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What's your favourite "old" game?


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Yes, yes, and more yes. TS2 was and still is fantastic to play. Fighting off hordes of monkeys in multiplayer was one of my past-times.

Also as the OP mentioned, the original RCT was the first game I really got addicted to

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All of the following I still play from time to time:

First PC game was Freespace, and I also still play Freespace 2.

Independence War 2.

The entire Baldur's Gate series.

MechWarrior 4 and all the expansions.

Pharoah and the Cleopatra expansion.

Grim Fandango.


No One Lives Forever 1 and 2 (2 includes a fight scene inside a mobile home in the middle of a tornado in Akron, Ohio. Being that I'm from Columbus, Ohio, this tickles my funny bone)

Far Cry.

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind and ES4: Oblivion.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

I would still be playing Crimson Skies if I could find a fix for the texture issues with it.

But my favorite of all time, and one I play at least once per year is Deus Ex. I can never get tired of that game. DX: Invisible War was okay, if a bit of a joke, and DX: Human Revolution isn't *quite* as bad as DX:IW, but nowhere near as good as the original.

And lastly, because I just found out about this yesterday: http://www.homeworldremastered.com/

The original Homeworld is always installed on my comp (still using the release day disc I bought back then), and is the second game installed after Deus Ex when I do an OS reinstall or computer upgrade. I am so stoked for this remaster. Cataclysm I was always "meh" about, and HW2 was better than Cata, but still pales in comparison to the first. I just hope they put the Raider Retreat missions back into the original game.

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Yeah, back in my Windows days I really enjoyed Crimson Skies. Half the fun was designing the planes (hmmm). I kept trumping my brother because he was sure that the larger the caliber weapon, the more damage it did. But I'd figured out that the next caliber down in size fired at a faster rate, doing the same damage. Due to it having less mass, I was able to max out armor, while he was more vulnerable. At least it worked for me. :)

Far Cry, Morrowind, Oblivion; all good fun.

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Rainbow Six: Raven Shield - That game is and will be one of the best tactical shooters ever.

SWAT 4 - Another one of the classic old tactical shooters. I'm so sad this genre died out, there have been no games recently with this level of awesomeness.

Yeah it's pretty damn fun, and realistic.

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I feel so OLD....after this post I'm going to adjust the angle of my headstone to block the afternoon sun and pull the sod back over me....


First PC game I ever played on an old Franklin computer (Apple II clone) that had an incredible 256kb of memory!

The graphics on the franklin looked like this:http://www.mobygames.com/game/apple2/pawn/screenshots/gameShotId,522894/

Oh, that's right, there were NO graphics. The game had them, but the apple/clone couldn't display them....

Played a LOT of Star Command later on. But the Civilization series (all of them!) has probably eaten more of my life than any, Although the TW series comes close.

edit: I have several indie titles too....Don't Starve, Outlast, State of Decay, None of which I would of looked at seriously until I picked up KSP after a post on Slashdot. Before then Indie games mostly seemed 'meh'.

Currently a lot of racing games....Grid, Grid2, Dirt3, F12012, and (of course) Civ V, TW medieval II and Rome I, along with Skyrim and GTAIV.

But KSP is rocketing right up my list (how appropo) with nearly 800 hrs in 14 months.

Now get off my lawn, but could you please shovel the sidewalk on the way out?

Edited by pslytely psycho
Cuz I wanted too?
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Gotta be the original StarCraft. It was already "old" when I played it as a kid, but I still thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was the first real PC game I had ever owned, and I played the crap out of it. Never got into multiplayer, and also cheated a lot on the singleplayer, but I had fun with it.

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  • 7 months later...

ZORK I: The Great Underground Empire
Copyright (c) 1981, 1982, 1983 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
ZORK is a registered trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Revision 88 / Serial number 840726

West of House
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front
There is a small mailbox here.


(And related games set in the GUE)

With old I mean something older than 6 years.

Wow. That's the definition of "old"? I think the only games I've played that aren't old are KSP and Portal 2.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Crash Bandicoot, and, I must agree with OP on this one, Roller Coaster Tycoon. Holy crap, how many hours went into those three games. I give credit to Sonic 2 for my quick reaction times, in video games and irl. Chemical Plant Zone, gosh how I love that theme. Sonic 2 had the greatest soundtrack out of all the early sonic games in my opinion.

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One I'm surprsied hasn't been mentioned:



Jagged Alliance 2, IMO one of the best tactical/strategy games ever made, I still play it (with some big mods) today.

Time to take out the trash!

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My first games:

Sopwith (Fly)


Alley cat




Dam Buster




The last mission (actually I tried somewhat successfully to make a remake using Turbo Basic)


Lode runner


And more ...

My favorites by gender:


Master of magic - sometimes play using DOSBOX

Master of orion 2

UFO Enemy unknown, Terror from the deep, X-Com Apocalypse and X-Com Interceptor

Jagged Alliance 2


Wizardry 7 - my first and still best RPG I ever played.

Land of lore 1, 2 ...

Baldur's Gate 2, +Throne of Baal

Icewind dale 1, 2


Warcraft (first), Warcraft 2 had too "cold" graphics for my taste




Transport Tycoon Deluxe


Descent 1 and 2



Gunship 2000

MetalTech: Earthsiege

and more...


Damn! I forgot all the Spectrum games I played... Except of R-Type, Knights Lore, Pilot, Elite ... where is my memory?

Edited by Guest
My memory is failing me ...
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My favorites:

Stunts, 1988. Smaller than this widget _instance_ footprint.


This was CD era. Games took some megs, less than this vid itself, but had payload of video and music to extend to CD size. This ripped copy has video deleted, fit into ~20 megs.

Played this for ages in 1996-1997, then again in 2007 (openTTD). In year 2000 futuristic future was coming true, everything became looking weirdly.

Duke Nukem. Finished all 3 episodes, then spent time building levels for it. (There was no commercial internet then, so no place to publish, just for myself.)

...aaand watch this. 1988 fantastic sound for those days. If you heard PC "screamer" games, you know what I mean. Someone wrote in comments "my childhood was a lie!"

Edited by Kulebron
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Some more:

This what brought me to flight sims:

Built some maps for it and published on some forum.

I played these!

Edited by Kulebron
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God, the first time you open the door and the hybrid attacks you with the pipe. :D

Oh man.. I wish I could go back in time.. I remember my dad keeping me on his lap and explaining to me the instruments on that chopper while mom was yelling at us to go to the kitchen for dinner..

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There were internal track editor in "Stunts" game. I always tried to make a track that forced AI to crash, since winning against Skid Vicious was almost impossible.

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Games I played to death:

Flight Simulator (all versions)

688 Attack Sub (PC and Genesis)

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (I kept that game on my hard drive for a decade)

Elite 2: Frontier and Frontier: First Encounters

Descent 1 and 2

Battlefield 1942 and its amazing Desert Combat mod (maybe the most fun I've ever had in multiplayer, ever)

Star Control 1 and 2


Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and all the subsequent games

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God, I haven't thought about 688 Attack Sub in ages. That was a good game. I liked Battlefield 1942 as well. Always wanted to try the WWI mod for that but could never get it to work.

My favorite old games are Silent Service and Microsoft Close Combat. Luckily, there is finally a new version of the latter from Slitherine.

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There were internal track editor in "Stunts" game. I always tried to make a track that forced AI to crash, since winning against Skid Vicious was almost impossible.

Interesting. I did not have problems with Skid Vicious, probably because I got feeling of cars (well, their rails) there. They did crash when there was a highway turn after an up ramp, and I abused that too. :)

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