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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Does there exist a less ambitious version of this mod (or something like it), specifically im just after a simplified version of the reactor gameplay.

Basically a separate reasonably heavy fission reactor (end balance along the lines of a nerva) that can be used to drive a generator or a thermal rocket nozzle (A nozzle that can go on LFO, liquid or atmo)

Soo... any Ideas?

Actualy there will be, sort off

I'm currently working on a Kerbalised version of Interstellar with Power ranges and scaling (along the lines of a nerva) that is equivalent to Near Future power range and scaling. For example a thermal thruster with initial fission reactor will generate equivalent trust similar to the stock nuclear engine.

Contact me if you wish to here more.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Anyone have problems with more than 1 Microwave receiver/thermal rocket on a craft? I have a craft in orbit that has one thermal rocket on each side of the craft, so they both need to fire at the same time or the craft will just spin veryvery fast. It worked fine during launch, but now that it's in orbit I can only get 1 of the receivers to get any power. The other just shows 0 input. Changing the reception on either one hasn't had an effect.

I thought maybe adding an action group to activate them both at the same time might work for future craft, haven't tried it yet though.


Might as just have one engine, two will just split the power.

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This mod makes air intakes crash the game for me! whenever I place more than one air intake (from any mod or just stock parts) the part doesn't stick on and starts flipping out. And then the game crashes when i try to place it again. note: I AM using a load of other mods such as b9, far, kspi, kw.

Please help if you have a solution

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Coga and Laytzz, Neither of you mentioned what version of KSP your useing so we have no way to help you. IF your trying on the new version of KSP (.90) then you need to realize the mod is not updated yet and will at best be partly broken till its been updated for the patch. At worst it will crash your game.

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Actualy there will be, sort off

I'm currently working on a Kerbalised version of Interstellar with Power ranges and scaling (along the lines of a nerva) that is equivalent to Near Future power range and scaling. For example a thermal thruster with initial fission reactor will generate equivalent trust similar to the stock nuclear engine.

Contact me if you wish to here more.

nice!!! it would be great!!!

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Coga and Laytzz, Neither of you mentioned what version of KSP your useing so we have no way to help you. IF your trying on the new version of KSP (.90) then you need to realize the mod is not updated yet and will at best be partly broken till its been updated for the patch. At worst it will crash your game.

Nope, I remain at 0.25 just to give this mod a chance.

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Using .25 about 200 hours into a career.

Is there a trick for making the atmosphere scoops harvest resources? I have power, I've tried about every combo I can think of with air intakes and coolers. The KSPI intakes aren't supposed to affect anymore (I did enable them to show up in vab to try). Do I need a refinery on the ship?

The scoops are always just showing 0 flow.

I also have mks with undercoveryankees crossover config files.


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Actually, it seems to have worked for a launch, then crash at the next craft I launched. So, it's merely a memory shortage. Sigh.

Did you make the changes in the patch guide? If nothing else the tech tree won't work without using tech manager and removing treeloader.

For ram usage - I use this along with about 18 other mods. Active texture management mod and also the -force-opengl command extension are necessary for me. Normally use about 2.2-2.5 gigs of ram using both of those.

I use the more aggressive texture management mod. The lighter option wasnt enough. Haven't noticed any difference in how the game looks.

Edited by Jarardo1
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Hey all,

So I just got Interstellar a little while ago, and I'm having some serious trouble with the fusion reactors, and I'm hoping someone can help me out. The trouble I'm having is that I can't seem to get it to start unless I have tritium, but I need to start it to breed tritium. I'll put A reactor and a generator (Tried both modes) with upwards of 50000 Electric charge worth of batteries, and it will just start with all MJ and EC drained. I'll deactivate the engine and charge everything back up with solar panels, including several thousand MJ and try starting the reactor again and it just drains all the EC and MJ and then runs out of thermal energy.

Additionally, and I don't know if it's connected or not, but when I'm in the VAB and right-click on the reactor, it doesn't give me any options to switch fuel types or activate/deactivate the engine, just shows how much lithium I have.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Am I just being a huge idiot and it's something I'm doing horribly wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in Advance.

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Ater deleting the Attila thrusters and Methane Engines (didn't like them), it seems it can actually afford two launched. Definetely RAM issue. How do I set ATM to Aggressive?

You need to download the aggressive version of ATM for the KSP version you are currently on

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Using .25 about 200 hours into a career.

Is there a trick for making the atmosphere scoops harvest resources? I have power, I've tried about every combo I can think of with air intakes and coolers. The KSPI intakes aren't supposed to affect anymore (I did enable them to show up in vab to try). Do I need a refinery on the ship?

The scoops are always just showing 0 flow.

I also have mks with undercoveryankees crossover config files.


Let's get some basics out of the way: What planet are you on and what resources do you have storage for? And so I know whether the problem is with the resource definitions or the scoop setup, can you also give us a screenshot of the resource listing from the gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer instrument?

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Let's get some basics out of the way: What planet are you on and what resources do you have storage for? And so I know whether the problem is with the resource definitions or the scoop setup, can you also give us a screenshot of the resource listing from the gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer instrument?

Test planet is Kerbin. The craft has storage for argon and LFO. Each tank has some available storage.

