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[0.22] UbioZur Welding Ltd. 2.0 Dev STOPPED


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Lovely! Thanks Malkuth. I'm enjoying it already.

One little gripe. While I'm used to manually editing all my welded parts, you should know it's doing this:

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0[COLOR=#ff0000][B],0,0[/B][/COLOR]

Those two additional zeroes seem to contribute to the attachment node problem. I think I've seen it before too.

edit: Actually, I can't get any attach nodes to work. Radial attachment seems to be ok though. The first 1 should allow node stacking, but doesn't. I can't find anything else in the .part file that would cause this. What am I missing?

Edited by Zephram Kerman
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Lovely! Thanks Malkuth. I'm enjoying it already.

One little gripe. While I'm used to manually editing all my welded parts, you should know it's doing this:

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0[COLOR=#ff0000][B],0,0[/B][/COLOR]

Those two additional zeroes seem to contribute to the attachment node problem. I think I've seen it before too.

edit: Actually, I can't get any attach nodes to work. Radial attachment seems to be ok though. The first 1 should allow node stacking, but doesn't. I can't find anything else in the .part file that would cause this. What am I missing?

Ill take a look and see whats happening so your saying the last 2 zeros should not be placed?

Don't seem to be having issues with Stacking or any nodes... but of course this can be part related too. Can you give me an idea of what parts you were using to weld together? I made a bunch of parts and have had no issues with stacking, or any attachments to them.

also edit. Seems after reading the code he does have it correct and let me explain. The example you gave seems to be an older type config file. But there is actually 2 more configs that have been added since that has been updated. And those would be








brings it to 7. Which seems to match whats written in config file. So the 1 mean they are on, and the 0 mean they are off. Basic Bool stuff. Seems to be correct. So lets figure out what part is giving you the trouble. ;)

figured I add this. This is the way its ordered in the actual Code and listed. If it helps. KSP order not Welding.

public bool allowCollision;

public bool allowDock;

public bool allowRotate;

public bool allowSrfAttach;

public bool allowStack;

public bool srfAttach;

public bool stack;

Edited by malkuth
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Can you give me an idea of what parts you were using to weld together?
It's Nova's FL-T800 fuel tank. Kinda popular part; but it is older. I checked a dozen of the fuel tanks; they all have only five attach rules in their part.cfg files.

So there are actually seven attach rules, but configs before the update have only five. Somehow KSP figures this out. Seems likely this is the source of my problem.

So I checked some other parts. I couldn't stack the kethane KM-TE30 tank (but I don't expect mod parts to work on other mods). Several other fuel tanks worked just fine, including kethane ones. All of the working tanks that I checked have five attach rules. Darnit, I'm not seeing a clear pattern here. What do the FL-T800 and KM-TE30 have in common that the others don't?

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It's Nova's FL-T800 fuel tank. Kinda popular part; but it is older. I checked a dozen of the fuel tanks; they all have only five attach rules in their part.cfg files.

So there are actually seven attach rules, but configs before the update have only five. Somehow KSP figures this out. Seems likely this is the source of my problem.

So I checked some other parts. I couldn't stack the kethane KM-TE30 tank (but I don't expect mod parts to work on other mods). Several other fuel tanks worked just fine, including kethane ones. All of the working tanks that I checked have five attach rules. Darnit, I'm not seeing a clear pattern here. What do the FL-T800 and KM-TE30 have in common that the others don't?

Most parts only have the 5 rules listed. Should not really matter if its 5 or 7. If you added 8 (and you should be able to test this) you should get bunch of errors. (Its very possible these are never used too)

Because of how Bools work the ones not listed automatically default to false. But if you added an extra one... Then bad things should happen because now KSP has nothing to Reference.

Have you tried deleting the last 2 to see what happens?

I would have to look at the configs and see whats up.

I'm thinking that the parts your more interested in are these

node_stack_topdockingPortLarge2 = 0,2.038464,0,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topnoseConeAdapter3 = 0,-2.442987,0,0,-1,0,1
node_attach = 0,0,-0.6375,0,0,0.0125,1

You have to think in the way the weld works. Welding doesn't tech make a new part. It references old parts and uses those parts Nodes to connect too. In the example above were using a DockingPortLarge and TopnoseConeAdapter. there is more parts in this weld but the values above is what is giving us our attachment nodes, and docking node in this case also.

So if you have 2 open nodes that attach on top and bottom.. connect another part that takes up the bottom node of 1st part and top node of 2nd part. You should when the weld is done. Still have 2 attach nodes.. One on the top of part 1. And 1 on the bottom of part 2. And the weld is using the values from the original parts to find where to connect too on the open attachments.

