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RocktCo Industries & Munar Institute of Technology. Soyuz and Kerbabl lander v1.2


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Here are some more pictures. You got to get it just right to get to LKO. I have the third stage a bit under powered just to get the burn times to match the real thing, so if you don’t burn it long enough you end up in the ground like the real ones do. But if you are good enough it will end up at the start of a decent orbit. Did not mess with the upper Noyuz half that much (just engine fuel burn) but to circularize the orbit you will need to use it. After that, you have enough for raising or lowering it when needed and a deorbit burn. I can’t wait to dock it to something.

aint you using the wrong engine for the upper stage?

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Mine works great! No RCS needed. Tweaked the thrust and fuel and get burn times exactly like the real thing.

Could you share the version you edited? I\'d also really love to use this as the LV to the Noyuz, it\'s just impossible to launch anything using the default values.

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RocktCo uses a 1.2m base and a 1.2 -> 1m adapter, actually.

Artistic license.

The pack currently doesn\'t and probably never will be designed to conform with the the Soyuz spacecraft properly, that\'s why the top decoupler is a 1.2 -> 1m adapter in order to fit the lander\'s engine correctly.

Additionally, when the pack is updated with more craft (Kliper in particular, the overall update is a ways away), it uses the 1.2m decoupler twice: To separate the second and third stages and to separate Kliper from the third stage once the fairings are released, as the last WiP shots from the last thread show.

I was saying that IMHO, it should use 1.5m instead of 1.2m (a rather unusual diameter) and be balanced to normal parts. I don\'t get too much wobblyness with rockets build in a similar way, as long as I use sturdy decouplers and don\'t overload the rocket. At least, in the 13.2 version of KSP.

This would not only enable making a proper Noyuz launch, but to replicate a lot of other R-7 based designs and use the Soyuz as an LV for things made with other packs. Unlike 1.2m, 1.5m is moderately common size.

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Got home from work and I had to sit down and remember about what I did for some time but here it goes…

I don’t think there are any other versions than 1.00 for the RocketCo unless there is one I missed. The Noyuz pack is version 1.2. The looks are a bit off with the 1st stage coupler vs the 2nd stage engine and the 2nd stage coupler being smaller than the Noyuz lower fairing but that don’t take away the fun. Current things I changed were:

1st Engine (Boosters):

maxThrust = 10.06

minThrust = 0

heatProduction = 150

fuelConsumption = .503

2nd Engine (1st Stage):

maxThrust = 33.5

minThrust = 0

heatProduction = 150

fuelConsumption = 1.02

3rd Engine (2nd Stage):

maxThrust = 34

minThrust = 0

heatProduction = 150

fuelConsumption = .81

Noyuz Orbital Engine:

maxThrust = 20

minThrust = 0

heatProduction = 500

fuelConsumption = 0.6

Have not really played with OE much just yet, just changed it to make it more useful for me. I have to research some more info on it to see if I can get it close to the real thing. Not to mention that I did not want any over heat for any engine as well. I will mess with that later. Besides fuel and thrust I change a few decoupler settings too. The decouplers I have changed to for a bit less force, don’t like to see my discarded parts slam into each other:

The first item is just named RocketCo decoupler (first stage decoupler):

ejectionForce = .25

The 12t10 decoupler (second stage decoupler):

ejectionForce = .2

The Noyuz decoupler (non 1.5m fairing):

ejectionForce = .05

All the lower parts are from the RocketCo pack that includes the 2nd stage (some will call it the 3rd stage) as well. I specifically made the 2nd stage a bit weak if you want to call it that with the numbers from the original. If anyone has kept up with real launches then they will know several have failed because of the 3rd stage shutting down prematurely and the payload ending up on the ground which probably made a few insurance guys at Lloyd’s of London mad. This is what I wanted, to make sure that I got every ounce of power out of the 3rd stage to get it to orbit. Then using the Noyuz orbital engine finish the rest off if needed. I have not messed with it in a few weeks but if I remember, you can get the start of a complete orbit out of it but you will have a low perigee and need to use the Noyuz orbital engine to increase the low point. The longer you wait to get the 1st stage horizontal close to the end of its burn will determine your apogee. Then with the 2nd stage you chase it until you have a decent perigee. At launch start with RCS off and SAS on I can start to bend it over right away. What ever key you use to rotate, I just toggle off the SAS (using the hot key) move it a few degrees and toggle the SAS back on to maintain that angle. Just repeat as necessary until you have the apogee you want. At first stage burn out I am usually 10-20 degrees off of horizontal which helps the second stage out.

