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What's your favourite "old" game?


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My favorite old game is Bungie's Marathon series (which consists of the official trilogy and many third party scenarios, maps and levels [they were fun to create and play]).

You are a security officer aboard the UESC Marathon colony ship. Are you the 10th Mjolnir Mark IV cyborg? You may well get answers to that question as you battle your way through the Marathon; alien ships, planet and moon. This FPS works on current Windows, Mac and Linux machines by using the Aleph One engine. The open source engine and the games are free, thanks to Bungie. You may get them here:


The site has a few pics.

Here's one from Bungie:


The graphics (resolution, etc.) have been improved in Aleph One over this old pic.

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Adding pic.
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My favourite old game had to be Unreal. My dad got me into this game when he showed me videos of it and he also had the game in one of his boxes full of games from when he was my age. Even tho the graphics arent gd the gameplay and story was really gd :)

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X-Wing vs Tie Fighter and the Balance of Power expansion (Just an amazingly fun game. Decent graphics, a good musical score, and you get to fly your favourite fighters)


Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos (gotta love a Newtonian physics engine, even if the game was bugged to hell. There was one mission where you protect a convoy, but a bug caused it to not only double the number of hostiles but also double the number of freighters to protect... still beat them even if it did take 20 or so attempts :P)


Homeworld and Cataclysm (Epic storylines and cut scenes, not to mention the fact that the Beast made my brother poop bricks. Being able to command hundreds of ships from tiny scouts to huge carriers and dreadnoughts was awesome even if the stories were very linear. I've since played HW2, and also Sins of a Solar Empire which was touted as a spiritual successor to Homeworld, but neither were particularly good.)


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I've started having pangs of nostalgia about them, but there were a lot of great games on lego.com circa 2005. Backlot, Junkbot and its sequel, Drome Racing Challenge, Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident... I played so much of those games in my childhood, and its sad that some of them are gone. Four of these can still be played (through archive.org or Lego's cache thing), but DRC was multiplayer and that was fully removed several years ago :(

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Another one: Top Gear (SNES).


And of course, F-ZERO!


While we did owned an SNES console when I was a kid, we didn't had these game titles. It was only through these machines (makeshift arcade machines where you must insert a coin to play for a limited amount of time) that I got to know about these titles, including Gradius III (I've posted earlier).

EDIT: And also by OP's definition of "old", I'm pretty sure this will qualify:


I'm actually planning to install it again on my laptop, so yea... Will be away from KSP for a while for sure.

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  • 3 months later...

IL-2 Sturmovik 1942, Star Wars Empire at War, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Star Wars: Republic Commando, GTA: San Andreas... I can go on for quite a bit, most of the games I really like are quite old

Those are the ones I still play, Abe's Odyssee was my all time favourite back on the PS1

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I clicked on this thread expecting to end up ranting about whippersnappers who don't know from nothin', and how we had proper games back in my day with none of this newfangled Steam business, why you had to dig out the floppy disk or PRESS PLAY ON TAPE, and that the important thing is that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. While there are a few of you who definitely need to get off my lawn, I'm pleasantly surprised to see X-COM so well represented. And SimAnt, damn, I haven't seen that in ages.

But I know I can't be the only one here who's played the greatest game ever (shut up yes it is):


http://www.sc2.sourceforge.net/ Ur Quan Masters... it's a remake, and a veeeery good one ;)

First PC game I ever bought, I played demo games from magazine coverdisks before this (floppies), and 8 and 16bit consoles/computers before that.


Managed to break my PC by putting C:\Frontier\frontier.exe in the autoexec.bat....


As for myself?

Those two, the original Elite (played it for the entire summer break on my old C-128)

Supremacy http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/283/Supremacy+aka+Overlord.html

Master of Orion 1 & 2 (shame MoO 3 is such garbage...)

X-COM naturally... I personally prefer Terror from the Deep, tho when I first started playing UFO: Enemy Unknown, it was winter time, the days were short and the nights were long, and I was so scared I couldn't make myself go to toilet until dawn XD

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Oh man, old games. Let's see here...


Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. Without doubt the best Star Wars game I've played, and yes, I've played Battlefront 1 and 2 (and controversially, I must say I prefer 1 over 2 :0.0:). A fantastic story with brilliant characters, cool weapons, and memorable environments. JKII is one to play if you've never played it.


Starlancer. I miss this game so much; the CDs are there, taunting me, but they won't work! The game launches, I get to the briefing room for mission 5, I think (the one in which you have to protect the Condors while they're dropping their early warning satellites), choose my ship, and then the game just gets stuck, with the sound looping and the screen not moving. Is this is to do with the discs (because they seem fairly scuffed up) and not incompatibility with Windows 7? Please say so I can get a new copy of the game if need be; I'd very much like to play this again!

As for the game itself; an incredible bit of work by the man who is now working on Star Citizen. Loads of different fighters to choose from, familiar locations (the Solar System is our playground in this game, so Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune all make an appearance), awesome missions, and a lengthy campaign make this one of my all-time favourites.




Mechwarrior 3 & 4. These are pretty badass games. Unfortunately, they too are reluctant to work on my laptop. I got them all running on my older, much less powerful laptop, but I can't for the life of me figure out what I did to make them work. It's not the discs this time, either; I think Windows 7 just doesn't know what to do. I'll try what I can to make them work again.

However, the games themselves, like I said, are completely badass, as anyone familiar with Mechwarrior should know. You pilot Battlemechs that can weigh up to 100 tons and fill categories from Light to Assault; every mech is big, some are bigger than others, but all of them are bigger than that poor man you just squashed in your haste to deal with the Atlas that just blasted your left arm off. Lots of 'Mechs, lots of weapons, lots of fun!


Halo CE. Needs no introduction, I think we all know what we're dealing with here. The game that got me an Xbox. Still one of the best Halo games made.


Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. Build your own robots, then fight to the death. What could possibly be bad about that? I haven't tried to play this for ages, actually. Might have a look at getting it installed.

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Metroid Prime. For sure. Loved the whole thing. First played it 5 years ago, it came out in 2002. Probably the only Nintendo series I legitimately enjoyed.


I also had the original NFS Most Wanted, Which I believe is much better. I had both for Gamecube, but I think NFS performace and graphics were significantly better on Xbox and PS2. Definitely worth it to buy these games.


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