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Funniest/Coolest Kerbal Names


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I call him manley danley.

But only because apparently his courage meter was a lie. He didn't once show a panic face even when doing an aerobrake in Jool's atmosphere.

As a reward, he has been parked holding onto a station fuel pod until I can get something more substantial out there to help him bring it in.

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I call him manley danley.

But only because apparently his courage meter was a lie. He didn't once show a panic face even when doing an aerobrake in Jool's atmosphere.

As a reward, he has been parked holding onto a station fuel pod until I can get something more substantial out there to help him bring it in.

He probably has the "BadS" variable checked, making it very difficult for him to panic. Pretty much like Jebediah.

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Kerzor Kerman.

I really oughta hire that guy.

Yeah, his mind is really sharp

He probably has the "BadS" variable checked, making it very difficult for him to panic. Pretty much like Jebediah.

I've made him scared once on a reentry which was a drop from Minmus. Straight down.

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Rodgun Kerman- They're going to man any BDarmory craft I have.

Tedsted Kerman- Because when you have 2 teds, you need an S.

Hanhat Kerman- They give out hats.

Corbus Kerman- Only hired to drive buses.

Dessby Kerman- I dunno, I just like this one.

Ferbur Kerman- Ditto.

(No idea how I got Tedsted or Corbus,- "Ted" nor "Te" nor "-bus" nor are on that list!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my current career I got a Sherlock Kerman. Ironically he is not very smart. Rather dim actually. For the time being he drives my Kerbin SOI Passenger Shuttle, which was just used in a contract to investigate a Munar anomaly. Mission not completed because he had the wrong kind of Multispectral scanner mounted. So have to return after bolting on a new part. I told you, he isn't very smart :rolleyes:

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I can never forget (or forgive) Lanley Kerman.

I had finally landed on Duna after long perioid of building and testing a colony. First thing that little green ....... did when he got outside was to smash solar panels from the rover I had built for them to get around.

But now I'm sticking with my main man Melman Kerman (named him myself though). He's kinda BadS. I even send JBB on orbit around Jool so he could be the default guy. (With Hyperedit of course. They're not worthy for Jool-capable ship)

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There is a Jool mission underway at the moment. Hanging out at the snack bar and talking about the good ole days are Buzz and Johnsen Kerman.

I snicker whenever I see Johnsen, I keep thinking of the scene in Austin Powers. Look, up in the sky, is that a big… Johnson!

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