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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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ahhh malkuth. I remember back in the day when I used to create my own contracts and use mechjeb's "cost in dollars" feature to manage a budget I kept open in WordPad. Then I found MCE and it was THE definitive career contract mod (it wasn't even in stock yet!). And now..just wow. Amazing. You have filled a great niche with those awesome sat cores and ground stations. You have made something as mundane as launching a GPS network into a visually stunning, challenging experience. I'm so happy MCE has forged ahead and keeps blazing trails as stock can barely keep up. :)

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I have an issue with one of my current contracts for a Navigational Satellite. It tells me to use frequency 0.5 but with the slider in the editor I cannot set it lower than 1.

Is this a bug in the contract so it is impossible to complete or is there any other way to set the frequency? Or can I perhaps edit the contract in my persistence file so it uses a different frequency instead?

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I know the MCE mission tend to have big payoffs compared to stock and CC types (it's been mentioned further upthread by a few). But you know what, I like this. I think of MCE missions as routine, big payoff private spaceflight and industry missions. While CC progression and stock contracts are from the government and academia. MCE actually funds the big dreams while the others just keep it afloat.

If MCE should go into a unique direction I think it should be this. Just a lil suggestion based on observation and how I play.

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  Bafver said:
I have an issue with one of my current contracts for a Navigational Satellite. It tells me to use frequency 0.5 but with the slider in the editor I cannot set it lower than 1.

Is this a bug in the contract so it is impossible to complete or is there any other way to set the frequency? Or can I perhaps edit the contract in my persistence file so it uses a different frequency instead?

I had the same problem with a weather sat; here is how I solved it:

1. Design a ship, with weather core, and save it.

2. Use a text editor like Notepad to open the saved .craft file - something like \Kerbal Space Program\saves\BuzzKaldrin\Ships\VAB\weathersat.craft

3. Search for "part = WeatherCore_" - this will get you to the correct PART block. (For a navigation sat, use NavigationCore_; for research, use ResearchCore_.)

4. Search for "frequencyModulation =" - this will get you to the current frequency setting. Change it to "frequencyModulation = 0.5". Save the file.

5. Reload your ship in KSP.

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  HughBothwell said:
I had the same problem with a weather sat; here is how I solved it:

1. Design a ship, with weather core, and save it.

2. Use a text editor like Notepad to open the saved .craft file - something like \Kerbal Space Program\saves\BuzzKaldrin\Ships\VAB\weathersat.craft

3. Search for "part = WeatherCore_" - this will get you to the correct PART block. (For a navigation sat, use NavigationCore_; for research, use ResearchCore_.)

4. Search for "frequencyModulation =" - this will get you to the current frequency setting. Change it to "frequencyModulation = 0.5". Save the file.

5. Reload your ship in KSP.

Awesome :D

Will try this when I get home from work later today

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  BlackHat said:
Hmm a Couple things....

Are your Science parts (Ionization Chamber, and Mass Spectrometry Tube) supposed to be in Utilities? in the VAB and SPH? (THey used to be in Science but recently got moved I think)

I have a contract that called for linking up with a ground station from KSO. Ok, The problem is I am supposed to have a "Resource Survey Scanner" on the satellite.......

Ok, I put a recourse scanner on the satellite, but the contract is complete except that line..... What resource survey scanner is it looking for?

EDIT: Ok I put every scanner and resource finder on a test ship and checked... Eliminating them until I found that (At least at my tech level) that it wants the M700 Survey Scanner. I dont know if further up the tech tree there are other parts that will satisfy the requirements.

You should not be getting any random parts on Satellite contracts anymore. I removed that part of the system.. I will have to check to make sure I didn't forget it.

- - - Updated - - -

  S1mancoder said:
Is it possible to change payment multiplier for Mission Controller 2 contracts? They seem to be somewhat overpowered compared to stock and other mod's, especially satellite ones.

I found a line "Contract_Payment_Multiplier = 1" in Config.cfg in mod's folder but it only accepts integer values and seem to be useless since I couldn't find any difference between setting it 1 and 10.

P. S. Checked source and sadly it seems that Mission Controller has same payment for all difficulty mods so no reduction for Hard, if I correctly understood it:

"Network1.SetFunds(90000, 100000, targetBody);"

Its an old feature that was removed. I should add it back. I get to work on it when I start working on mod again.

