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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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How many mods/addons do you have installed? If you install too many parts, KSP will run out of memory. You can fix this by either deleting the parts that you don't use, or going to settings -> graphics and set the texture resolution to half res.

only squad and nova punch.

my system is 64gb ram 2x2.4 quad xeon

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only squad and nova punch.

my system is 64gb ram 2x2.4 quad xeon

KSP is a 32-bit application. It will only use 3.5GB of RAM, regardless of how much you have installed. There is no 64-bit Unity engine client available for Windows or Mac at this time.

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KSP is a 32-bit application. It will only use 3.5GB of RAM, regardless of how much you have installed. There is no 64-bit Unity engine client available for Windows or Mac at this time.

But it's still weird that he crashes with only NovaPunch and Squad. Vidoq24, you should try to reduce texture quality to half in the settings menu.

EDIT: Oh, and Tiberion, could you possibly make a tutorial on how to run a part through unity? You seem to have quite the hang of it, and none of the tuotrials that I found worked for me.

Edited by wasmic
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I found a small animation bug with the radial parachute.

If you mount the chute pod in a rotated position, the parachute will deploy the direction in which the pod is rotated rather than the direction of travel.

Once the animation completes the chute snaps to the correct direction, but when it's time to fully open the canopy, the chute snaps back to the rotated orientation until the animation completes, then it snaps to the normal velocity vector again.

I haven't tested this with the stock radial chutes, just the one from this kit. I'll try to get you some screenshots of this if my description doesn't make sense.

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Hey Tiberion, regarding the tech nodes, you do realize that there's a tech node called Experimental Rocketry, right? It's reserved for use by mods only, and would be a great place to add some of the big NP parts.

TechRequired = experimentalRocketry

Just add that little field to the biggest and meanest parts.

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Yep, but I don't like the implementation of the mod-only nodes - having them be at the end is great if your mods add new technology, but NP parts are stock-only and function just like stock parts, so having them at the end made zero sense.

I balanced the tech to be progressive from the beginning of the tree and make the mod playable all the way up as its own experience, not to require people to play stock-only for the entire tree and then pick up NP.

I tried it out with putting the 5m parts in there, but it felt wrong to have 10 or so parts piled in there of al varying kinds, so I just left them in the top regular nodes, beside the proper stock parts.

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Agree with you there the tech tree is ludicrous how does manned flight come before probes /satellites it should be small rockets eg: V2 type rockets first, then satellites/ unmaned probes moving up to larger rockets to place kerbal in orbit the order is all wrong

This current implementation of the tech tree is all about kerbals. Kerbals are whacky crazy things, and everything they do is whacky and crazy. However, the research system as well as the whole game is still under works, so we should take every update with a grain of salt the size of Gilly.

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Agree with you there the tech tree is ludicrous how does manned flight come before probes /satellites it should be small rockets eg: V2 type rockets first, then satellites/ unmaned probes moving up to larger rockets to place kerbal in orbit the order is all wrong

I`m currently redesigning the tree so you have to do lots of science before you get a pod and then you have to fly about a bit before you get any rocket parts bigger than a firework then you have to get supersonic flight before you get anything that can get you out of the atmosphere...

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I know Kerbals do weird stuff but there is a natural progression to things

Well, the tree WAS designed to ease new players into the game, not to make it very realistic. And I personally find it funny that you have to do a few flights before you're able to make a computer-controlled probe. I do agree that the plane parts should be earlier in the tech tree, but Supersonic flight before going to space orbit? No way.

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I think the weirdest thing about the tech tree progression is that they modeled it after the timeline of when the parts and functions were added to the game. I sort of grasp the logic that a lot of their current players "unlocked" tech in that progression and that it seemed to work, and thus they're trying to carry it forward.. but I think we can do better when we have all the pieces now and could make a new progression from the ground up. I think having rover wheels and parts so high in the tech tree is a great example of that - that isn't fantastically advanced tech, its wheels and a go-kart frame at the base level; so those could be spread out better and open up some compelling gameplay much earlier.

But like I said, this was the first iteration, I'm not going to try to dial in the experience too much until the systems are far closer to being done. Too much other stuff to do :P

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So, I took a break from NP and got a lot done with the shuttle mod, and I am pretty happy with how that stuff came out.

Ready to start doing some new stuff here though. Here's the 1st thing:


I had the rough model of the pod done for a while, but I've finally gotten around to adding all the detail and other parts.

It's mostly based on the CST-100, though I want to incorporate some Orion function into it too.

On the service module engines, the CST-100 has the 4 little thrusters. But I discovered when modeling the nozzle that it looks pretty good with one larger engine (Its 0.625m) in the center as well. Any thoughts, preferences?

It's going to black and white/silver, rather than white and yellow like some of the promotional CST images (unless frizzank wants to pick it up and do something special, heh)

It's 3.75m diameter and will hold 6 kerbals. Nothing fancy like landing legs/engines or anything like that. There's a heatshield on the bottom of the capsule

I am looking for anything interested in making a stock-like IVA scene for it - doesn't need to support HUDs or anything (If you want to do that, cool, I'd just like a base model that is plugin-less as well)

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