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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Thought I would add this to those wondering how the Revert Button Works. It works the same as the KSP Button works.

In your MissionController folder were your saves are stored you will see a new file that looks like a duplicate of your saved game .sp file.. But instead its named savegame.backup.

Every time you enter the SpaceCenter Screen (the screen that shows all buildings and you can select them) MCE saves your game as the SaveGame.Backup

this insures that your backup is always a little behind the actual savegame.sp file.

When you launch you are able to use the revert button for MCE. When you revert all MCE is doing is instead of loading savegame.sp its loading the older savegame.backup. And then you start back in the Editor. And can start your mission again.

The revert button is only ever available in FLIGHT MODE Only. And is only available as long as the vessel is Revertible. This is a KSP check, and not a MCE check. So anytime you leave the scene or flightMode you can no longer revert that vessel. And if you go back to the SpaceCenter Screen you .backfile is saved to your current time stamp. Its the only time in the game that the .sp and .backup actually match.

Hope this helps everyone how it actually works. ;)

If you somehow manage to bypass the SpaceCenter Screen after a flight (not sure how you would do this since its the only option) then you might run into trouble of the backup being a little too behind. And next time you reverted it might be an older MCE save.

But again after a flight you pretty much have to go to spaceCenter..I think.. Well make sure you do.. :)

Edited by malkuth
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  malkuth said:
The revert button will only load the last backup save.. Don't use the Reset The Space Program Button in settings. This actually resets MCE back to start. The revert button is located on the Mission Controller Main GUI as a Toggle Button.. Under all the other toggle buttons like Settings, Research, Financing. during FLIGHT ONLY.

That is the button I pressed, the one on the GUI. It asked if I wished to revert to pre-flight conditions, upon pressing it I was back inside the VAB and all my missions reset to the start.

However, I think I know why and it's my fault. I installed the new update by deleting the old one, keeping only the one .sp file from my saved game. So since there wasn't a backup I think it just reset to the default startup conditions if that makes sense.

I apologize for the confusion. :-)

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  Kethevin said:
That is the button I pressed, the one on the GUI. It asked if I wished to revert to pre-flight conditions, upon pressing it I was back inside the VAB and all my missions reset to the start.

However, I think I know why and it's my fault. I installed the new update by deleting the old one, keeping only the one .sp file from my saved game. So since there wasn't a backup I think it just reset to the default startup conditions if that makes sense.

I apologize for the confusion. :-)

As long as you go to the SpaceCenter you should always have a .backup file in your folder. Not sure what might have happened. Older versions didn't have the .backup yet. :) Only thing I can think of is that for some reason it did not save. Just double check to make sure you see the .backup file in your current game.

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  malkuth said:
As long as you go to the SpaceCenter you should always have a .backup file in your folder. Not sure what might have happened. Older versions didn't have the .backup yet. :) Only thing I can think of is that for some reason it did not save. Just double check to make sure you see the .backup file in your current game.

I'm not entirely sure either. I put the new mod in, loaded up, chose the next mission in the line, entered the VAB, loaded my saved vessel, launched, and about half-way through I decided to test the new button. lol

I do have the backup save file now though, and subsequent tests have it working as you describe. My only guess is I fouled something up when I switched to the new update. Maybe it read the save from the pre-update as old and upon re-saving it with the new update in place no backup was deemed necessary or something. Complete guess there, lol, I'm no programmer.

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I am trying to create a comprehensive 'sandbox' style mission architecture, and I am wondering if this mod will allow me to do that in it's current state.

The basic idea is to have a 'suite' of missions available for every orbital body, and then allow any given vessel to choose to complete any given mission, or multiple missions, while in flight, with next to no requirements for selecting any given mission. Essentially the idea is to just assign cash rewards to a variety of objectives and then allow the player to decide how best to structure a mission architecture that can accomplish them.

I have a few questions about how missions work -

1) Is it possible to complete multiple vesselIndependant missions in parallel? IE, assuming I have a ship that is in the Duna system, could I select a mission to orbit duna with an optional bonus for returning to Kerbin, then switch to a mission that gives me a reward for orbiting Ike and a bonus of returning to Kerbin, and then return to Kerbin and get both sub-mission bonuses? Or am I required to complete a mission before selecting another mission?

2) What is the documentation indicating when it says that vessel will become 'client controlled?'

3) If you have a part-requirement as part of a docking mission goal, does mission controller assess the total parts of both docked vessels, or only the vessel that you were piloting when you selected the mission?

4) Is it possible to string multiple repair mission goals together in a single mission? The idea is to create a time-trial of sorts where a Kerbalnaut must repair x modules in y time.

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  malkuth said:
Glad you like it. The changes made to .36 are more geared toward late game grinding. You know when you want to put that 5th Space Station Around Laythe. The payout options make it easier to make a large sum of money to afford making large projects like that.

The start of the game, like you explained in your post is pretty much the same. I did increase some of the payouts for the missions in the Random Pack.. But not the Early Years ones. Once you get to start doing the Mid Years Missions, things should be sailing pretty well by then for your program.

The whole Random Mission Pack is based off my current Saved Game play through. And my style. I sure there are tons of people that can make minimum vessels that cost very little, and make a killing off the new payouts.

One thing i did forget to do was add the ability to edit the Payout percentages in the MCSettings.cfg file. That way people can gear the payouts to there play style. I get it running in next weeks update.

