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Things that NASA never said at a press conference.


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"At the request to re-purpose members of older industries, the crew for our next moon landing will composed entirely of whalers."

"We have made a major breakthrough today. We have successfully increased the speed of light."

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We regret to announce that one of our astronauts, Commander Willoughby Crinkly-Bottom has died during an EVA mission.  It would appear that he got drunk on coolant and removed his space suit while trying to get the Hubble Space Telescope to "Look at the Moon!"

Edited by NewtSoup
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"We sent our astronauts around the space center in a rover to collect data from the buildings. We had them stay in the on-board lab for a few years every ten buildings to extract as much science as possible."

"We are somehow unable to get a ship to sink."

"The monitor indicates that we splashed down at the sun."

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"We have located Elon Musk in a Tuscon diner after a multistate highway chase and unfortunately were unable to take him alive due to his determination to kill our field agents. His reign of terror is over and new laws are being passed to guarantee the equal treatment of second-stage rockets to ensure this situation never happens again."

"Today is the sixtieth anniversary of the flight of the first woman in space, Vale... Valen... Valentinah... Valentina Tere... Tere... Terakosh... 

...of Valentina Kerman."

And, as a bonus on that last one: "At the same time, the Soviets also sent Val... Valery (uh-oh) Valery Bsy... Bkya... Bykov... Bykovskragoshkravok (I don't think that was right) into orbit around the Earth. This was their second time flying two spacecraft at once, the first of course being the flight of Pavel Popovich and Andry... Adrian... Andriyan Nik... Nik... Nikola... Nikolayevevesk. Yes."

"We have looked at the forum challenges and this week, we're gonna need more money."

"Wow. This is hard!"

"The historic mission to salvage the mysterious artifact on the surface of the Moon failed because when the lander seperated from the command module, it was reclassified as a rover, and our telescopes don't track rovers, so it disappeared."

Edited by Confused Scientist
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"We here at NASA take pride in our cheap runway building techniques. We take a impossibly perfect flat, hard grass field and turn it into a raised bumpy monstrosity for all your early space program needs! We swear it makes it easier to take off..."

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"We're happy to say that the experimentations and researches made after the crash of XASR-01 proved the fact that the fall of the rocket back on the launchpad was not caused by a failure. It's caused by a natural phenomeon called 'gravity'. "

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  On 9/4/2017 at 4:05 PM, AwesomeDude3664 said:

At 2:30 PST, the Colossus X spacecraft, sending the first crew to mars, was lost when we forgot the chutes. However, one crew member, Major Bob Kerman, survived because he landed on his head.


...until it was found that he had contracted a mild case of "spaghettiosis" in where your limbs are painfully stretched by unknown forces hundreds of meters in each direction, until your inevitable death, all while you have a smile on your face.

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  On 9/6/2017 at 3:42 AM, LazySoUseHyperedit said:

...until it was found that he had contracted a mild case of "spaghettiosis" in where your limbs are painfully stretched by unknown forces hundreds of meters in each direction, until your inevitable death, all while you have a smile on your face.


It is referred to on the interwebs as a "creepypasta"

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"you do know that 99,99... ^... ... ... ^ ...% of the universe totally don't care about your moan ; hey !?! the same apply to nasa and human you know, that's accurately normal & representative, all scale related for sure"

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
grumpy ted typo, whatever disambiguation(s) ted refer too
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