TouhouTorpedo Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 Aside from seemingly dump all the science that is currently onboard into oblivion, what does the "Transmit Science" button actually do? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
forsaken1111 Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 TouhouTorpedo said: Aside from seemingly dump all the science that is currently onboard into oblivion, what does the "Transmit Science" button actually do?When you click to transmit the science is sent out. If you swap to another vessel with a lab or AI core within 30 minutes you can receive that science there. After 30 minutes it is lost. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoAcario Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 Fractal_UK said: Which other mods do you have installed?A second fresh install of the mod cleared it... not sure what happened. I'll bring it up if it starts happening again.What's really bothering me is not being able to reprocess DUF6!~Steve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
db48x Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 I'm having a great time with this mod, thanks FractalUK. I suggest adding a surface-mount radiator suitable for probes and rovers though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 13, 2013 Author Share Posted October 13, 2013 fantamadn355 said: I have a question, I'm kind of a noob and haven't found a way to get rid of the exotic matter, could you please explain how ?Why do you want to get rid of it? It's only used up when you turn on the Alcubierre drive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoAcario Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 fantamadn355 said: I have a question, I'm kind of a noob and haven't found a way to get rid of the exotic matter, could you please explain how ?It's warp drive fuel made by using a butt-load of power... you don't want to get rid of it.If you want to get rid of it... just warp around at the highest factor. Poof. All fuel gone. Just make sure you turn off the charging on the drive.~Steve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAstronut Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 Fractal_UK said: Computer Core: Standard Mainframe ----> Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Core (Guaranteed to open the pod bay doors while within warranty period!)I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.Side note:If you take the letter after each letter in HAL in the alphabet you get h -> I, a -> B, l -> MIBM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jasmir Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 Hi Fractal_UK,i think i found a issue:Using the Atmospheric Intake + Atmosspheric Scoop to get stuff out of the Atmosphere (in this case Argon from Eve) isn't Timewarp-save. 5x Timewarp still works (at a slower rate), if i go higher, the flow in the sccop goes down to 0. The "Intake Atmossphere" stay on all timewarps at the same value. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 13, 2013 Author Share Posted October 13, 2013 Jasmir said: Hi Fractal_UK,i think i found a issue:Using the Atmospheric Intake + Atmosspheric Scoop to get stuff out of the Atmosphere (in this case Argon from Eve) isn't Timewarp-save. 5x Timewarp still works (at a slower rate), if i go higher, the flow in the sccop goes down to 0. The "Intake Atmossphere" stay on all timewarps at the same value.It shouldn't even work at all because you can't do non-physical timewarp inside the atmosphere. The only reason it probably does is if I haven't replaced the stock atmospheric altitude function, I'll check that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
forsaken1111 Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 Fractal_UK said: It shouldn't even work at all because you can't do non-physical timewarp inside the atmosphere. The only reason it probably does is if I haven't replaced the stock atmospheric altitude function, I'll check that.I was wondering that myself. When I am in atmosphere I can't do any x5 or higher timewarp. Tested it just now on kerbal and on jool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAstronut Posted October 13, 2013 Share Posted October 13, 2013 I made a working Battlestar Galactica Viper... now if only i could get myself some antimatter... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeventhArchitect Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 Fractal, I guess now would be a good time to mention that someone in the past did say that they addressed an issue with your parts. As I've seen the complaints, people say they are too heavy, or they are too unstructurally sound (meaning their bonds with other parts, besides struts, are very, VERY weak).I did think on it, and it makes a bit of sense. They are BIG parts, but the masses seem...legit, though still oddly illegit. The bonds themselves...It's like putting a 1.25m fuselage's bonding as a 3.75m's bonding, and instead of the game seeing it as a 3.5m object, it sees it as a 1.25m object, and regards it as such, DESPITE it's wireframe size. It's like the outer part of it's bulk is actually a shadow of it's real size.I have no idea if you would even follow through that entirely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeventhArchitect Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 BTW, When I was pilotign the triton ship (I made it to jool, yay!), I had a horrible problem with my antimatter reactors. They stopped workign completely.At first, I was like, maybe no AM? Then I checked the tanks, not a single one had gone below 90%!!!!! The antimatters had stopped workign for some odd reason, and I didn't know until I fired my engines. The qunatum plasma jet I had as the main drive drained the power reserves, and the thermal jets just shut off because there was no thermal energy AT ALL. So, my main drive killed the power, then my afterburners just die on the spot. IMAGINE MY PANICKING!!!!!Thankfully, I had hyperedit installed. It sucked that I could not AT ALL gauge how much liquidfuel was used to make it to jool, when constantly using the afterburners, but it fixed the problem. Everything was filled