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[1.8.1] Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Version 6.8.5 - Updated 12/14/19)


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1 hour ago, AG5BPilot said:

It's not necessarily a terrible question.  "Why isn't the mod updated yet?!?  The pre-release came out over 5 minutes ago!!!" is obnoxious.  But there's actually a good reason to ask whether the mod developer plans on releasing a 1.1 version of the mod:  If he or she answers yes, then everyone can wait patiently.  If, on the other hand, the answer is no (either the developer no longer wishes to support the mod or has gone MIA), then, license permitting,  someone else can start thinking about forking the code and taking over.

It's easy to read every question as the KSP equivalent of "Are we there yet?", but asking once, politely, is reasonable.  It helps, however, to ask the question in such a way that question reflects not impatience, but rather curiosity.

For many mods, it appears that only a recompilation of the dll is needed for compatibility.  Knowing that a developer may not be able to get to it for an extended period time is useful information,  I know of at least one mod where the developer said it would be a while before they could update their mods and a third party recompiled the dll.

Actually, any mods which used UI elements (as this one did) are likely to break and/or cause serious slowdowns in KSP, so a recompile here would probably be pointless.

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I honestly consider this mod an essential part of the game... you have no idea how many times I scratched my head and asked "Why isn't this stock?". Anyway only reason why I asked is because I'm testing out 1.1 right now and has gotten to the point where docking is kind of important. I absolutely don't intend to be rude about it and I understand people have lives and are busy so I'm happy to patiently wait. 

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I wasn't aware 1.1 was out :) so if nothing else, this serves as notification of such.  I'll recompile with the new binaries tonight... But I have a feeling more will be required for compatibility. If that's the case, I may need to ask the community for help as this week is particularly busy for me.

No offense taken, although other authors may feel differently.

Edit: "Why isn't this stock?"  

I often wish Squad would contact me to 'naturalize' this mod. I love this community and game, but really don't have the time needed to support it as much as is necessary.

Edited by NavyFish
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On 4/5/2016 at 10:26 AM, NavyFish said:

I wasn't aware 1.1 was out :) so if nothing else, this serves as notification of such.  I'll recompile with the new binaries tonight... But I have a feeling more will be required for compatibility. If that's the case, I may need to ask the community for help as this week is particularly busy for me.

No offense taken, although other authors may feel differently.

Edit: "Why isn't this stock?"  

I often wish Squad would contact me to 'naturalize' this mod. I love this community and game, but really don't have the time needed to support it as much as is necessary.

I've been a user of your mod for a while now, it was the first mod I installed. So a big thank you for you're hard work. Its a great commonsense tool and its a complete head-scratcher as to why Squad  has not implemented it or something like it into stock. I honestly think its much more important than the community darling, the Delta-v calculator (although it needs one of them too).  Docking without it is just painful and not at all fun. 

So I'm glad to hear you're still supporting it, time permitting, and now on the case for 1.1! Seriously, the lack of it is the only reason I haven't bothered with the pre-release. 

This concludes the fawning for this broadcast day. Keep up the good work!

Edited by Tourist
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On 4/5/2016 at 5:26 PM, NavyFish said:

I wasn't aware 1.1 was out :) so if nothing else, this serves as notification of such.  I'll recompile with the new binaries tonight... But I have a feeling more will be required for compatibility. If that's the case, I may need to ask the community for help as this week is particularly busy for me.

Your mod makes part of the game infinitely better and we really appreciate your work on it. Thank you so much! I look forward to whenever you find the time to update it :)

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On 4/5/2016 at 8:26 PM, NavyFish said:

Edit: "Why isn't this stock?"  

I often wish Squad would contact me to 'naturalize' this mod. I love this community and game, but really don't have the time needed to support it as much as is necessary.

Would you be interested in getting help from the community to support it?  I didn't see a github link.

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On 05/04/2016 at 1:26 AM, NavyFish said:

I wasn't aware 1.1 was out :) so if nothing else, this serves as notification of such.  I'll recompile with the new binaries tonight... But I have a feeling more will be required for compatibility. If that's the case, I may need to ask the community for help as this week is particularly busy for me.

BTW KerbalStuff is gone. Follow up is http://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program

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NavyFish. I enjoy using this addon because of the mad way the camera works, sometimes cant get the angle I want to see.