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  Reaper_223 said:
I seem to have an issue with a Research Sat not registering its orbit. I get within the goal and everything turns green in the contract except the Apa and Epa. I double checked to make sure I was using the correct orbit and altitude and was spot on. Sometimes the Epa will turn green for a few seconds before changing back, the Apa does not turn green at all.

Is this a known issue by chance?

You only have a 1000 Meter error with the APA and PEA. If anyone think this is too little I can add a modifier for the next version.

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  autumnalequinox said:
ahhh malkuth. I remember back in the day when I used to create my own contracts and use mechjeb's "cost in dollars" feature to manage a budget I kept open in WordPad. Then I found MCE and it was THE definitive career contract mod (it wasn't even in stock yet!). And now..just wow. Amazing. You have filled a great niche with those awesome sat cores and ground stations. You have made something as mundane as launching a GPS network into a visually stunning, challenging experience. I'm so happy MCE has forged ahead and keeps blazing trails as stock can barely keep up. :)

Thanks man. :)

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  Bafver said:
I have an issue with one of my current contracts for a Navigational Satellite. It tells me to use frequency 0.5 but with the slider in the editor I cannot set it lower than 1.

Is this a bug in the contract so it is impossible to complete or is there any other way to set the frequency? Or can I perhaps edit the contract in my persistence file so it uses a different frequency instead?

This is a known issue I have to fix and disable the low and high end of the Sliders. For some reason between 1 and 3 they will skip. And 47 and 50 they will skip. I get it next version.

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  autumnalequinox said:
I know the MCE mission tend to have big payoffs compared to stock and CC types (it's been mentioned further upthread by a few). But you know what, I like this. I think of MCE missions as routine, big payoff private spaceflight and industry missions. While CC progression and stock contracts are from the government and academia. MCE actually funds the big dreams while the others just keep it afloat.

If MCE should go into a unique direction I think it should be this. Just a lil suggestion based on observation and how I play.

Yeah i will add a modifier for people though just in case they want to change it again.

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  rdwulfe said:
WOW. Ok. So I got another mission after biting the bullet and cancelling the last.

I've been playing around with it, since it's pretty inexpensive to build a research satellite or whatever for these missions. (Payload is different, but the satellite itself can be pretty similar each time.)

When the contract says 'At least' blah blah, it means 'DAMN NEAR EXACTLY'. It's not kidding. I finally managed to get a checkmark on a mission objective when my ApA was almost exactly what was requested. That's fine, I just wish the contract was worded that way, so one would know.

Edit: Yep. Exactly. I had to get my ApA to 2,167.6km and my PeA to 2,166.7 for the conditions of the mission to be met. It allowed me to link up and run the research *before* those were met (where it wouldn't when I was WAY off) so I'm wondering if this is a bit more precise than the author intended? If I didn't use Engineer Redux, I'd never be able to meet these conditions.

Yup only a 1000 meter Error of margin in these missions. :) I adding ability to change this in next version. :)

Added most of the issue to my TRACKER.. If I missed any please feel free to use my GitHub Issue Tracker to post them for I don't forget to fix them in the next update.

Edited by malkuth
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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Throwing this log up real quick in case it can be useful. Another modder told me MC2 is "not working right" based on this, tho everything seems fine ATM. Thot it might be relevant.


Make sure you have the Partsfolder in the MissionControllerEC folder. If you have an older version of missionController delete the old version before installing the new one.

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Yup, folder's in the right place. I've been using CKAN for all the installs/updating, is there a known issue with it?

You could try installing it manually form downloading for this Forum thread. Delete the current folder you have and try it that way. Be interested in the outcome. I personally don't use CKAN so don't have much experience with it.

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I am using this mod with my 1.0.4 KSP install and I am wondering if I am getting full functionality, especially with respect to the custom contracts. I saw a video where you can input mission parameters, then send it out for tender. I don't seem to have that option. I get a box called "Financials" where I can open a few different settings dialog boxes. The Custom Contracts dialogue lets me set the altitude limits for comsat missions, and the other two options don't work because I apparently don't have the right kind of ships in play (it's very early days in this career).