Edited by malkuth
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Perhaps I can help. Do realize that these are based on assumptions I haven't yet proven but find effective to follow....

You only want one node_attach_top and one node_attach_bottom. The rest should be node_attach_side.

Welder will often place the direction of a node incorrectly. The following vectors are from a POV of inside the VAB facing out the door at the horizon. Parens for relative direction from craft.

Top(Forward): 0,1,0

Bottom(Backward): 0,-1,0

In from door(Up): 0,0,1

Towards door(Down): 0,0,-1

Left(Left): -1,0,0

Right(Right): 1,0,0

So, place those in the standard comma separated list. As a reminder node_stack notation is:

Xpos, Ypos, Zpos, Xrot, Yrot, Zrot, NodeSize

Note: this may only get you halfway there. The object might still remain transparent red even though it'll snap in with another part. If this happens, drop in a command pod of any sort, find a spot where your welded part will attach at any angle, use SelectRoot to make the welded part the new root, delete the old command pod, select welded part and it'll snap into place. You should now be able to attach stuff to it's nodes.

I'm on IRC #kspofficial on irc.esper.net feel free to ask me ?s


Everything in this SS that's not a dynamic part (moving, light, docking port) is welded. I've spent some time learning how to fix Welder output and am glad to share that knowledge.

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Hey, First thanks to Ubiozur and Malkuth for making this available for .23. It Is a lot easier then constantly moving files back and forth from .22 to .23 installs. but i am having some problems... maybe someone can help.

I am trying to weld this


And i get this...


and weld this...


and get this..


SO.. any idea's would be appreciated. thanks.

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What part are those? Sometimes mod parts don't work very well. But all it really looks like is that the values are not being saved right. Mostly the angles. Might have to do with the angles.

In your part.cfg file you should have a entry for everypart that looks like this.

model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model
position = 0,-0.2492375,0
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0

You might want to experiment with the rotation part and see what happens. I will check to see if rotation is saved on regular parts.. Pretty sure they are.

Edit. So I tested rotation on vanilla parts and had no real issues. So it must be mod related issue.

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2/model
position = -0.9933867,-0.05141449,0.04234966
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,0,90.00001
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2/model
position = 0.01792192,-0.9939737,0.0001473986
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 360,359.9999,-7.629395E-06
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2/model
position = 0.993464,0.02269458,0.0001459382
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 359.9999,1.70756E-06,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2/model
position = -0.01799917,1.022694,-0.04264301
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 359.9999,179.9995,-0.0001220703

My knowledge in how parts work and building them is very limited, so im not sure what would cause this. I sure others could chime in on why the values are not being saved. But from code point of view all Ubio is doing is using the values from the game to save it to a new config file it doesn't make up its own values it pulls them from the part) so if something is not correct, then my guess is that it does not translate right when Ubio pulls the values.

And from what others have said in the thread, Mod parts are never guaranteed to work. :(

Edited by malkuth
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Those are from the B9 aerospace pack.. structural panels. i have been working on a massive ship and was trying to weld the hull to keep part count down and stability. thanks for the reply.. i'll have to figure something else out then.

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Just rotate your model to stand "upright" like a rocket would. Weld that. I bet it'll come out better. If not, find me on IRC.

edit: It may help to have editor extensions and set to VAB mode as well.

Edited by mrBlaQ
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@ Malkuth, sorry for the long delay. Here it is; hopefully this helps. The weld is simply a cluster of seven of the fuelTank_long. It was just a quick test, so I haven't edited anything.

name = FL-T5600
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long0 = -6.055075E-08,1.886808,-3.027538E-08,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long0 = -6.055075E-08,-1.875692,-3.027538E-08,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long1 = -6.055075E-08,1.873032,-1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long1 = -6.055075E-08,-1.889468,-1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long2 = -1.07939,1.873032,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long2 = -1.07939,-1.889468,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long3 = -1.07939,1.873032,0.6231861,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long3 = -1.07939,-1.889468,0.6231861,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long4 = -6.055075E-08,1.873032,1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long4 = -6.055075E-08,-1.889468,1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long5 = 1.07939,1.873032,0.6231858,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long5 = 1.07939,-1.889468,0.6231858,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long6 = 1.079389,1.873032,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long6 = 1.079389,-1.889468,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_attach = 0.62625,0,0,0.125,0,0,1
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = sandboxWeld
entryCost = 0
cost = 11200
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = FL-T5600 Tank Cluster
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Stuff!
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
mass = 3.5
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.1984375
minimum_drag = 0.2976563
angularDrag = 1.984375
crashTolerance = 15.86426
breakingForce = 132.2021
breakingTorque = 132.2021
maxTemp = 2900
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -6.055075E-08,0.01180785,-3.027538E-08
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -6.055075E-08,-0.001967975,-1.246372
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,270,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -1.07939,-0.001967975,-0.6231859
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,330,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -1.07939,-0.001967975,0.6231861
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,30.00002,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -6.055075E-08,-0.001967975,1.246372
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,90.00003,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = 1.07939,-0.001967975,0.6231858
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,150,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = 1.079389,-0.001967975,-0.6231859
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,210,0
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 2520
maxAmount = 2520
name = Oxidizer
amount = 3080
maxAmount = 3080

