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[1.8.1] Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Version 6.8.5 - Updated 12/14/19)


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Once you've got the big target lined up in the center of the crosshairs, work on getting the prograde marker on the mod's window to sit still right in the middle of the crosshairs. Then you want to nudge it gently in the directions of the needles to bring them back to center. The IJKL keys DO line up with the axis of the prograde marker and needles. It's easier to NOT look at the ship and just watch the plugin window only.

If you do want to look at the ship too, press the V key until the text says you're in "Chase mode." Once you're there, you can move the camera behind the ship and the IJKL keys will stay lined up with the ship too! :)

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  Miro Beero said:
I can dock without the docking port mod. Is the docking port suppose to align you properly so that J goes left and L goes right ?

Or that's still manually like I have been doing.

I "Know" I can click the letter J and see what happens and click L and see what happens. I thought the Mod got rid of all that and it just showed you which way thrust.

  artwhaley said:
Once you've got the big target lined up in the center of the crosshairs, work on getting the prograde marker on the mod's window to sit still right in the middle of the crosshairs. Then you want to nudge it gently in the directions of the needles to bring them back to center. The IJKL keys DO line up with the axis of the prograde marker and needles. It's easier to NOT look at the ship and just watch the plugin window only.

If you do want to look at the ship too, press the V key until the text says you're in "Chase mode." Once you're there, you can move the camera behind the ship and the IJKL keys will stay lined up with the ship too! :)

You're both partially correct. If you've properly selected "control from here" on the craft used for docking, then the GUI will orient you on a WADSQE / JKLI orientation to match the two ports together, based on how both of the ports were assembled in the VAB / SPH. I suggest setting cameras to CHASE mode for final docking approach, and to pay the closest attention to the alignment indicator and not on the navball or the surrounding view (though glancing outside of the indicator once in a while won't hurt.)

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  MisterFister said:
You're both partially correct. If you've properly selected "control from here" on the craft used for docking, then the GUI will orient you on a WADSQE / JKLI orientation to match the two ports together, based on how both of the ports were assembled in the VAB / SPH. I suggest setting cameras to CHASE mode for final docking approach, and to pay the closest attention to the alignment indicator and not on the navball or the surrounding view (though glancing outside of the indicator once in a while won't hurt.)


That is what I was missing.

I have never used chase. I have always rotated my craft manually so the nav ball "land" matches with the horizon I see. Then my "up-down-left-right" (jkli) matches up.

Chase did the trick - that is what I was looking for.

Otherwise I was all over the place trying (not) to use the navball, and just this mod.

many thanks all.


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I've got a bug report. V 4.0 the roll indicator and number are switched. IE 90 degrees is to the left instead of the right side of the display.

Screen shots:

0 Degrees (OK)


90 Degrees (wrong side)


180 Degrees (ok)


270 Degrees (Wrong side)

Edited by Ford6
added quote wrapngs to hide images
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for pointing that out, however it's actually the intended behaviour - although it may seem a bit contradictory. The orange roll pipper indicates that you should roll counterclockwise in order to line up, while the numerical indicator shows that you are currently rotated 90 degrees clockwise (from your ship's perspective) with respect to the target.

0.90 is out, and it's awesome.. Played several hours last night. Haven't tested DPAI with it yet, heh, was so engrossed in a new career. Please feel free to post your findings, and I'll update the OP to indicate compatibility.

Holiday break is coming up soon, and I plan to spend time working on the next version of the mod. Incidentally, now's probably a great time for feature requests and bug reports (gotta catch me in the mood ;-) ).

Stay sharp.


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  NavyFish said:
Thanks for pointing that out, however it's actually the intended behaviour - although it may seem a bit contradictory. The orange roll pipper indicates that you should roll counterclockwise in order to line up, while the numerical indicator shows that you are currently rotated 90 degrees clockwise (from your ship's perspective) with respect to the target.

0.90 is out, and it's awesome.. Played several hours last night. Haven't tested DPAI with it yet, heh, was so engrossed in a new career. Please feel free to post your findings, and I'll update the OP to indicate compatibility.

Holiday break is coming up soon, and I plan to spend time working on the next version of the mod. Incidentally, now's probably a great time for feature requests and bug reports (gotta catch me in the mood ;-) ).

Stay sharp.


It seems to work. One feature request: please add support for the default toolbar.

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  NavyFish said:
Thanks. Yep, stock application drawer support is a guaranteed feature for the next version!

Oh that would be delightful news. I'm one of the five people who play KSP on the large screen television at home and resizing the flight UI causes the old toolbar to interfere with the time warp controls.

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  SpeedyB said:
Integration with Raster Prop Monitor would be super cool. Maybe with the possibility of using a camera view as the background. IVA docking!

RPM integration would be great, and has been something I want to do for awhile. There are some quirks to work out, maybe 0.90 will help with that - namely, whenever you go IVA, the control reference point (aka "Control From Here" part) switches to the pod you're in, so it makes for inaccurate readouts on the DPAI (especially if your docking port is not immediately in front of the capsule). If I can find a way to detect when the camera switches from external to IVA view, I should be able to capture the old reference transform values and use those for the indicator, although the NavBall will not show the port-originated vectors (unless I can adjust those somehow...). This isn't trivial, hence the main reason why I haven't tackled RPM integration yet. But it's an oft-requested feature, and I think it would be really cool, so consider it on the planned features list for a later version (I've been saying that for awhile, haven't I? :/)

  Bedwyr said:
Oh that would be delightful news. I'm one of the five people who play KSP on the large screen television at home and resizing the flight UI causes the old toolbar to interfere with the time warp controls.

You should be able to move the default button around, try click-dragging it from just inside the edge of the button.

  Mystique said:
Stock mod's button tends to reset each position each time I switch/launch a ship (toolbar isn't updated yet, so I use default one) and sticks almost in the middle of the screen. Is that normal or it can be fixed?

Yeah, that's an oversight, apologies. I am simply neglecting to save the values of the button whenever it's repositioned. As you mentioned, using the mod with blizzy's toolbar obviates this problem. I have tested his toolbar with 0.90 and it works (although it's a bit quirky in the editor - you have to go to the action groups tab in order to see the toolbar for the first time, but from there if you activate and move it, it will be visible when you're in part mode). The next version will use the stock application launcher (top right stock toolbar), and remove support for blizzy's toolbar to simplify the codebase.

In other news, Genborg has produced a fantastic overview video of DPAI and mic_e's NDAI, which can be found here (OP now links to this video as well):

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  Apollo13 said:
True. Combine this mod with MJ's SMART A.S.S. TGT/-Par and you'll never use MJ's Autodock again.

damn right ! Its so fun and easy to dock now! And you dont have to worry about mechJ wasting RCS on "backing up" for days

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  NavyFish said:

You should be able to move the default button around, try click-dragging it from just inside the edge of the button.

Oh certainly. But it resets its position and becomes one more setup task before launch. You know how it goes.

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  Bedwyr said:
Oh certainly. But it resets its position and becomes one more setup task before launch. You know how it goes.

Can I just say I second this.


I consider this to be one of the most essential mods out there. Great job! Thanks a lot!!

I recently gifted this game to a friend and I'd like to introduce him to mods just enough to help him out but not to the point he gets overwhelmed. Looking through my heavily modded (75+ mods) for 0.25, for his install I narrowed it down to the your DPAI and Mechjeb/Engineer.

I hope he gets into it as much as I do.

Anyways, just thought I'd share my feeling that I consider this mod absolutely indispensable.

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