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[1.0.3] Editor Extensions v2.12 - 23 June


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Seconded. No problems thus far.

Thanks, I haven't been able to do any proper testing yet, I will in the next couple days and update the post. Let me know if you run into any weirdness and I'll look into it.

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Bug report!

Problem: hard crash (Floating Point Exception)

1) go to SPH (doesn't seem to happen in VAB)

2) place command pod

3) select a radially mountable part

4) hover over command pod for radial placement

5) press shift+C a few times

6) at the transition from 'no snap' to '90°', KSP bombs, printing "Floating Point Exception" to terminal

using linux 64 bit binary

This behaviour isn't new in 0.23, but 0.23's massively faster load time has allowed me the patience to find a way to reliably reproduce it :)

Other than this, works perfect in 0.23. may want to update thread title :)

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Bug report!

Problem: hard crash (Floating Point Exception)

1) go to SPH (doesn't seem to happen in VAB)

2) place command pod

3) select a radially mountable part

4) hover over command pod for radial placement

5) press shift+C a few times

6) at the transition from 'no snap' to '90°', KSP bombs, printing "Floating Point Exception" to terminal

using linux 64 bit binary

This behaviour isn't new in 0.23, but 0.23's massively faster load time has allowed me the patience to find a way to reliably reproduce it :)

Other than this, works perfect in 0.23. may want to update thread title :)

Thanks for the heads up. I'm seeing a handled divide by zero error in windows under the same circumstances - I should have some time this weekend to track it down and hopefully fix it.

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I use all the features, and I haven't seen any EE-specific editor issues. I take it you mean you press alt-r and it isn't toggling? If that's the case do you have another mod that might conflict with that combination? I definitely use this feature and haven't had a problem.

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I use all the features, and I haven't seen any EE-specific editor issues. I take it you mean you press alt-r and it isn't toggling? If that's the case do you have another mod that might conflict with that combination? I definitely use this feature and haven't had a problem.

well then let's go bughunting and find the culprit. Didn't know of any mods that would interfer with it and tested it on stock parts to be sure .But maybe it is still another mod causing this .

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Thanks for the heads up. I'm seeing a handled divide by zero error in windows under the same circumstances - I should have some time this weekend to track it down and hopefully fix it.

excellent, glad to know it's not just me :)

just a heads up, I did manage to trigger this in the VAB today, same sequence- holding a part for radial attach, then shift+c to go no_snap -> 90

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Getting some very odd issues with this mod since 0.23 dropped.

In VAB trying to set staging will bug out...seems that things can only be draged and droped to stages above the current one...trying to drop anything in a stage lower (or trying to move a whole stage down) causes the stage/item to hang. Whats even more odd is I cant see any errors when it happens, in either debug log or a dump log.

Problem does not occur on stock install, still trying to chase it down...but this is only mod I use that effects things in VAB, so figured Id mention it, see if anyone else has same issue.

Will edit post if I find more info.

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I have an idea that I think many people would find useful, I like the vertical snap a lot. I wish it was segmented, but there is another time where a 'lock' would be mighty handy:


If I want to mirror these docking ports on the next piece, it's possible to use a 'buffer' piece I can copy between the segments. But if we could just get it to clamp like the symmetry from center, it would be possible to just do it manually.

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Hello all. :)

I'm getting an unusual bug. Unusual for me, that is, I guess. In the editor, either the SPH or the VAB, I have no text field at the top center of the screen, and the name of the current ship does not appear, not even 'Untitled Spacecraft'. I've checked my log file, and whenever I'm in the editor it spams the following repeatedly:

[EXC 04:08:03.426] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'EditorLogic.Lock'.

[EXC 04:08:03.464] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'EditorLogic.Lock'.

[EXC 04:08:03.466] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'EditorLogic.SetSoftLock'.

[EXC 04:08:03.468] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'EditorLogic.SetSoftLock'.

Always in pairs like that. Is this something to do with Editor Extensions? The only reason I ask is the term "EditorLogic". I realize that this may in fact NOT have anything to do with this mod, but I figured I'd start here, at least.


Edit: I figured it out. It has nothing to do with Editor Extensions, thankfully! It turns out that the problem was between the latest version of UbioZur's Welding plugin (playtest 5, I believe), and RCS Build Aid 4.0. Which is weird, because both of these worked in perfect harmony BEFORE updating to KSP 0.23. Oh, well, just shows how bizarrely software can interact sometimes. :)

Edited by Neutrinovore
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Is it sure that this plugin works perfectly fine with version .23?

I encountered the following problem for the second time while using the switching between SPH and VAB modes in the VAB:


While doing the same principle in .22 did not give me this problem.

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Well, "works perfectly fine" might be stretching it. It works as well as it always did. AFAIK, it's always been possible to get KSP utterly confused when switching between VAB and SPH modes. If you never had it go wonky on you before now, you've just been lucky until now. Wonky symmetry weirdness seems to be a general KSP bug (it happens without this mod installed), but switching modes definitely aggravates it.

