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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Weird. Still looks off to me. Might be my internet. I cant seem to connect to any Google affiliated stuff, maybe my DLs are getting corrupted. Ill wait to see what everyone else says.

EDIT: I'm a Linux newb. I have to extract the RAR file somewhere before it shows up correctly in Linux.

Edited by UAL002
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I will get the story mission back. Going to take a bit. At this point when I make a new contract with objectives I have to not only write the Contracts but the objectives too! Once the objectives are all written I will be able to make contracts pretty fast.

Good, because for now, it feels more like the "random contracts" where.

From what I tried of the new version (and the lot from the old), your mod is shaping up to get a place in the top of my mod list, along with FAR, KAS, Kerbal Engineer and Remote tech, as "must have".

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Weird. Still looks off to me. Might be my internet. I cant seem to connect to any Google affiliated stuff, maybe my DLs are getting corrupted. Ill wait to see what everyone else says.

EDIT: I'm a Linux newb. I have to extract the RAR file somewhere before it shows up correctly in Linux.

Dang Maybe I should use a zip file too.

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EDIT: the problem is with KSP 0.24.1, not MCE. See Malkuth's post below.

I just installed the newest MCE and my mission Active and Mission Archives got wiped out. All gone. Clean.

Edited by Apollo13
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Did you install the new ksp update? Because when I installed the new ksp update the same thing happened to me. Mce does not touch your persistent file so it's not that.

I lost everything myself.

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Did you install the new ksp update? Because when I installed the new ksp update the same thing happened to me. Mce does not touch your persistent file so it's not that.

I lost everything myself.

Good to hear it's not MCE;.

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Also take note 1b is compiled in 24.1 and not the new 24.2. Not sure what's changed but I will recompile in morning. Reading reports online that 24.2 is breaking a lot of mods. Not sure right now if mce is one of them! Backup your saves before installing mods is a good bet.

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Ok, i have a question with the new contracts. Its for the one for orbital time. Im not totaly sure on how to complete it. Do you get a satalite in orbit and then the timer starts and once you hit the min time, then change it so its going to go out of orbit?

Ive brought one up and have had it longer then what the contract says for and never saw anything change on it. So i wasnt sure if i had to de orbit it or change its orbit altitude or change it so its going to de orbit.

Some how i ended up doing a all nighter so i might not be making total sense with this post, lol.

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With the original MCE you had a readout that told you what your orbital time was. But now you need a program like mechjeb or my favorite Engineer that tells you what your orbital time. The mission is set up to put you into a GyoSync orbit. Two ways to get to GyoSync orbit one is to go to the max and min distantance it requires for Kerbin to get to it. Or in the orbital period case go to 6 hours.

What I do with Engineer is launch and bring my ApA high enough were my readout of Orbital period reads about 3 hours. Then When I Circle the orbit at ApA I finalize the Orbital period until it gets to 6 hours.

Other than that you will need to do math and figure out that way. ;)

Oh and the instant you get into the parameters set in this case between 5 hours 58 min and 6 hours 1 mins. Your mission is complete.

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Hey Malk, you should check out the Extra Contracts mod. Combined with MCE makes for a much more varied KSP experience.

I have seen it. In my opinion the more contracts the better. :)

Dmagic is also working on contracts for his sciencemod going to be some good times with contracts next few weeks.

Edited by malkuth
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Hey Malk, you should check out the Extra Contracts mod. Combined with MCE makes for a much more varied KSP experience.

Thanks for telling us about this. I added that mod.

Malkuth: in the Fine Print thread (AKA Extra Contracts), another poster mentioned a thread with a list of new contract ideas. Perhaps, you can use it for inspiration http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86853-New-mission-types


Finally, I am extremely disappointed in the contract system created by Squad. I reviewed the thread in the Add-On Development subforum. I see that additional contracts, such as MCE, must create contracts in a compiled .DLL file. One poster mentioned it would have been preferred if contracts could have been defined in a text file. If only Squad had looked at MCE vers 1.0 to see how you're SUPPOSED to accomplish this task. But, Squad has "Not Invented Here" arrogance; so, it went its own way.

One poster (m4v) in that thread even stated "Learn some C# for Christ sake". What an arrogant a$$. As a developer for over 40 years and having written at least 500,000 lines of code in a variety of languages (assembler, C, C++, C#, and many others), I found the stupidity of his statement to be beyond comprehension. C++, and C# are daunting for even for programmers who are unfamiliar with object-oriented methodologies and algorithms. To suggest that a neophyte, or even non-programmer, just slap together a C# program is asinine.

Finally, C# requires purchasing of MS Visual Studio, which is a lot to lay out just to make missions.


Having ranted above, is there way for you to "recreate" your MCE 1.0 contract structure and semi-integrate it into the PoS that is KSP's Contract system? By this, I mean, parse a textual MPKG file and create contracts from it. If the MPKG contracts cannot be displayed within the Mission Controller building (as was done in MCE 1.0), then I'm okay with that. I acknowledge that you have a lot of free time and devote 100% of your life to this mod, so this ought not be difficult to accomplish LOL.

Bottom line: Malkuth, you did MCE contracts the right way, Squad didn't.

Edited by Apollo13
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Any plans to add more "satellite" into satellite contracts? Right now it's just a "reach designated orbit" contract that can be done with any parts. What about adding some requirements, like "transmit data from satellite" (just like "Run test", but on antenna or probe core), or maybe satellite from specific parts?

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I have seen it. In my opinion the more contracts the better. :)

Dmagic is also working on contracts for his sciencemod going to be some good times with contracts next few weeks.

Now that would be nice. I essentially did that before the deployment of 0.24 whereby my mission structure required parts from MCE and Dmagic.

I like Squad's contract interface, especially Gene Kranz's likeness (what a tribute to a great man; "Failure is not an option"), but I like having the ability a write my own missions without having to have expensive compilers.

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i've gone about halfway through the career tech tree now and have been using both fine print and mission controller to spice things up. the only thing that has been bugging me is the same simple part missions, displayed over and over. the lure of easy science and $ is too much when i am strapped and so i do that decoupler mission, on the pad, for the 4th time. i don't know how hard coded it is but i wish the missions would be one-shot. i'm cruising through science points and waaay further ahead then i would be if i was using 0.23.5 MCE and career mode.

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