@MrBlaq, that's a very helpful and informative post there. Thank you! I'll be referring to it for rotation and notation in the future.

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@ Malkuth, sorry for the long delay. Here it is; hopefully this helps. The weld is simply a cluster of seven of the fuelTank_long. It was just a quick test, so I haven't edited anything.

name = FL-T5600
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long0 = -6.055075E-08,1.886808,-3.027538E-08,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long0 = -6.055075E-08,-1.875692,-3.027538E-08,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long1 = -6.055075E-08,1.873032,-1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long1 = -6.055075E-08,-1.889468,-1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long2 = -1.07939,1.873032,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long2 = -1.07939,-1.889468,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long3 = -1.07939,1.873032,0.6231861,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long3 = -1.07939,-1.889468,0.6231861,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long4 = -6.055075E-08,1.873032,1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long4 = -6.055075E-08,-1.889468,1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long5 = 1.07939,1.873032,0.6231858,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long5 = 1.07939,-1.889468,0.6231858,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long6 = 1.079389,1.873032,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long6 = 1.079389,-1.889468,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_attach = 0.62625,0,0,0.125,0,0,1
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = sandboxWeld
entryCost = 0
cost = 11200
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = FL-T5600 Tank Cluster
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Stuff!
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
mass = 3.5
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.1984375
minimum_drag = 0.2976563
angularDrag = 1.984375
crashTolerance = 15.86426
breakingForce = 132.2021
breakingTorque = 132.2021
maxTemp = 2900
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -6.055075E-08,0.01180785,-3.027538E-08
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -6.055075E-08,-0.001967975,-1.246372
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,270,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -1.07939,-0.001967975,-0.6231859
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,330,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -1.07939,-0.001967975,0.6231861
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,30.00002,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = -6.055075E-08,-0.001967975,1.246372
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,90.00003,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = 1.07939,-0.001967975,0.6231858
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,150,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
position = 1.079389,-0.001967975,-0.6231859
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,210,0
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 2520
maxAmount = 2520
name = Oxidizer
amount = 3080
maxAmount = 3080

@MrBlaq, that's a very helpful and informative post there. Thank you! I'll be referring to it for rotation and notation in the future.

By looking at your config.. I think MrBlaq has hit your problem right on... Check out his other post.

This is part he is refering too in that post.

node_stack_topfuelTank.long0 = -6.055075E-08,1.886808,-3.027538E-08,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long0 = -6.055075E-08,-1.875692,-3.027538E-08,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long1 = -6.055075E-08,1.873032,-1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long1 = -6.055075E-08,-1.889468,-1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long2 = -1.07939,1.873032,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long2 = -1.07939,-1.889468,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long3 = -1.07939,1.873032,0.6231861,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long3 = -1.07939,-1.889468,0.6231861,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long4 = -6.055075E-08,1.873032,1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long4 = -6.055075E-08,-1.889468,1.246372,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long5 = 1.07939,1.873032,0.6231858,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long5 = 1.07939,-1.889468,0.6231858,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long6 = 1.079389,1.873032,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long6 = 1.079389,-1.889468,-0.6231859,0,0,0,1
node_attach = 0.62625,0,0,0.125,0,0,1

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update Version Download. for .23

Ok guys since I got the permission I will be posting this. Just for you understand Im not taking this over. So still using this thread to release this version. Few issues I have noticed but had no time to Track Down.

1. Yes it works in career mode now. To unlock you have to research Advrocketry. Every time you build a new Weld it will end up in this Science (Sandbox ignore this its always available)

2. Once you save it in career you will have to go to Research and unlock the part again (just like adding a new mod to existing tree)

3. Noticed that once you weld something it breaks mods (Some mods don't like to be reloaded which is what This mod does to load the new part config) sorry to say the only way to fix this is to start KSP over again.