Edited by Gaius
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I encountered the following problem for the second time while using the switching between SPH and VAB modes in the VAB:


I encountered the same bug when I placed lander can in VAB first, added some parts, rotated it 90 degree (SPH style) because parts tried to be added on wrong angles, added more parts, rotated it back.. oops, bug is here. So it's just KSP editor bug, I guess.

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Hi ! I just added this plugin to my 0.23 while trying in SPH to add small girders in 4x symmetry (so, VAB mode is inevitable) on radial surface of large RCS tank (750 fuel) and they just would not attach normally as they would in usual 4x symmetry in real VAB.

They just want to stay at non-perpendicular angles no matter what, and stay offsetted tangentially from center (not "pointing" to center).

I was hoping to use something other than 2x symmetry in SPH without switching to VAB but alas ...

Maybe i did not follow instructions properly ?

EDIT: I found that after rotating rcs tank in vertical position made the >2x symmetry in SPH worked.

Also a few feature requests.

Request 1 : Part alignement. Both translational and angular.

The translational part alignement would help in building "proper" geometry, especially when it affects craft's CoT vector (look for RCSBuildAid, it really helps debug CoM/CoL/CoT issues). I often in SPH try to add two parts that have perfectly matched main axis (front/rear) coordinate. So far, i can only visually check if parts have same position, which is with "jittery" mouse control a tad hard, more on that later).

Workflow (admittedly this is for SPH, in VAB it would work quite different, maybe polar coordinates ?) :

- add part A, to be used as alignement target

- add part B, to be aligned

- add part C, attachment target for part B

- set part A as translational alignement target, also set which axis (main, transverse, vertical)

- select and move part B to part C, when part B is "close" enough (at some predefined "snapping" distance) it would "snap" to same axis position as part A, if part C to which part B is attached part ALLOWS it, otherwise it could break editor (i was able to break it several times on complex geometry, had to exit to space center and go back)

- set part B in position as per usual workflow

Example for above workflow would be adding multiple docking ports (normal size) to fuel tank, all aligned to same position on main axis.

The angular alignement would work pretty same as translational, but it should allow user to add part to any parent part as long as parent allows this (again, trying to avoid breaking the editor). This also has consequence that it must "enforce" angle snap settings, ie if user has currently 15 deg snap and alignement target is 16 deg rotated, it must switch to 1 deg mode while alignement operation is active.

Another problem is how to define a alignement root for manipulated part ? When part is in normal position (when selected from building icons) it can be attached to rotated parent and it will rotate too. So if this is not a big programming issue for you, user can be given option to either respect aligement of attached-to part center, root part center or even SPH center (same as freshly placed command part). This issue affects both translational and rotational alignement because of centering (user may not notice it for translational since rotational would probably be default).

Another idea : user should be able to align part to be added to parent part as well. Example : add radial attachment to center of large grider instead of manually targeting (which causes part to rotate on flat surface). Also a choice to align to one or more parent part axes, maybe under a defined angle (maintain a 30 deg angle anywhere on parent surface).

Request 2 : Editable camera rotation radius and position (partially implemented, yes).

I think i'm not the only one annoyed when i need to look at certain part at close zoom level during construction and having to do lots of rotate/move/rotate/move/... just to manipulate or look at target part from different angle.

Workflow :

- add part A, used as manipulation target

- define part A as camera target

- rotate around part A at close zoom level

- unlink part A from camera target (effectively return camera control to normal behaviour)

Also, when user need to quickly do something somewhere else, there should be option to temporarily "bookmark" a part so camera could jump back to target part after user returns attention to edited part. Also, there should be an option to switch camera to part's "symmetrical twin" (or to next instance of it if >2x symmetry).

One more : Add keyboard control of camera. This by itself is useless, even most of times won't have visible effect. BUT. I noticed when making changes to >500+ part vehicle, editor often "stalls" then resumes operation (yes, even 0.22 suffered from this despite user complaints back in 0.22), and it still records all mouse movement and clicks during "stall" causing camera to "jump" unpredictably. This more a bug of editor, but if keyboard control to camera translation is added, this issue could be circumvented for the time being.

Request 3 : Part manipulation while attached to construction.

I did not know how to call it :) Idea is to edit part position and/or angle AFTER it is attached to parent part. I often (don't know about others) have trouble when i try to move attached part, when i click it, it "jumps" so it's center moves to pointer (a normal editor behaviour with "fresh" parts, but still annoying with attached ones), ruining the placement.

Workflow :

- add part A, used as parent part

- add part B, used as manipulated part

- add part B to part A

- select part B for editing (selection operation provided by editor tools)

- precisely move/rotate part B

Note that above operation may collide with translational alignement, but can be internally resolved :

- set translational alignement target

- begin editing attahced part to change it's position

- edited part cannot "snap" to alignement target since it would cause it to detach from parent part (but if it can slide along surface to reach position, that's fine), this should not be point of confusion for user as long as alignement target and parent part are separated by more than snapping activation distance

Request 4 : Precision editing.

Oh how many times i was annoyed at editor when i moved a pointer just to move part a little bit, and instead it "flies" off on entirely different position ? Like chaning angles, if this can be manipulated with cursor keys, it would immensely help. Options to define/select amount how much part moves are also welcome.

Edited by fatcargo
found reason why, but still not working as assumed
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