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What if probe cores are actually the brains of Kerbals who were spliced with machine to attempt to create the perfect cosmonaut, and due to disaster, the bodies of said Kerbals were not ready, and exploded. The brains were all they could save. So inside that probe core you crashed into Jool was the consciousness of a bright eyed young Kerbal with dreams to become something greater...

You monster.

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The electricity needed to run the probe core would make sense as a life support of sorts to keep the brain alive. But then again what about when the electricity runs out and is restored later?

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If probe cores are the remnants of failed Kerbal-machine experiments gone wrong where the part-machine, part-organic mind was the only thing rescued then are lander cans and command pods the mirror images of probes, a tragic case where they saved the body but couldn't salvage the brain?

Maybe that cupboard marked snacks is actually a poor cyber-Kerbal's metallic stomach, the navball was once an eye, and the crew hatch...? :o

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What if probe cores are actually the brains of Kerbals who were spliced with machine to attempt to create the perfect cosmonaut, and due to disaster, the bodies of said Kerbals were not ready, and exploded. The brains were all they could save. So inside that probe core you crashed into Jool was the consciousness of a bright eyed young Kerbal with dreams to become something greater...

You monster.

Stay classy, internet.

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My space program does not discriminate between any types of kerbals. As an equal opportunity employer we do not feel bad for the death of probe-kerbals, or any other kind of kerbal hybrid thing along with the rest of the kerbals...or any living creature for that matter.

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the probes are part kerbans? that's why half of my rockets explode on the launch pad! that explains so much. how could a creature hardly capable of pulling the thrust level without guidance know how to directly control electronic circuits

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What if probe cores are actually the brains of Kerbals who were spliced with machine to attempt to create the perfect cosmonaut, and due to disaster, the bodies of said Kerbals were not ready, and exploded. The brains were all they could save. So inside that probe core you crashed into Jool was the consciousness of a bright eyed young Kerbal with dreams to become something greater...

You monster.

I still don't care.

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Oh God, why didn't anyone tell me this before!? :(

I must right my wrongs... all probes in the Space Program have been taken out of service...


If you don't sell them soon they might die at the store because they ran out of electric charge D:

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"The Kerbals were created by man. They rebelled. They evolved. They look and feel human. Some are programmed to think they are human. There are many copies. And they have… a plan."

Very appropriate I'd say.

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