I was able to get one if the scoops (the rounder large scoop with the flat ends) to show some flow when set to oxygen.

I will post a ss of the resource listing when I get home.

Using the Karbonite scoops, I can get a large amount of Argon flow without any intakes. Looking at the configs for the parts, the Karbonite scoop shows a (this is from memory so I might have the object names wrong, I'll correct when I'm home tonight) "intakeatm" value, while the kspi scoops (warpplugin folder) shows a "isruscoop" or "isruscoopair" value.

Thanks for your assistance and contributions to these awesome mods!

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Hey all,

So I just got Interstellar a little while ago, and I'm having some serious trouble with the fusion reactors, and I'm hoping someone can help me out. The trouble I'm having is that I can't seem to get it to start unless I have tritium, but I need to start it to breed tritium. I'll put A reactor and a generator (Tried both modes) with upwards of 50000 Electric charge worth of batteries, and it will just start with all MJ and EC drained. I'll deactivate the engine and charge everything back up with solar panels, including several thousand MJ and try starting the reactor again and it just drains all the EC and MJ and then runs out of thermal energy.

Additionally, and I don't know if it's connected or not, but when I'm in the VAB and right-click on the reactor, it doesn't give me any options to switch fuel types or activate/deactivate the engine, just shows how much lithium I have.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Am I just being a huge idiot and it's something I'm doing horribly wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in Advance.

It needs diterium and tritium. You need to attach tanks containing those. Fill them up all the way with diterium, and just the smallest amount of tritium you can place. If you use the large diterium/trit cryostat you will need to use undercoveryankees config fix or there is an issue with cost.

It does need energy to start but not 50000. I normally use 8-12k but might not need that much.

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It needs diterium and tritium. You need to attach tanks containing those. Fill them up all the way with diterium, and just the smallest amount of tritium you can place. If you use the large diterium/trit cryostat you will need to use undercoveryankees config fix or there is an issue with cost.

It does need energy to start but not 50000. I normally use 8-12k but might not need that much.

You, sir, are a saint among men. I didn't know you had to actually add the tritium manually, thank you!

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This mod makes air intakes crash the game for me! whenever I place more than one air intake (from any mod or just stock parts) the part doesn't stick on and starts flipping out. And then the game crashes when i try to place it again. note: I AM using a load of other mods such as b9, far, kspi, kw.

Please help if you have a solution

Tweakscale and B9 have that conflict for me, I deleted the B9 config in Tweakscale and it fixed itself.

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Test planet is Kerbin. The craft has storage for argon and LFO. Each tank has some available storage.

I was able to get one if the scoops (the rounder large scoop with the flat ends) to show some flow when set to oxygen.

I will post a ss of the resource listing when I get home.

Using the Karbonite scoops, I can get a large amount of Argon flow without any intakes. Looking at the configs for the parts, the Karbonite scoop shows a (this is from memory so I might have the object names wrong, I'll correct when I'm home tonight) "intakeatm" value, while the kspi scoops (warpplugin folder) shows a "isruscoop" or "isruscoopair" value.

Thanks for your assistance and contributions to these awesome mods!

So on Kerbin, the KSPI atmospheric scoops will scoop oxygen as Oxidizer, but not argon. Those are some details I can work with. I replace Interstellar's argon resource with the CRP/NearFuture argon, and it looks like I left the old resource name in the ORS atmospheric configs. In KSPI_CRP_Pack/CRPResourcePack_Atmospheric.cfg, change all occurrences of "resourceName = Argon" to "resourceName = ArgonGas" and see if that makes a difference. I'll post an official update when I get a chance.

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I can't really find the usage of more advanced reactors, other than them being cooler of course. My prototype warp craft uses a sole 2.5 m Aeglettes Fission Reactor to power two Alcubierre Drives, and a Science Lab that reprocesses nuclear fuel and conducts research. I don't even need a fusion reactor, let alone go on the Quest for Antimatter.

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So on Kerbin, the KSPI atmospheric scoops will scoop oxygen as Oxidizer, but not argon. Those are some details I can work with. I replace Interstellar's argon resource with the CRP/NearFuture argon, and it looks like I left the old resource name in the ORS atmospheric configs. In KSPI_CRP_Pack/CRPResourcePack_Atmospheric.cfg, change all occurrences of "resourceName = Argon" to "resourceName = ArgonGas" and see if that makes a difference. I'll post an official update when I get a chance.

Yay! I will try and reply tonight

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I can't really find the usage of more advanced reactors, other than them being cooler of course. My prototype warp craft uses a sole 2.5 m Aeglettes Fission Reactor to power two Alcubierre Drives, and a Science Lab that reprocesses nuclear fuel and conducts research. I don't even need a fusion reactor, let alone go on the Quest for Antimatter.

I am playing in career and haven't unlocked warp drive or antimatter reactors.

The bigger reactors are good for a microwave power network. Which can give enough energy to use thermal and plasma engines. My network has around 70 gigawatts. I haven't needed to go beyond that, I think if you really go crazy you can have overheating problems.

I have 40gs on the ground from a few reactors about 2.5 km from the space center, and 70gs in space.

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