Am I missing something? Is there a user manual out there somewhere?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was having a small issue with duna-apollo mission 1. Specifically that it was a 45 day duration contract. Which meant i would have to accept the contract in flight already to have a prayer of finishing it. Are the durations random?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Tinweasele said:
I was having a small issue with duna-apollo mission 1. Specifically that it was a 45 day duration contract. Which meant i would have to accept the contract in flight already to have a prayer of finishing it. Are the durations random?

Yes, durations are random. I will take a look and make sure that its set high enough, sounds like its not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 1.22 Available for KSP 1.04.

Version 1.22

1.Fixed the Issue with Low and High Frequencies not being able to be selected.

2.Added a Margin Of Error for Low and High APA values in config file.

3.Added Payment Modifier in the Config File for contracts.

4.Satellite Contracts should no longer have random parts for Mission Controller.

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I have at least dozen of satellites in LKO with repair panels on them literally every sat I launch has one on it. However I have never gotten a repair contract. Over 300 in game days have passed in my career. I wondered if there is anyway to increase odds of getting one. I try to avoid scene changes do to stock mem leak, so maybe that's why? Thanks!

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  Svm420 said:
I have at least dozen of satellites in LKO with repair panels on them literally every sat I launch has one on it. However I have never gotten a repair contract. Over 300 in game days have passed in my career. I wondered if there is anyway to increase odds of getting one. I try to avoid scene changes do to stock mem leak, so maybe that's why? Thanks!

Hmmm There is a setting in config file to increase it.. But unless your doing a scene change it won't fire. Going from flight to Overview screen should be enough though. I will take a look and see if something is up though when I get a chance.

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  malkuth said:
Hmmm There is a setting in config file to increase it.. But unless your doing a scene change it won't fire. Going from flight to Overview screen should be enough though. I will take a look and see if something is up though when I get a chance.

I will try increasing and see if that triggers it. Thanks for checking.

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  malkuth said:

You only have a 1000 Meter error with the APA and PEA. If anyone think this is too little I can add a modifier for the next version.

Yup only a 1000 meter Error of margin in these missions. :) I adding ability to change this in next version. :)

Suggestion for this. I actually don't mind the tight tolerances - makes it more of a challenge! The problem is that it's not clear what these contracts are looking for (see: rdwulfe's comment) - I spent way longer than I should have trying to figure this out before I tried the exact tolerances. It should say "PeA of:" and "ApA of:" instead.

I seem to recall there being a 1% margin of error on things like the Keostationary satellite contracts for the various nodes and the altitude - that still works out to about 1km for a LKO satellite though, so maybe use a tiered system: 10% until 500km (max margin of 5km,) 5% out to 2500km (max margin of 12.5km,) then 1% for orbits higher than that (minimum margin of 2.5km, which actually makes these the hardest contracts - as they should be IMO.)

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New Version of Mission Controller Released 1.23

1. Fixed Issue of Repair Contract Not Generating.

2. Fixed Issue of Ionization Scan Contract Not Showing.

3. Fixed Issue of Ground Ionization Scan Contract Not Showing.

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Really like this mod , great work!

But can you tell me what I am doing wrong when I put a satellite for Research in an orbit of 205 x 205 for a demanded AP and PE of AT LEAST 189km to not fulfill the requirements? I tuned the core correctly and everything but the orbit requirement doesn't turn green

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  Theysen said:
Really like this mod , great work!

But can you tell me what I am doing wrong when I put a satellite for Research in an orbit of 205 x 205 for a demanded AP and PE of AT LEAST 189km to not fulfill the requirements? I tuned the core correctly and everything but the orbit requirement doesn't turn green

The default margin of error for AP and PE works like this.

Default setting is 1000 meters.

AP and PE you must be under the Maximum height by 1000 meters. Or Above it by 1000 meters.

This can be adjusted in the Config file located in the mission controller folder. The line looks like this.

In the Contracts your given 1 number usually something like 2868000. This number applies to both AP and PE.. So you have only under default settings 2867000 - 2869000 to work with. Not much room for error. Also if you time leave the game or time accelerate during this process and your numbers are not within the margin or error they will reset. Its possible to cheat the system if your patient.. But usually not very practical so you have to always keep the margin of error for both PEA and APA within its contract limits.

Margin_Of_Error_Contract_Orbits = 1000

change the 1000 to a higher number to make it a little more easy.

In the next version I will place a note with the objective for this info can be more easily understand.

Edited by malkuth
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