some other useful info that I may be able to use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I just updated all of my mods in CKAN after not playing for about a month. Now, whenever I try to load into my research ship (300 ish part count?), it immediately explodes into dozens of sections, and kills most if not all of the crew in the resulting collision-explosions.

What would be the best way to recover the crew? I can easily build another ship, but I can't find a way to use hyperedit to land a ship that I'm not in control of, or to transfer the crew out of said ship.

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1 hour ago, CajunInABox said:

So, I just updated all of my mods in CKAN after not playing for about a month. Now, whenever I try to load into my research ship (300 ish part count?), it immediately explodes into dozens of sections, and kills most if not all of the crew in the resulting collision-explosions.

What would be the best way to recover the crew? I can easily build another ship, but I can't find a way to use hyperedit to land a ship that I'm not in control of, or to transfer the crew out of said ship.

Personally, I don't know of any way to do this, with or without HyperEdit.  Perhaps by editing the save file?

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Just for posterity, I actually solved this pretty quickly once you mentioned editing save files. All I had to do was change situation to LANDED, change Landed to True, and set the lat/long/alt/hgt to a copy/paste of a ship I had just launched from the VAB. From the KSC view, I could click on it and recover it, instantly :D

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8 minutes ago, CajunInABox said:

Just for posterity, I actually solved this pretty quickly once you mentioned editing save files. All I had to do was change situation to LANDED, change Landed to True, and set the lat/long/alt/hgt to a copy/paste of a ship I had just launched from the VAB. From the KSC view, I could click on it and recover it, instantly :D

That's great!  I'm glad it worked out for you.

Thanks for coming back here to tell us.

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Hey there,

I somewhat recently downloaded HyperEdit, and I'm quite the fan. Overall, it's just a great tool to have in the toolkit, just for testing purposes, or you know, cheats:cool:. (An aside: the 'lock heat' seems a little wonky, it works, but it seems to lock it at max, or it still increases, instead of staying at the zero I locked it at). Anyway, I've been digging through my Player.log, which is an absolute nightmare (I have over a hundred mods installed, and it turns out, even more errors and null refs) and I found, repeatedly:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at HyperEdit.Model.LanderAttachment.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

My guess is something to do with the Ship Lander feature, which I had been using? Honestly, I don't know. The mod works very well overall, I just see that in my log a lot and I'm trying to track things down.

I'm on x64 bit Linux if it matters.


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14 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

Hey there,

I somewhat recently downloaded HyperEdit, and I'm quite the fan. Overall, it's just a great tool to have in the toolkit, just for testing purposes, or you know, cheats:cool:. (An aside: the 'lock heat' seems a little wonky, it works, but it seems to lock it at max, or it still increases, instead of staying at the zero I locked it at). Anyway, I've been digging through my Player.log, which is an absolute nightmare (I have over a hundred mods installed, and it turns out, even more errors and null refs) and I found, repeatedly:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at HyperEdit.Model.LanderAttachment.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

My guess is something to do with the Ship Lander feature, which I had been using? Honestly, I don't know. The mod works very well overall, I just see that in my log a lot and I'm trying to track things down.

I'm on x64 bit Linux if it matters.


I think this actually might be our fault and not another mod. I just uploaded HyperEdit_beta1.dll on kerbaltek.com, could you download that one (and replace HyperEdit.dll with it) and see if the NullReferenceException is fixed? I think it's due to a bug in the "land here" function, and me not updating it when I added the move-when-landing (ijkl) feature.

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Well, I switched out the old .dll for the new beta one, went and used HyperEdit to get into orbit and land back on KSC Runway/Launch Pad about half a dozen or so times (made sure to jiggle around a lot during landing, just in case!).
 Probably an insufficient sample size, but...I loaded my log up in sublime text and searched for "HyperEdit.Model.LanderAttachment" (the original nullref) and it came back with zero search results. If I knew the syntax for searching for multiple words together  (e.g. "HyperEdit, nullref") then I'd be 100% sure, but I'm not too worried.

I'd say that did that trick. I can upload the log for you if you want to double check, but it's a real nightmare (100+ mods and even more null refs, errors and exceptions; sublime text chugged to search through all 6.5 million lines of it and...it's apparently over 300mb big, when it's supposed be 60mb iirc...suspicious... oh well, that's for me to worry about not you:mellow:).

Well, I'd say that's case closed. Looks like I have some work to do.



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Just came across a strange situation.  I was using Hyperedit to test a craft, and found that hyperediting a simple craft from the launchpad to an orbit would make it lose the antennas.  If I uninstall RT (was using the Comm 16), hyperedit worked properly.

The message in Flight Results is "Communotron 16 was ripped off by strong airflow"

I've contacted the RT author about this also. This only happens when RT is installed


More testing shows that it only happens when the antenna is extended (all extendable antennas tested)

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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