Also after I put it together it was hard to keep the items in the right order if you messed with any the parts. I always had to keep changing back the order of the parts constantly.

T-0 Launch

T-1:58 (118sec) Burn out of boosters (immediate separation after)

T-2:40 (161sec) Separation of upper payload faring

T-4:52 (292sec) Burn out of first stage engine (immediate separation and ignition of 2nd stage)

T-8:58 (538sec) Burn out of second stage engine

T-9:05 (545sec) Separation of second stage

T-9:25 (565sec) Separation of lower payload fairing

T-9:30 (570sec) Orbital engine start

Burn time of about 30 sec for circular orbit say of about 175x180 as I have it set now and it will leave you with over ¾ fuel remaining. For de-orbit a 40 sec burn at 25% throttle will get you down.

If anyone can get the authors of both packs to give their permission I could post my craft file with the parts in a zip file.

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Hi there people!=)

i\'ve been so busy the last two months in a personal project, so im sorry to say that the update for this, and the other pack i was working on are not finished yet; and they are not gonna be for a while (two months maybe). anyways, it would be a nice time to wait for more ingame features and updates, so i assure you the next RocktCo industries pack is gonna be awesome.

If anyone can get the authors of both packs to give their permission I could post my craft file with the parts in a zip file.

very nice merge =), you have my go Elliptical Orbit, just remember to give us some credit; and thank you so much for asking ;) way to go!


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If anyone can get the authors of both packs to give their permission I could post my craft file with the parts in a zip file.

You have my permission, just release it with only the cfg files.

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@Deusoverkill: I thought I\'d ask in this thread, since some get offended at the thought of bumping a post only a few months old, have you given any thought to updating your old set with the RockBird'>http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3473.0']RockBird command module and other orbital parts for KSPv14 compatibility? It\'d mostly be a matter of making the RockBird a selectable module rather than overwriting the original CM, unless other things changed that I\'m not fully aware of, not having kept up on all the tech docs. It probably wouldn\'t be hard for somebody else to do if you\'d grant your permission.

As was mentioned Soyuz was developed in the middle of the last century and is still in reliable use today (and your model is both beautiful and functional); therefore why should we have a problem with using Kerbal parts developed only in the middle of last year? I\'d just hate to see a bunch of good parts get orphaned like so many have been past the 5th page of the Projects and Releases forum.

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ultrasquid: as i told in my last post, i have all my ksp projects on hold at the moment, but let me assure you that the next pack will feature everything; including old RocktCo industries parts with bug fixes (rockbird pod 1A, hidra parachute, etc..), a brand new heavy rocket full of parts and some other things. just be patient... like 2 or 3 months patient....its a BIG pack ;)

thank you all for your comments and suport!


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  fairtonybeta said:

aint you using the wrong engine for the upper stage?

You are correct. My engines were not in the right place until I just noticed it messing with v14. I guess all those times I had problems with parts re-arranging themselves after messing with settings in v13 on the thing, it placed engines in wrong places on me then I probably dragged wrong stuff too. I never rotated the vehicle all the way around to see this until now. I always looked at it from one side. Now that I am redoing my original settings again (Couplers all out of whack) never put much thought about it, duh. Back to the Kerbal drawing board.

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  fairtonybeta said:

While true, it never actualy became so entangled in culture. You think of America, you think of Apollo and space shuttle. You think of Russia, you think of Sputnik and Soyuz. Culture just embedded these notions within us.

Yeah, right - unfortunately.

If the Russian space shuttle had succeeded, which I forget why it didn\'t, then things may have well been different.

Because America destroyed the Soviet Union.

But it well established that Russian attitudes and mentality is white different from the American one. I once heard quoted that one time, one of the Apollo scientists were showing a Russian scientist how they had developed a defribilator to work in space, and how they had overcome all of the problems. And the Russian scientist said in response 'in Russia, we just send healthy astronaut into space'

Americans spent a lot of money to develop a pen that could write in zero gravity.

Russians just used pencils - no problem! ;)

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  dhole said:

Because America destroyed the Soviet Union.

I\'m not sure if you\'re being sarcastic, or funny, or whatever.

In the case you\'re serious, I suggest you look at a history book.

Cliff\'s Notes, however: The Soviet Union destroyed itself.

