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Old 0.20 save debate: Please close, mods.


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  HarvesteR said:
While we've been able to maintain compatibility over the last couple of updates, unfortunately this one isn't such a case. The new crew management system changed the format for saving crews (to something much better), and the new format isn't compatible with the old version. Instead of risking breaking things even more by writing some sort of upgrade logic, we decided it was better to just break compatiblity and start fresh.

This also gives us a nice opportunity to do other tweaks that we can't usually do, exactly because they tend to break saves. Because we're going to break it anyway, we can push in a lot of other little tweaks that wouldn't have gone in otherwise, so hopefully they will make it worthwhile.

You can always manually edit your save so it matches the new format, but that can cause other issues, so we really don't recommend it.

Stay tuned for a dev blog soon about new things that we got to add because we decided to break compatiblity. ;)


Yep! :D We can be sure, now. Let's all stop arguing over ISA MapSat and stuff now ;)

Old section of post:

The question that is looming over my head is as follows: Will saves from version 0.20 be broken when transferred to 0.21? I don't know whether or not to work, or just stop playing KSP until the new version is out. I do believe that the devs should know, as the new version is in its quality assurance phase, and the testers probably would find out and tell the devs if they didn't already know. If you are a dev, and you are reading this, please tell me. Will the new version break saves, or will we be able to continue our previously created saves? Thank you for reading, and please tell me what you think.

I'm in conflict...:mad:

Edited by Naten
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It's unlikely they'd say either way to be honest, there's the whole non disclosure thing to consider.

The last few updates have been savegame friendly, so here's hoping but Squad don't guarantee backwards compatibility, so I'm making a back up of my saves and my 0.20.2 install just in case, if you have a store account you can just download the 0.20.2 zip file if you have not already done so, Steam users can simply zip their KSP folder, as there's no Steam drm anymore it'll work fine :)

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Yes...RocketPilot is right. I believe that the game's code will not be reformatted or anything.

I'm surprised that Eeloo's addition did not break saves. Imagine if your SMA, Inclination, Eccentricity, and stuff were the exact same as what would be Eeloo's... and you transferred...

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Ah, the joys of playing a game while it is still under development. Copy out and save your game folder if you want to play the older missions. I wouldn't put any faith that they will work in the new version. Oh sure, they might work, but this is progress.


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  Naten said:
Yes...RocketPilot is right. I believe that the game's code will not be reformatted or anything.

I'm surprised that Eeloo's addition did not break saves. Imagine if your SMA, Inclination, Eccentricity, and stuff were the exact same as what would be Eeloo's... and you transferred...

I imagine it would just explode. It didn't remove a feature, so that it'd fail to load. It just magically added a planet :D

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This is why I don't have any 'permanent' bases or elaborate space stations built. KSP is under heavy development, so it is not a shocking notion that updates along the line will break saves and ships at some point. That's fine, because otherwise the game would never gain features and never get completed. Everything we're doing right now is simply practice for KSP 1.0.

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As a precaution, you should *always* expect saves and craft files to break at this stage in development. This way when they don't, you get a nice surprise, and if they do, you will be prepared.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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  DChurchill said:
Meh. I've been looking for a reason to start fresh. :)

You know, you just saying that has given me enough reason. I mean, I can't help but look at everything I've done so far and think how I could have done it better. Wasn't there a movie a few years ago about a world-ending alien invasion on Independence Day? And guess what's coming up in 2 days?

Looks like I've got 2 days to design and build an alien invasion fleet. Using UFO technology to Hack Gravity, the hostile aliens will obliterate all bases and stations either with decouplerguns or, should those miss, ramming ;).

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Even if an update doesn't officially break previous saves, there's always the potential for an unintentional break. Remember 20.1 (or whichever it was) when everybody's Mun stuff got moved underground? It's just something you have to expect when playing a game that's still in development.

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This is why I don't use KSP on Steam, at least not for now, it makes me worry too much lol. I always always always keep an archive of my old games. I have a folder under my Kerbal Space Program folder named: "KSP Archive: Old versions frozen in time" where basically, whenever a new version comes out, I stop whatever version I'm working on and just put it in the archive.

...I never copy my saves over anyhow, though... So this is basically useless.. Anyhow, a good habit to get into.

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  M5000 said:
This is why I don't use KSP on Steam, at least not for now, it makes me worry too much lol. I always always always keep an archive of my old games. I have a folder under my Kerbal Space Program folder named: "KSP Archive: Old versions frozen in time" where basically, whenever a new version comes out, I stop whatever version I'm working on and just put it in the archive.

...I never copy my saves over anyhow, though... So this is basically useless.. Anyhow, a good habit to get into.

Ditto, I archive my KSP_** folders. However, I do backup my saves folder in case I accidentally end a flight (like a space station).

Edited by roosterr
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If they don't guarantee backwards compatibility, why did they change the Mun back to the way it was before 0.20?
Well, for one thing, it didn't require rolling the game back to a state that undid feature implementations.
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