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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Version 0.6.2 Released

Added a whole raft of bug fixes as well as Duna ISRU option, nuclear reactor balanace tweaks and nuclear rocket nozzle weight reductons.


Version 0.6.2
-Added Duna ISRU, water electrolysis with extra energy cost for baking water out of the soil
-Added persistence to Computer Core science production and reactor Lithium consumption/Tritium production
-Added warning message for undetectable propellant files
-Changed nuclear reactor base power outputs to 1.5MW, 40MW, 500MW and 3GW
-Revised down nuclear reactor masses to 0.225, 1.5, 8 and 28
-Changed vista engine to require 2.5GW of power (instead of 1.5GW), upped vista thrust to 1100kN
-Kerbol now has scientific value
-Reconfigured attachment node strengths of 3.75m for better structural integrity
-Reduced mass of thermal rocket nozzles, 3.75m now mass = 3, 2.5m now mass = 1.5 and 1.25m now mass 0.4. Throttle will scale down with ratio of attachment areas if you use the wrong size nozzle on the wrong size reactor.
-Removed all constructors and placed initialised code in OnStart methods (this should help avoid various unity related problems)
-Fixed Solar Panel collector area code
-Fixed science lab antimatter persistence
-Fixed multiple generator to one reactor plasma engine bug
-Fixed Science lab malfunctioning after vessel switch
-Amount of DUF6 that is reprocessable will drop after each reprocessing cycle

Downloads links in the first page have been updated.

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Alright...so I was thinking that there's no real point in waiting that much longer to get a better handle on the game before using mods, since one still does effectively the same activities anyway. This one is, as I said before, at the top of my list, but I had a few questions first.

Is there even a point to trying any mods right now, with .22 so close? Will that not simply mean all the mods I enjoy will be useless until updated?

Are there significant issues with running KSP mods on a Mac?

I've notice that nearly everyone uses multiple mods along with Interstellar. Are there particular recommendations that anyone has, particularly you, Fractal? Ignore Mechjeb, as I refuse to use it. I'm a Han Solo or Hoban Washburn kind of player. But otherwise, all recommendations are welcome.

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I've notice that nearly everyone uses multiple mods along with Interstellar. Are there particular recommendations that anyone has, particularly you, Fractal? Ignore Mechjeb, as I refuse to use it. I'm a Han Solo or Hoban Washburn kind of player. But otherwise, all recommendations are welcome.

Kerbal Attachment System and Kethane are the two main mods I use along with this.

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Will you allow us to electrolyze water from the ice on the poles of Duna, Kerbin and Laythe? If The poles of Duna are like the ones on Mars, they should consist partially of dry ice, but also of normal ice.

Also, aluminium/oxygen electrolysis is only possible on Mun and Ike. How about Dres and Tylo?

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Ok, started working on a new spreadsheet, this time i'm going to use the excel formula's, saves wear and tear on my TI-84 and me:P

I will also add other things, im going to make one large spreadsheet that has a large amount of information and will have places you can put info in and it will give you dV, TWR, fuel usage/time.


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Version 0.6.2 Released

Added a whole raft of bug fixes as well as Duna ISRU option, nuclear reactor balanace tweaks and nuclear rocket nozzle weight reductons.


Version 0.6.2
-Added Duna ISRU, water electrolysis with extra energy cost for baking water out of the soil
-Added persistence to Computer Core science production and reactor Lithium consumption/Tritium production
-Added warning message for undetectable propellant files
-Changed nuclear reactor base power outputs to 1.5MW, 40MW, 500MW and 3GW
-Revised down nuclear reactor masses to 0.225, 1.5, 8 and 28
-Changed vista engine to require 2.5GW of power (instead of 1.5GW), upped vista thrust to 1100kN
-Kerbol now has scientific value
-Reconfigured attachment node strengths of 3.75m for better structural integrity
-Reduced mass of thermal rocket nozzles, 3.75m now mass = 3, 2.5m now mass = 1.5 and 1.25m now mass 0.4. Throttle will scale down with ratio of attachment areas if you use the wrong size nozzle on the wrong size reactor.
-Removed all constructors and placed initialised code in OnStart methods (this should help avoid various unity related problems)
-Fixed Solar Panel collector area code
-Fixed science lab antimatter persistence
-Fixed multiple generator to one reactor plasma engine bug
-Fixed Science lab malfunctioning after vessel switch
-Amount of DUF6 that is reprocessable will drop after each reprocessing cycle

Downloads links in the first page have been updated.

I love you so much right now... no homo

Ugh... but now I have to find new bugs to complain about!


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I've found out that HexCan come from this mod, what does it do and is it safe to remove?

Nice job as always with that update Fractal_UK, continue like that and your mod might soon rival B9 and BobCat ind. :D

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Ho, also I have bug where the transmitter part doesn't transmit anything. I've got a few satelittes equipped with it who for some unknown reason works but thats all. Its kinda frustrating when my laboratory base on Duna can't receive energy from my solar farm in geosynchrone orbit directly above it but receives a bit of energy from my only two working transmitter on Kerbin.