Well yes, it's a good thing to know, although I wasn't too worried about late game projects funding : in previous versions I tended to piggy back some of my bigger missions onto MC missions, like "Land a huge base (probe) on the Mun (with full sensors package). No need to return." to get at least some of my money back... :D

I've just done a few missions with 0.36, and it did confirm my feeling that once the atmo package and gravioli detector have been researched, you have a pleasant freedom of choice in which paths you choose to progress in the game and in which order.

For example, I tend to forget that there are some cool and sciency things to do on Kerbin, but thanks to you, I've just sent an unmanned airplane to the pole during a MC mission to do science and that was fun!

Ok, it's 4 AM (sending a plane to the Pole takes time LOL) and I want my bed now, but once again, thank you for this really cool mod!

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  Skythe said:
So this is for the sandbox-mode correct? It allows the sandbox mode to be used as a career mode and doesn't extend the Career mode?

It can be used for both, though I daresay you would get a better experience out of it using career mode.

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  Skythe said:
So this is for the sandbox-mode correct? It allows the sandbox mode to be used as a career mode and doesn't extend the Career mode?

Well It works best in Career mode because of the Research Aspect. It works in Sandbox also, but you have no research, so no unlocks for cheaper Construction or Fuels. Only thing thats unlocked in Sandbox is Recycling.

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  malkuth said:
Well It works best in Career mode because of the Research Aspect. It works in Sandbox also, but you have no research, so no unlocks for cheaper Construction or Fuels. Only thing thats unlocked in Sandbox is Recycling.

So then a real experience of the Mod would be career mode? Think OP should tweak the description abit. Will be starting a career mode with it then =)

thanks for the responses!

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Would it be possible for all the Mods that create an on screen button to share the code for the ability to move that button?

Or all coordinate on making a 'toolbar' mod to dock them to?

I'm cross-posting this on multiple threads.

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  123nick said:
can you move the menue button? i have Fscience science transfer plugin but i cant use it because the mission controller onscreen button blocks it, making it impossible to open the window.

I believe if you goto this location, you can find the positioning of that button..

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController

Then open up the config file with a text editor. (I recommend Notepad++)

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Scaling up mission rewards you mean. Although...some people already use pretty high mission rewards.

And you probably should scale down fuel costs to their realworld values.

jpinard: don't see why it wouldn't; I mean, I've used it and RT together since KSP .20

You need to add costing for the RT2lite modules though.

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Hey! So I've been working on a mission pack the last couple of days. I wanted to make a pack dedicated to setting up bases and colonies, things that players love to build and role play with, but don't have much of a purpose in the real game yet. There are currently a dozen missions in the pack, and I was hoping for feedback when it comes to what is it in it, how it's setup, what should be added and what should be taken out. These missions are designed to encourage players to do things they normally wouldn't do with a limited budget, like a Mun base or a Eve station. Missions that sound believable, but are different from the norm. They wouldn't be taken often, and they'd be high risk high reward. Aside from bases, there are acouple of other missions like setting up an orbital power plant. I'd like to try and come up with more missions like that too. This is currently not meant to be played. I wanted to show what I've done so far, but it isn't quite ready for proper use in a play through.

The pack makes heavy use of a Greenhouse part that is optional on some missions, not so on others. It can be downloaded here. At least, the model can. I want to try and get permission to include it with the mission pack when I put the final version up on Spaceport, and make it Ioncross compatible to make Oxygen for your crew. I already have a config that works ready to go, I just need to make sure I'm allowed to include it with the pack. It would also include compatibility with the tech tree, which it currently lacks. I was hoping for criticisms and critiques about the content of the pack right now. I would appreciate any feedback!

-I've been trying to put the Kethane scanner in the first pair of missions as a requirement but I can't get it in correctly. partName = kethane_highGain doesn't seem to work. This is the only part that has given me trouble.

-Is the number of parts required for bases/stations too many? not enough? Could there be more variety? Are the payouts too high or too low? Is there another way I'm not thinking of to make them more interesting? I'd love critique on this.

-Is the way I've implemented the greenhouse part fun, or too much trouble?

Thank you for taking a look, and I look forward to hearing what people think!

Here is the current version.

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  Christian365 said:
In Mission Controller Extended, the fuel usually costs more than the rocket itself. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in reality the opposite is true. I remember Elon Musk (CEO of SpaceX) stating that the fuel is only worth 0.3% of the entire rocket.

You can edit the cost of pretty much anything you want in the MCsettings.cfg file if the current prices are not what you want.

And fuel is pretty much cheaper then The actual Vessel in game. What cost you money is the oxidizer.

Edited by malkuth
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  rabzoue59 said:
Can we set a number of minimum Science point to reach in a mission for example ?

Yes I could add that as a Mission Goal. I would have to look more into how the points in a mission work. Pretty sure the points you collect on Science missions are data, then converted to science when you either land or transmit.

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Yes I could add that as a Mission Goal. I would have to look more into how the points in a mission work. Pretty sure the points you collect on Science missions are data, then converted to science when you either land or transmit.

Yes, if you take a look in Resource.cfg in Squad folder, we can see how it works, and like you said, "Sciencecap" is obtained by packet of data transmitted i think.

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Malkuth I'm curious is flight test mode supposed to be completely separate from the normal missions? Basically I attempted to make a mission that would be done in flight test mode, given it has cheaper construction costs so I could do lower pay outs to cover the costs of the test ships. However it did not register the ship as valid at all. Or at the very least did not run the mission I had set up while in that mode. Is that intended or did I stumble on a possible bug?

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