I enjoy docking and docking perfectly with the minimum of force to couple is exactly what I try for. you help me atcheive that Thanks!

currently playtesting 1.1 patiently

Edited by C04L
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I really like this mod.  It may be just me but I find the purple indicator that pulses on the target docking port a bit intrusive.  I have turned off the display of vessel names for the same reason.  Is there a way I can turn this off as well?


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Thanks all for your kind words!

Things are coming along:


I'll try to get a BETA release up in this thread tomorrow night. Not sure if I want to post it to spacedock / curse until the 1.1 release, however. Mostly because I'm having to use a "non official" version of ModuleManager.  Also, I've had to entirely disable bilzzy's toolbar integration for now, because it was preventing the entire assembly from loading. But, for the die-hards, you should have something to use for the time being.


@THobson You can definitely disable it - in the above screenshot, disable "Display Target Port HUD Icon"

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Ok, here it is.  Why leave for tomorrow what you can do today?  

Please post any issues you find and/or reports of everything working as expected. If enough folks report back that it worked, I'll post to the various hosting sites.


Please note: Blizzy Toolbar Integration is currently disabled until his mod is updated. 

DPAI v6.2.1 BETA - Compatible with KSP 1.1 pre-release (build

This is a beta version that works with build v1.1.0.1183 of the KSP 1.1-Pre-Release, and will likely work with further builds. Version 6.3 will be released once KSP 1.1 is released.

Version 6.2.1 BETA:

  • [update]  Works with KSP 1.1 Pre-Release build v1.1.0.1183
  • [fixed]   IVA reference part is now properly maintained when switching between IVA/EVA/MapView
  • [change]  ModuleDockingNodeNamed now no longer relies upon DockingPortAlignmentIndicator.dll, allowing mod authors to use its functionality without depending upon DPAI. Simply check if a part contains a ModuleDockingNodeNamed partmodule, and if so call module.getCustomName().


Edited by NavyFish
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I am having a strange issue with the controls acting in reverse (its not due to moving away vs towards the target either).  My roll and yaw axis are reversed as well as my Yaxis translation but my pitch and Xaxis translation are "normal."  For clarity, what I mean by "reverse" is pressing D (yaw right) causes the alignment indicator to go to the left instead of the right but pressing L (translate along the X axis to the right) goes to the right like normal.  So my left hand moves it's indicator in reverse but my right hand moves its indicator like normal.

I am able to compensate during the approach, but once I am right on top of the dock and need to quickly adjust pitch, yaw, and translation, I dont have time to think about which directions are reversed and which are normal... So I end up compensating a wrong direction and bouncing off the other ship.

Is there a way to make the controls always match the indicator icons on the docking screen.  As in if I want to make the alignment indicator go to the Left then i would press A, right = D, up =W, down = S,  and the same thing on the translation indicator with JKL and I?

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The behavior you're experiencing is intended. But many folks have expressed feeling that it seems 'backwards', so I'm considering options to reverse the display of information on the gauge. In the meantime:Realize that you're not moving the alignment indicator - the orange target is an orientation in space that you're trying to match, and (so long as your target ship isn't rotating), it does not move. Instead, you're moving the white crosshairs on the gauge. So when you yaw right with D, the white crosshairs move right relative to the fixed orange alignment indicator, making that indicator appear to move left.

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7 hours ago, NavyFish said:

The behavior you're experiencing is intended. But many folks have expressed feeling that it seems 'backwards', so I'm considering options to reverse the display of information on the gauge. In the meantime:Realize that you're not moving the alignment indicator - the orange target is an orientation in space that you're trying to match, and (so long as your target ship isn't rotating), it does not move. Instead, you're moving the white crosshairs on the gauge. So when you yaw right with D, the white crosshairs move right relative to the fixed orange alignment indicator, making that indicator appear to move left.

I never thought to look at it like that and I started using your mod back in 0.90 :blush:.  It is easier to get my hands to move the ship in the way I want now!  That said...if you added the ability to selectively reverse directions I would probably still flip my yaw and roll just because it feels more intuitive to me to align the Icons than the crosshairs (I fly with my pitch reversed already... so w/s already match to moving the icon up/down.  Likewise JKLI also already match).  

This just goes to show how indispensable this mod is... even when your using it incorrectly you cant live without it :lol:.  Thanks NavyFish!!

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