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[0.24.2] TiberDyne Aerospace R&D Division - Shuttle System 3.6 Career Update!


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Yeah one of the Odyssey craft files has the old engine from the previous download on it, guess I didn't hit save when updating it. If you have the old download, you can grab the engine out of it, stick in the Engines folder and load up the craft file so you can swap it for the new engine and resave. Or you can use the subassemblies pieces to put everything together again.

This is the first version of your shuttles I have downloaded. so don't have the old engine. I did modify the craft file and replace bearcat with jupiter, but it angles wrong so will take that craft and add the appropriate engine.

As for FAR, its almost surely an issue with the NODE sizes. Use smaller nodes on the nosecone and cockpit front, then graduate to bigger nodes on the bay and finally a large node on the engine mount. It should fly right then. you might also want to make the side nodes for the wing bigger than the front node of the cargobay.

Yeah, I have just been playing with the node sizes/position and even removed the cargo bay internal ones as well as the wing ones. I'll continue to play...



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well, I cant see which decouplers you are using on the SRBs or tank-shuttle connection - the new ones have the higher breakingForce and Torque needed - you also need to use some struts (the included heavier strength, not the stock struts which can't handle any highmass parts)

You may need more launch clamps too, on the heaviest pieces - they have a strength issue currently, also try placing them as close to the center of mass as you can.

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well, I cant see which decouplers you are using on the SRBs or tank-shuttle connection - the new ones have the higher breakingForce and Torque needed - you also need to use some struts (the included heavier strength, not the stock struts which can't handle any highmass parts)

You may need more launch clamps too, on the heaviest pieces - they have a strength issue currently, also try placing them as close to the center of mass as you can.

Oh..Um...whoops...used STOCK struts.:blush:

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Need HELP. I love this mod and have been using previous versions with no prob. However the command pod comes off anytime i time warp or load a quicksave. I have lost countless hours of gameplay due to this issue. Is there a fix or do i just need to uninstall and wait for a new version??

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Need HELP. I love this mod and have been using previous versions with no prob. However the command pod comes off anytime i time warp or load a quicksave. I have lost countless hours of gameplay due to this issue. Is there a fix or do i just need to uninstall and wait for a new version??

Do you happen to have KSPIInterstellar installed? Someone was reporting that the Warpplugin was causing this sort of issue in my Novapunch thread. It might also be caused by Kerbal Joint Reinforce, but I doubt it.

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Need HELP. I love this mod and have been using previous versions with no prob. However the command pod comes off anytime i time warp or load a quicksave. I have lost countless hours of gameplay due to this issue. Is there a fix or do i just need to uninstall and wait for a new version??

I was having the same issue but after many hours of experimentation I narrowed it down to the part. It turns out that the square docking port from LLL causes everthing to spin and the command pod to separate, even if you turn on "unbreakable joints". Maybe its just my save but that's what was going on for me.

And Tiberion I just want to say thank you for the amazing mods and models. You do such a great job!

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Well, booster modeling went better than expected.



Note: I\'m not aiming to accurately reproduce the Energia booster or the STS tank... more of an 'inspired by' thing.

Just need to whip up a 'flat' radial decoupler and then get some texturing done, then all thats left is balance. :)

What part/engine creator are you using? It looks awesome! :D Reason I'm asking is because I want to feel good about myself whilst seeing all these other mods explode on the forums. :sticktongue:

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Heh, that's an untextured (well, textured with the UVMap's lines) model I made when I first started the mod 2 years ago.

I use Blender to make 3d models, Paint Shop Pro (its like Photoshop) to do textures and generate bumpmaps, and then import them into Unity to set them up and export parts for KSP.

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Well its going to depend on the part you are using then - the cargobay itself has the settings high enough that it shouldn't break. I've launched 20t parts in there using a docking port and 2 struts.

A screenshot or a craft file might help me see some other issue.

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I found the problem. using the odyssey/jupiter craft file, separating the srb's caused them to hit the wings of the shuttle and break off the payload in the cargo bay. readjustments to the nose cone and adding a few sepratrons to the bottom of the srb's fixed it.

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Is there a Texture Reduction pack to this mod? I need one; I'm getting crashes left and right due to the like 20 mods I have, almost ALL of them involving parts! I LOVE MY PARTS! xD

If you need a mod list here it is for any issues you think there may be with the whole crash deal:

-Visual Enhancements

-BoulderCo Texture Reduc. Plugin

-KW Rocketry


-TiberDyne Rocketry Stuff

-ISA MapSat

-KW Rocketry Texture Reduc. Pack

-Squad Texture Reduc. Pack



-BobCat's American and Soviet Parts Packs

-Modular Plane

-RemoteTech 2



-Lack Luster Labs

COMING SOON: B9 Aerospace(if I can get all this stuff to work xD)

If there is anything you think is the issue, PLEASE REPLY! :cool:

Edited by KyleofKerbin
Proof of issues. :3
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No there isn't, but you might try using this plugin: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-22-Release-1-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod

It will downscale ALL textures and try to save you as much memory as possible. Not familiar with the BoulderCo Plugin so I don't know if they conflict.

but like.. you have a lot of parts there. There is simply a limit to what KSP can handle, so you may never be satisfied with that many.

Have you considered splitting the mods between two installs? If you can somehow divide them up by theme so that 2 separate KSP folders only have half the mods, it might work better. You won't be able to use each and everything together of this way of course.

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Is there a Texture Reduction pack to this mod? I need one; I'm getting crashes left and right due to the like 20 mods I have, almost ALL of them involving parts! I LOVE MY PARTS! xD

If you need a mod list here it is for any issues you think there may be with the whole crash deal:

-I know that ISA MapSat is a VERY huge memory hog. Maybe you should try the alternative, ScanSat?

-Bobcats packs also take up a lot of space, I personally only kept the Soyuz (both rocket and spacecraft), the Kliper, Buran, the Orion and the Ares I. I don't really use any of the othert things in those packs, so I saw no need to keep something like the N-1.

-FASA has some very large textures here and there, you could try reducing the textures manually. I personally use paint.NET, which is a free tool that's much better than MS Paint.

-NovaPunch has a helluva lot of parts, delete those that you don't use. I personally never use the radial liquid engine pods, so I removed them. There's not a lot of room for texture optimization in NP.

-Visual Enhancements uses 8192*8192 textures since the newest update, resulting in a lot of memory usage.

-Lack Luster Labs also has some large textures, I think there is a reduction pack, but if there isn't, reduce part sizes yourself.

-KW has a lot of tanks that overlap with NP in capacities. Delete the tanks from KW. Though the KW tanks look nicer than the NP tanks, they also use textures that are a lot bigger. The largest textures are not reduced in the KW redux pack.

-The TiberDyne Shuttle Booster System has a lot of awfully large textures, especially for some engines. Try to downsize them.

When you're reducing texture sizes, make sure that no texture is larger than 512*512, unless it's a REALLY large part. If you're going to install B), I'd recommend the Extreme Reduction Pack by Attosecond.

EDIT: Oh, and Tiberion, the BoulderCo plugin is the same as the one you linked to.

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You mean the Mk3 cockpit? Did you actually download the mod separately? (Its made by touhoutorpedo, the link is in the txt file in the extra folder)

Once that mod is installed in the Gamedata folder, you just need to copy the config file from the zip file into the same folder within KSP/GameData:

"ShuttleExtras - SEE INSTALL NOTES\GameData\TiberDyneShuttle\CommandAndControl\TD_ShuttleCockpit" - copy the part.cfg here into YourKSPFolder/GameData/TiberdyneShuttle/CommandAndControl/TD_ShuttleDockpit

Should work then.

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