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Action Group look up note

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Is there a way to find out what action keys are set up for in space? I am getting lost in my own designs... I have a VTOL plane designed to explore Laythe, some launchers with locking gimbals, SSTO with engine switching, and Mun landers with disabled RCS/Engines, not to mention parachutes on every 2nd craft. I try to use conventions like 8 9 0 to toggle the engines 1-2-3 to raise lower and toggle VTOL, but it is not enough. It would be nice if I can press a button and look it up on the list.

Any stock or modded solution welcome. Otherwise I will have to start making notes on paper...

Edited by JerryIRacer
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As far as I know there isn't, though it is a damned good idea.

I too sometimes forget that I have an action group for this on one craft but the other craft doesn't and whatnot.

My first reply was just from memory as I didn't have time to actually check. By now I did have the time and I was correct. Both are located under the science tab, the B9 version is called "Info Drive", the Fiespitter version is "FS3I Info popup"

They are basically identical: the B9 version is a little smaller but slightly heavier, they have an identical mesh and near identical texture and function exactly the same.

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My first reply was just from memory as I didn't have time to actually check. By now I did have the time and I was correct. Both are located under the science tab, the B9 version is called "Info Drive", the Fiespitter version is "FS3I Info popup"

They are basically identical: the B9 version is a little smaller but slightly heavier, they have an identical mesh and near identical texture and function exactly the same.

That is fine and good for those who use the mod, what about those who dislike B9 and fiespitter (personally I have no opinion on either as I don't use them) or just prefer native? I get that is the point of modding in these games but just because it is available via mods is no reason to say not to add it to the stock game.

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That is fine and good for those who use the mod, what about those who dislike B9 and fiespitter (personally I have no opinion on either as I don't use them) or just prefer native? I get that is the point of modding in these games but just because it is available via mods is no reason to say not to add it to the stock game.

where did he say not to add it to the stock game? Also, this is the game play questions and and tutorial subforum. The OP was asking for information, not suggesting a new feature.

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That is fine and good for those who use the mod, what about those who dislike B9 and fiespitter (personally I have no opinion on either as I don't use them) or just prefer native? I get that is the point of modding in these games but just because it is available via mods is no reason to say not to add it to the stock game.

Nobody's saying not to add it to the stock game. This is a separate, purely pragmatic question of how to deal with the situation right now, when the stock game lacks this feature. The answer is that mods can help.

If you don't like the rest of B9 or Firespitter, but you do want this piece, the directory structure of the mods makes it look like you can pick and choose what parts you add - though I haven't actually tried this, so I don't know for sure that it won't break things. If you "just prefer native", your options are to remember your action groups, write them down, consult your persistence file, or just wait for Squad to implement something like this in the base game.

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where did he say not to add it to the stock game? Also, this is the game play questions and and tutorial subforum. The OP was asking for information, not suggesting a new feature.

Amen to that brother. You pretty much said what I was thinking reading annallia's post. The OP indeed literally states "Any stock or modded solution welcome."

And you're also right about Actions on the fly. I totally forgot that was available too. (I am just not sure it works in 0.21. I have never used it.)

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That is fine and good for those who use the mod, what about those who dislike B9 and fiespitter

Then they can extract that particular part/files and only use that. If you download a mod with lots of parts of course you're free to pick and choose which ones you want in your game, as long as you don't edit them or spread them (depending on licensing).

or just prefer native?

Pen and paper or a system where everything is always on the same action group.

I get that is the point of modding in these games but just because it is available via mods is no reason to say not to add it to the stock game.

Seeing as there are so many modders out there and so much content being made I understand the devs' standpoint that if there's a mod that does something they're planning on eventually doing, it gets nudged down the list. Doesn't mean it won't make it into the stock version, it'll just be a lower priority. Not remembering what you set your action groups as is a personal issue, not only are there mods but it's something you can very easily solve with a pen and paper (or a txt file, picture on your screen, anything really).

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It just occurred to me there IS a stock solution. With the introduction of 0.21 there is a new text window that opens when naming your rover. Just put it in there.

Not sure if you can access that text in-flight but you can most definitely do so in the VAB/SPH.

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Thanks for all your comments. I have B9 and FireSpitter installed. I remember trying Firespitter info part. But I edited it on the launch pad and content did not save so I kind of gave up on the idea. I will brush it off now and give it a try in VAB/SPH.

About stock solution - I could use that comment area to write down instructions, but once there it is equally easy to look up action groups by pressing its tab. I kind of need it when I cycle through my crafts on Laythe or on Mun, or just in Kerbins orbit. No, its not personal issue being unable to remember procedures for 20 different crafts. Pen and a paper is an absolute last resort! Screenshots and txt files are unacceptable. From my experience nothing kills fun more than micro management of that kind.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Nobody's saying not to add it to the stock game. This is a separate, purely pragmatic question of how to deal with the situation right now, when the stock game lacks this feature. The answer is that mods can help.

If you don't like the rest of B9 or Firespitter, but you do want this piece, the directory structure of the mods makes it look like you can pick and choose what parts you add - though I haven't actually tried this, so I don't know for sure that it won't break things. If you "just prefer native", your options are to remember your action groups, write them down, consult your persistence file, or just wait for Squad to implement something like this in the base game.

Yes, you can just delete the folders of whatever parts you do not want out of the B9 pack. I deleted all the atmospheric parts from it, as I'm not doing anything atmo related at this time.

If all you want is the Info Drive from B9, even easier is to open the .zip, drill down thru the folder structure, and highlite ONLY the Utility_InfoDrive folder, and extract that. Then create a /B9_Aerospace/Parts/ folder in your GameData to put it in. Easy Peasy...

OR you could download the KSP MOD Admin program and use that...You select only the parts you want to install from mods, and it does the rest for you. It even has things non-mod related you can do with your stock games.


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