4. If your not using any other mods then the reload is not needed.. At least I think. For sure MCE has to be reloaded and so does Interstellar and Engineer.

Can't think of anything else. Its not perfect, but nothing is skipped in the mod and everything that needed to be is replaced in the code with what was needed. So Fxemitters actual work now. ;)

Thats it, again i'm not taking over the mod and pretty busy with MCE. But I figured getting this mod working in .23 is pretty important at least to me. So have fun.. And thanks to Ubiozur for the permission to post it.

Good luck.

Download For KSP .23

And Github Source for edits.

And just incase since I'm pretty sure its still the rule. The license info is the same as front page.

Oh if .rar is a problem I can post a .zip file too.. But really .rar is so much better. ;)

hey just want to say thanks iv been waiting so long

thanks again

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Just wondering. What is the effect of 'breaking a mod'. As i have tons of mods installed it takes almost 4 minutes to load the game. Should i build a massive rocket do i have to reload after every weld or only when it's done and before the launch?

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Just wondering. What is the effect of 'breaking a mod'. As i have tons of mods installed it takes almost 4 minutes to load the game. Should i build a massive rocket do i have to reload after every weld or only when it's done and before the launch?

Only some mods break.. And not all the time. I did some welds last night and it effected nothing. At least what I noticed. I can tell you that if you play Mission Controller which is my main mod I develop that sometimes welding will cause MCE to Double it self.. Which in turn causes you to be charged for things twice.

But again it seems like it does not happen a lot. Best bet is to do a bunch of welds and just see what happens, if things start acting weird (like engineer not reading anything or MCE double or triple charging you) then you have to reload.

It all has to do with how welding reloads the Config files... Which in turn is a KSP problem... Which comes down to KSp somehow loading a mod twice when Configs are reloaded. So its basically a KSP bug.

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No, it does'nt :D

But nevermind, I have a biger problem: the attach nodes on my welded parts wont work. They are shown in the VAB, but they don't snap to other nodes. Surface attachment works fine, so i don't get it what could be wrong. If I use this part as root I also can't attach other parts to the nodes.

Here my part.cfg - simple two structural cylinder surface attached:

name = weldtest-1
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_topMk1FuselageStructural0 = 0,0.4828123,0.2112143,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomMk1FuselageStructural0 = 0,-1.404688,0.2112143,0,0,0,1
node_stack_topMk1FuselageStructural1 = 1.639177E-07,1.392188,-0.2112143,0,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomMk1FuselageStructural1 = -1.661033E-07,-0.4953123,-0.2112143,0,0,0,1
node_attach = 0,0,-0.6375,0,0,0.0125,1
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = sandboxWeld
entryCost = 0
cost = 760
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = test 1
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Warranty void during re-entry.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0
mass = 0.8
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.15
minimum_drag = 0.225
angularDrag = 1.5
crashTolerance = 105
breakingForce = 75
breakingTorque = 75
maxTemp = 3000
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model
position = 0,-0.4546876,0.2112143
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model
position = 0,0.4546876,-0.2112143
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,180,1.001791E-05

Edited by acc
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Guest Space Cowboy

For your consideration. Video probably ready around 1:30 EDT

Note - the three engines were not compiled into a solid part, due to time constraints, as I just now discovered intakes cannot be welded, I left the engines as is. If I had take the time to weld the engines without the intakes, and added them, results would be even better. Since the computer would treat the 12 engines as 3 in such a case, framerate would have jumped even more dramatically.

Welded airplane appears at 3:36


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hm, i've read a lot and tested node editing and the root part trick, but seems like nothing works for me, still no node snap. was not expecting building a simple presurized mate adapter would end up with so much trouble...

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Guest Space Cowboy

Try placing the super small cube on your welded part, and that will create a node. Very helpful little bugger. You can flip it so it's hidden in the surface too.

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Try placing the super small cube on your welded part, and that will create a node. Very helpful little bugger. You can flip it so it's hidden in the surface too.

Hm, but then I need one part more per node. The thing is I want to reduce the part count for my station modules (ISS replica) to a minimum, so I'm not happy with this solution. But thanks anyway :)

Or do you mean before I weld the part set?

The problem seems to be the structural fuselarge. I also was unable to use that as a rootpart for my welds. It was the only part that gave me the issue so far.

I tested it with fuel tanks and other parts too, all with the same result.

Edit: Yay! Now I get it and it works. If I simple use stack probe cores as start and end part, the nodes start working. I realy don't get why it works that way, but it does :D

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