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Kerbin City Community Project - Phase B - New Islands


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You'll have to talk to the the dev, but a lot of the people who previously reserved plots haven't really been active on here so you could get their plots. Just keep working on what you're making in the mean time.

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Just to let people know, Kerbin City almost works in 0.23, but spawn points need to be fixed, as it is now, they are listed in the launch site menu but doesn't work at all, you're spawn in another dimension (below Kerbin surface) in free fall with reentry heat and can't control the vessel.

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Hay guys, just got back from A MAZE Berlin. I was a bit promoting modding in KSP xD

Kerbin City almost works in 0.23, but spawn points need to be fixed, as it is now, they are listed in the launch site menu but doesn't work at all, you're spawn in another dimension (below Kerbin surface) in free fall with reentry heat and can't control the vessel.

That's probably the problem with the plugin then. Spawn points are transforms on the exported model, they should be correct, unless some naming rules have changed, but I doubt that.

Are you using this version? https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfssc2u341zp58a/KerbTown%20%28fixed%20for%20v0.23%29.zip

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That's probably the problem with the plugin then. Spawn points are transforms on the exported model, they should be correct, unless some naming rules have changed, but I doubt that.

Are you using this version? https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfssc2u341zp58a/KerbTown%20%28fixed%20for%20v0.23%29.zip

giving just a link might not be so useful, perhaps HoneyFox have to work on versionning unless already done.

Spawn point have change since last Razchek release use in Kerbin City, we need the transform name itself for filling "LaunchPadTransform" (it's empty for KC_Eastern)

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giving just a link might not be so useful, perhaps HoneyFox have to work on versionning unless already done.

Spawn point have change since last Razchek release use in Kerbin City, we need the transform name itself for filling "LaunchPadTransform" (it's empty for KC_Eastern)

The link is from HoneyFox' 9th April build from the KerbTown thread. Definatelly needs some better version control.

I will check the name of the spawn transform when I get home.

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There is no 9th april build, the very last one is from 30th march (plugin dated 31h, 00h20), I just checked.

On 8th april and later on 10th, there was some talk about allegedly broken download link then people, including HoneyFox himself, give the post of the 30th "release".

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By the way nothke: could you make a list of abandoned plots (all of them including not started and unfinished) ?

I also notice that all buildings seems to be included in one single model, is this some resource usage consideration behind this choice ? Or it's just for ease ?

(Of course, it looks like everyone have to submit their creation(s) to you which allow some quality checks which is a good thing ;) )

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By the way nothke: could you make a list of abandoned plots (all of them including not started and unfinished) ?

I also notice that all buildings seems to be included in one single model, is this some resource usage consideration behind this choice ? Or it's just for ease ?

(Of course, it looks like everyone have to submit their creation(s) to you which allow some quality checks which is a good thing ;) )

This is the map of plot occupation of the Easter Island. I still don't have anything for the downtown island.


The reason behind the single model is that it's the easiest and fastest way to place the city in KSP. I can set up the entire city in 3ds max or Unity (depending on what format people send me), and then when I export, get back to KSP, the city is automatically updated, I don't need to use the difficult-to-manage KerbTown interface every time to add new objects. Also I have much more control over polygons and vertices in the modeling software so I can make sure there are no holes and that everything fits.

I don't actually think there is any difference in performance if you do it in the other way, but someone could correct me if I'm wrong.

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I see there is no even map for this downtown island.

Beware with a single model, it is possible at some point your modelling software create two objects in a single collada file (I have this with 3dsmax 2011 and a quite high poly object, don't know exactly what happened there).

Your way is better at least there is no set of kerbtown buildings in menu :).

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I see there is no even map for this downtown island.

Beware with a single model, it is possible at some point your modelling software create two objects in a single collada file (I have this with 3dsmax 2011 and a quite high poly object, don't know exactly what happened there).

Your way is better at least there is no set of kerbtown buildings in menu :).

The meshes need to be separated per material anyway, .mu is a collection of gameObjects, when you export to .mu, the meshes are still separate but are just handled in the game as a single "package". You can still have multiple colliders or animations for each different mesh in a single .mu

Razchek was saying that there is a way to hide the objects from KerbTown menu, so that you can't place them from within the game, but I don't remember how.


For the following islands, the rules are changing, instead of me giving plot dimensions to you, I will provide a model of the entire island, and you will model directly on that model. You will still be able to apply for plots, but only when I finish the streets and set up a map. Expect it these days, so prepare to apply for plots.

Edited by nothke
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I took a tour using the latest Kerbtown plugin by Honeyfox. Great to see the city again! When the roads and bridges are finished, I can see KMP multiplayer F1 races being all the rage...

A few things - I spawned below the freeway, and on the grass verge of the airport. Both spawn points possibly need a little tweak.

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A few things - I spawned below the freeway, and on the grass verge of the airport. Both spawn points possibly need a little tweak.

Yes, the spawn point naming has been changed. The spawn points are currently at the model's origins.

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Ooo! It has revived!

One thing though, my rails project is pretty much dead in the water right now, short of getting a few others to help. I'll still make something train station like eventually, if you want.

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