Does anybody else have this problem or is there a step i've missed?

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Ho, also I have bug where the transmitter part doesn't transmit anything. I've got a few satelittes equipped with it who for some unknown reason works but thats all. Its kinda frustrating when my laboratory base on Duna can't receive energy from my solar farm in geosynchrone orbit directly above it but receives a bit of energy from my only two working transmitter on Kerbin.

When you turn the transmitter on, you need to actually be getting power, so you don't want to do that when the transmitter satellite is in shadow. Also, if it's a geostationary satellite giving you power, you'll again only receive power during the day time because at night, Duna will be blocking light from reaching the satellite.

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Not if I find them first :P

To be honest I'd rather you find them. 6.1 had about 3 major bugs that screwed over my entire plan for a KSP Interstellar. Now it all works! With a few extra features! YAY!

If you're hoping for some big wrenches thrown in your works.... good luck?


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One thing I didn't see addressed was refilling Nuke Reactors. Are there any plans to allow us to refuel them? I think I might actually like not being able to. This would make it ideal to position them so they can be changed out after a few decades. Could be fun actually having a mission to change them out. docking port-reactor-generator-docking port


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Major Bug: Cannot activate nuke fuel reprocessing on science lab.

I just did a fresh install... so it's not that.

My science/cpu lab is at 0.35 UF6 and 0.07 DUF6 and can't click on Reprocess Nuke Fuel. All it does is cause the science lab to deploy fully/instantly and then close back up.

Also - Clicking between Transmit and Receive Science causes the Receive option to vanish. The Research+AM functions still seem to work fine.

Anyone else see this problem? Confirmation?


Edited by NeoAcario
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Is there a problem with backround AM Collector generation? I only received about 20% of what I should on my AM collector station during my 203 day test at 100,000x speed from another vessel. Is this some how tied to phys warp? I have so much docked to this station that it only runs at about 20%.



Unable to duplicate CPU lab button for receiving data disappearing.


My AM forge (which already had DUF6 reprocessing active) is still making more UF6 per second than it is using DUF6 per second. Currently at 0.32 UF6 and 29.78 DUF6

Edited by NeoAcario
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When you turn the transmitter on, you need to actually be getting power, so you don't want to do that when the transmitter satellite is in shadow. Also, if it's a geostationary satellite giving you power, you'll again only receive power during the day time because at night, Duna will be blocking light from reaching the satellite.

Not entirely true Fractal_UK, you will still receive power until the planet actually blocks the sun from the sat, you will get a few extra hours, the best way to do it is to put 2 sats in geo on either side of the target location, so that there is always sun on atleast 1 sat.

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I've found out that HexCan come from this mod, what does it do and is it safe to remove?

Nice job as always with that update Fractal_UK, continue like that and your mod might soon rival B9 and BobCat ind. :D

Why do you want to remove it? The hexcans store resources for this mod.

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I'm having problems I didn't have before with Transmitting and Receiving Science. I am now having the problem of not being able to transmit packets of less than 100 Science (I have 54 stuck) and I cann't receive on another station the almost 8k I just transmitted.



Confirmed... for some reason backround AM collecter generation is right around 19%. No idea why.


Any chance for a hotfix when you find the problem with initiating nuke fuel reprocessing? Don't want my AM forge to die in a year... or my primary vessel + science labs to die in 3 >.<

Edited by NeoAcario
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I do have to say, it would be nice to have KSC as somewhere that can take resources, being able to cart AM and science into there (by either landing there, or recovering from the surface of Kerbin), and dishing it out at launch, rather than needing to park an AM store close by and using other mods to transfer it across.

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Reprocessing Nuke Fuel in backround doesn't work... but AM production in backround (with science labs) works perfectly.

When testing it on my AM Forge. 10 upgraded 3.75m reactors+gens running at about 80% capacity. 4 labs making AM and 1 reprocessing Nuke Fuel. I had it switched on before reinstalling with 6.2. This set up makes BARELY more UF6 than DUF6. I should come back to a station full of UF6 but I always return to it empty.


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Reprocessing Nuke Fuel in backround doesn't work... but AM production in backround (with science labs) works perfectly.

When testing it on my AM Forge. 10 upgraded 3.75m reactors+gens running at about 80% capacity. 4 labs making AM and 1 reprocessing Nuke Fuel. I had it switched on before reinstalling with 6.2. This set up makes BARELY more UF6 than DUF6. I should come back to a station full of UF6 but I always return to it empty.


Reprocessing nuclear fuel was never intended to work when not focused iirc.

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Reprocessing nuclear fuel was never intended to work when not focused iirc.

It's actually working in my favor with the inability to initiate nuke fuel reprocess! Not complaining!

Just that it also seems to be breaking the issue with the AM forge. I always come back to it being out of UF6... but it makes the correct amount of AM when it's presumably out of UF6 to power making AM? Doesn't make sense.


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