up (even the wasteheat, unfortunately), and the antimatter reactors, after I cut their AM supply, began to drain. I opened the AM flow once mroe, and they regained the lost thermal power.This proves that there truly is a problem. After about half of one earth year (time accelerated, of course), I would predict that that is where they shut down. It took me nearly 2 earth years to get to jool, and that's about 10 Kerbin years. So, all in all, I definitely made a trip which may very well be the same distance from Earth to Jupiter in about 2, or 10, years.I would like to say that that would be...acceptable. Thats amazing, even if I did that in a game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share Posted October 14, 2013 SeventhArchitect said: Thankfully, I had hyperedit installed. It sucked that I could not AT ALL gauge how much liquidfuel was used to make it to jool, when constantly using the afterburners, but it fixed the problem. Everything was filled up (even the wasteheat, unfortunately), and the antimatter reactors, after I cut their AM supply, began to drain. I opened the AM flow once mroe, and they regained the lost thermal power.I'm not sure that I understand, what was it that you did that actually resolved the problem?What were the generator and the reactor actually reading at the time? Do you have any screenshots during the failure or a copy of your KSP.log file from the time when it failed? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeventhArchitect Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 Fractal_UK said: I'm not sure that I understand, what was it that you did that actually resolved the problem?What were the generator and the reactor actually reading at the time? Do you have any screenshots during the failure or a copy of your KSP.log file from the time when it failed?To solve the problem I used hyperedit's "Refill Resources" feature, and it filled up EVERY gauge within the ship's body. It filled the Antimatter reactors' thermal power to the brim, and it kicked on after that, reacting once I had turned off, then back on, the flow of AM.I do not have any logs or screenshots. The Triton, the second one I launched, was sent to Jool, and during Atmosphere flight, or I should actually say: ATTEMPTED atmosphere flight, I had been reactivating the engines in whatever needed way to get off the planet, I passed by the LFO fuel option while I had my thrust all the way up, and that destroyed both the thermal jets and AM reactors.After that, I realized that the crew of three had literally no way of returning home. At all. The Quantum Plasma Drive, the ship's main drive, was not powerful enough to wrench the ship from Jool's gravitational pull. It only slowed down the ship's descent once when I was test launching it, and decided to fire only the QPD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share Posted October 14, 2013 Did you also try turning on and off the resource flow before you filled up the resource bars with hyperedit? The thermal power bar really has nothing to do with the functioning of the thermal rockets, it's all handled through the resource manager which is capable of detecting supply and demand even when the thermal power bar is totally empty.I have noticed as well that there have been a number of bug reports from people using mods like Hyperedit and TAC Fuel Balancer, basically those mods that fiddle with resource totals quite aggressively.Had you made any other changes to your ship using hyperedit earlier in the flight? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoAcario Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 Hey Fractal_UKOne quick thing... you're unable to action group the AM sensor science tool. Possible to add a switch for that?Oh.. and reprocessing nuke fuel broken in science labs. >.<(I know, I know.. I'm repeating myself)~Steve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share Posted October 14, 2013 NeoAcario said: One quick thing... you're unable to action group the AM sensor science tool. Possible to add a switch for that?Yep, that's not a big job, I should be able to add that in. NeoAcario said: Oh.. and reprocessing nuke fuel broken in science labs. >.<(I know, I know.. I'm repeating myself)I've fixed this bug but not quite got it working exactly how I want it to yet.In other news, I've been working on making things more scary. Part of this is the next step towards those all important consequences for not dissipating heat but another part is to simulate something of the danger of antimatter. Thus, we have amongst the most basic of demonstration ships imagineable: an antimatter tank and some solar panels!The antimatter tank, when unpowered, discharges its emergency power supply at a rate of 1 per second. Likewise, when fully powered it will charge at the same rate. The power supply needed to contain the antimatter will depend on the size of the tank and can be supplied either by ElectricCharge or by Megajoules.Should you fail to power your antimatter tank for long enough, eventually you will receive a final warning:When you see this message it's time to stop fooling around and find some power, sharpish!Should you still fail to find some power to keep the antimatter contained, when the storage tank finally runs out of charge, the antimatter tank will violently explode. The blast radius is dependant upon the amount of antimatter in the tank but could easily threaten nearby vessels in addition to the one that caused the explosion! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyace Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 Really cool mod. I'm really impressed with the resource management of the reactors. How the reactors spool up and down in response to demand. It makes it an interesting choice to balance "average load" verse "peak load" on a space station/ship.If I'm not out of place, could I suggest making the "science rate" of Kerbin zero at the ground and have it go up as you go higher?I realize that its a sandbox and that you only cheat yourself, but currently the easiest way to accumulate science was (for me) to make two craft that never leave the KSC. The first is a "temporary university" that stays on the launch pad, with as many non-dumb kerbals in labs. They provide the initial science generation. Secondly, I make a rover with mainframes, a lab and a reactor. I drive it off the runway and put it in a safe corner. My initial science will go into upgrading the mainframes. Once I have enough of the mainframes upgrades that I'm happy with the rate, I can recover the "temporary university" that never left the launchpad.Spend some time, and then you have all the science that you could want. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share Posted October 14, 2013 Kyace said: Really cool mod. I'm really impressed with the resource management of the reactors. How the reactors spool up and down in response to demand. It makes it an interesting choice to balance "average load" verse "peak load" on a space station/ship.Thanks! It's always nice to have positive feedback and it's always nice to see new people appearing on the thread to give their comments. Kyace said: If I'm not out of place, could I suggest making the "science rate" of Kerbin zero at the ground and have it go up as you go higher?I realize that its a sandbox and that you only cheat yourself, but currently the easiest way to accumulate science was (for me) to make two craft that never leave the KSC. The first is a "temporary university" that stays on the launch pad, with as many non-dumb kerbals in labs. They provide the initial science generation. I think by this you may have pointed out an error that I've made. Namely, in the latest version, I added a bonus to science for landed science labs, I did this mainly to encourage people to land on other bodies, rather than just sticking labs in low orbits. However, at present, this bonus applies to Kerbin, when the reverse should probably be true. I can imagine that a microgravity research environment would be more interesting than doing research on the surface of Kerbin.Science labs sitting on the launch pad wasn't really something that I had in mind but that said, if people want to build universities on Kerbin with research labs and power plants then I don't want to totally discourage that. Afterall, those universities will make the technological breakthroughs eventually but you may be able to accelerate that process by doing research on other planets. So, I don't want to take out science generation for Kerbin completely but likewise the last update means that Kerbin's science rates probably need tweaking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoAcario Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 Fractal_UK said: Should you still fail to find some power to keep the antimatter contained, when the storage tank finally runs out of charge, the antimatter tank will violently explode. The blast radius is dependant upon the amount of antimatter in the tank but could easily threaten nearby vessels in addition to the one that caused the explosion!Wait a sec... are we talking about a load area (2.5km radius sphere) sized explosion / wipe out from a single small AM tank full of 10,000 AM? Count me in!!Just another reinforcement for how I build my ships... one reactor for the engine.. and one for ship's power. I might need to up my ship power generation ^.^ I guess we'll see!Does this also mean that AM tanks can blow via the waste heat also? I do see that among your resources.~Steve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share Posted October 14, 2013 NeoAcario said: Does this also mean that AM tanks can blow via the waste heat also? I do see that among your resources.Not directly but the idea is that it could imagine indirectly. In terms of electricity production, the plan is for the state of the radiators to raise the thermodynamic cold bath temperature of the generator - that means as radiator temperature goes up, efficiency of electrical production goes down. You could imagine a scenario where if you were totally failing to dissipate heat, you end up trapped in a cycle of having to use more thermal power (and thus create more heat) to generate each unit of electricity to keep the antimatter tanks powered or turn off your reactor to stop producing heat and allow your heat levels to fall at the expense of having an unpowered antimatter storage tank!The long storage capacity of the backup power supply of the antimatter tanks makes this situation not terribly dangerous unless you have literally no radiators but at least it gives you another design consideration to account for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoAcario Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 With all this work on AM tanks... I'm guessing you're also going to take a pass at AM collectors and add a power cost to them? Perhaps even a heat generation? If so, any idea what those values might be? I like to plan WAY ahead!~Steve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractal_UK Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share Posted October 14, 2013 NeoAcario said: With all this work on AM tanks... I'm guessing you're also going to take a pass at AM collectors and add a power cost to them? Perhaps even a heat generation? If so, any idea what those values might be? I like to plan WAY ahead!Eventually but that might well not come in v0.7. Either way, power requirements for the antimatter collector will certainly be less than 1MW so that its feasible with solar satellites as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoAcario Posted October 14, 2013 Share Posted October 14, 2013 (edited) Fractal_UK said: Eventually but that might well not come in v0.7. Either way, power requirements for the antimatter collector will certainly be less than 1MW so that its feasible with solar satellites as well.All I needed to know! Here I was worried you were going to make it a rather high cost to go along with the weight of the thing. So you're thinking under 1,000 electricity per second? I'm confused... how exactly does the electric charge compare?~SteveEDIT:Also... for some reason the AM sensor is generating WasteHeat for some reason? Huh? Edited October 14, 2013 by NeoAcario Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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