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  dhole said:

Americans spent a lot of money to develop a pen that could write in zero gravity.

Russians just used pencils - no problem! ;)

Gah! I hate this urban legend. Never happened. Graphite pencils would screw up delicate electronics in space. Furthermore NASA didn\'t spend a dime developing the fisher space pen, it was all the Fisher pen company\'s idea and funding. Oh and guess what? Fisher sold his pen to both NASA and the Russians.

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  spawnofbill said:

Gah! I hate this urban legend. Never happened. Graphite pencils would screw up delicate electronics in space. Furthermore NASA didn\'t spend a dime developing the fisher space pen, it was all the Fisher pen company\'s idea and funding. Oh and guess what? Fisher sold his pen to both NASA and the Russians.

and if i remeber correctly it was first developed for writing underwater with waterproof ink but was taylored for space with a pressurised ink cartridge. good call on the graphite note. never would have thought of that

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  Melfice said:

I\'m not sure if you\'re being sarcastic, or funny, or whatever.

No, it really.

In the case you\'re serious, I suggest you look at a history book.

I do not need to read about this story - I saw this story himself, personally.

Cliff\'s Notes, however: The Soviet Union destroyed itself.

Yes, i read his book - there\'s little truth.

Libia, Iraq, Yugoslavia - this countries are also destroyed itself?

I could continue the list, by the way - and start with the 1622

And yes, who better knows the history of their country - Cliff or Russians?

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  spawnofbill said:

Gah! I hate this urban legend. Never happened. Graphite pencils would screw up delicate electronics in space. Furthermore NASA didn\'t spend a dime developing the fisher space pen, it was all the Fisher pen company\'s idea and funding. Oh and guess what? Fisher sold his pen to both NASA and the Russians.

You sure you couldn\'t use graphite pencils in a rocket? Not because of the story I just think everyone used pencils in space at some point...

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  RC1062 said:

You sure you couldn\'t use graphite pencils in a rocket? Not because of the story I just think everyone used pencils in space at some point...

Gagarin used a graphite pencil in the first flight.

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  RC1062 said:

You sure you couldn\'t use graphite pencils in a rocket? Not because of the story I just think everyone used pencils in space at some point...

At some point sure. Both the soviets and NASA used pencils at first but both quickly abandoned the idea. Think about it, when you write with a graphite pencil there\'s always going to be some graphite dust that sits on the surface. In a micro-gravity environment this graphite dust can go anywhere including into sensitive electronics, mechanical servos and oh I don\'t know maybe your eyes.

In what year? ))

Seriously? Are you so lazy that you can\'t look it up yourself? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher_space_pen

'Russian cosmonauts used pencils, and grease pencils on plastic slates until also adopting a space pen in 1969 with a purchase of 100 units for use on all future missions.[1] NASA programs previously used pencils (for example a 1965 order of mechanical pencils[2]) but because of the substantial dangers that broken-off pencil tips and graphite dust pose in zero gravity to electronics and the flammable nature of the wood present in pencils[2] a better solution was needed. NASA never approached Paul Fisher to develop a pen, nor did Fisher receive any government funding for the pen\'s development. Fisher invented it independently, and then asked NASA to try it. After the introduction of the AG7 Space Pen, both the American and Soviet (later Russian) space agencies adopted it.'

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  spawnofbill said:
In a micro-gravity environment this graphite dust can go anywhere including into sensitive electronics, mechanical servos and oh I don\'t know maybe your eyes.

Considering the punishment our eyes get every second... I suppose if a large enough chunk broke off...

Saying that you\'d probably get the same problems with ink aswell...

In fact writing in space appears dangerous! We should use laptops...

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  RC1062 said:

Considering the punishment our eyes get every second... I suppose if a large enough chunk broke off...

Saying that you\'d probably get the same problems with ink aswell...

In fact writing in space appears dangerous! We should use laptops...

It\'s not large chunks that are the main problem for our eyes, it\'s the dust. Cornea\'s are very easy to scratch with small sharp particles, which is exactly what graphite dust is. A scratched cornea is extremely painful since it\'s one of the most sensitive tissues in the body and would render that eye almost useless. Furthermore the kind of ink used in pressurized ballpoint pens is absorbed mostly into the paper, very little 'sits' on the surface and any ink that does dries very quickly.

The main problem with graphite dust though is that it conducts electricity. That means that if it gets into sensitive electronics it could short circuit them.

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