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Kerbin City Community Project - Phase B - New Islands


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Tohu I don't think there is deadline, I think he just release what he has now, empty plots, bobcat's plot, highway and just update this later. I would do that anyway, not sure if nothke.

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
nothke, what sort of time scale are we looking at for a deadline? I need to plan my development on this. Tonight is quite certainly not possible for me to have this done by.

I am imagining this to be a constant development project (just like KSP is), so I will publish often, even if the plots are empty. ATM there is an airport, the Eastern island base with the expressway, some my testing objects, a bridge and BobCat's plot, that's all. I want you to test it and boost motivation and give inspiration for future! =) When I play it I have a feeling like I am having all the fun and I am only sending you screens that make you envious =(

EDIT: Ninja'd by Ozi

If you want you can send me the test model, but it's your choice if you'd rather want to see it complete.

Edited by nothke
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  nothke said:
I am imagining this to be a constant development project (just like KSP is), so I will publish often, even if the plots are empty. ATM there is an airport, the Eastern island base with the expressway, some my testing objects, a bridge and BobCat's plot, that's all. I want you to test it and boost motivation and give inspiration for future! =) When I play it I have a feeling like I am having all the fun and I am only sending you screens that make you envious =(

EDIT: Ninja'd by Ozi

If you want you can send me the test model, but it's your choice if you'd rather want to see it complete.

Is the bridge that you have maybe the highbridge i made? :D

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  nothke said:
No, it's not possible to dig trough the terrain. I think the game also automatically destroys everything that spawns under it.

Ok, i did some research on that topic:

- PartBuoyancy makes vessels swim, once they reach sea level altitude. Disabling that for all parts is necessary to go deeper. Once that is done, you can e.g. go submerge.

- Looks like Vessel's update stuff is responsible for the "below surface emergency destruct". But its disabled for landed or splashed vessels, so pretending its one of that should do it.

- CollisionEnhancer appears to handle "fast stuff made it though the terrain" between frames. It might be possible to leave it active, but we would still have the same problem for underground structures (how to prevent stuff clipping though)

Remaining issues:

- We still have to cut a hole into kerbins terrain model & collision mesh (yes, you can still collide, when you vessel intersects it while unity is calculating physics for the frame)

- The underwater effect appears to kick in

- The camera is forced to a top-down view.

Does anyone have an idea on how to cut a hole into kerbin? I'm sure we then could work the other issues as well...

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  Faark said:
Does anyone have an idea on how to cut a hole into kerbin? I'm sure we then could work the other issues as well...

I don't think you can. The terrain is generated via seed, and that can't be altered except by squad. You'd need to make artificial elevation as part of your model to give the illusion of 'underground'.

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  InfiniteDice said:
I don't think you can. The terrain is generated via seed, and that can't be altered except by squad. You'd need to make artificial elevation as part of your model to give the illusion of 'underground'.

It's not entirely randomly generated, perfectly flat region around KSC must've been flattened by hand. I think that the planet has a "general" heightmap or something that could be edited, but on top are randomly generated details (like fractal noise)... Maybe that initial heightmap was made by terraforming software and then some spots on it edited later. I just guess that. At least that's how I'd do it if I had to make a whole planet xD

Edited by nothke
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  nothke said:
It's not entirely randomly generated, perfectly flat region around KSC must've been flattened by hand. I think that the planet has a "general" heightmap or something that could be edited, but on top are randomly generated details (like fractal noise)... Maybe that initial heightmap was made by terraforming software and then some spots on it edited later. I just guess that. At least that's how I'd do it if I had to make a whole planet xD

Right, it's possible to edit - for squad, I've seen more than a few real-time terrain editing samples within unity itself, but I've never seen someone change terrain within KSP. So that part is a mystery... I suppose someone could try it and see. http://blog.almostlogical.com/2010/06/10/real-time-terrain-deformation-in-unity3d/

Might just be faster and easier to use the illusion... a 1 or 2 deg grade over a few hundred metres would allow for enough elevation to do some basements and stuff. And it would be hardly perceptible if done correctly.

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Not very difficult to keep things flat if you have control of the generator. Start with a smooth sphere and just exclude a region.

The larger problem I am finding with KT mesh interiors is that you don't stay inside if you leave and come back. I keep getting ejected onto the roof directly above where I was standing. I would assume "PutToGround" has something to do with this, but haven't yet pestered Raz to look into it, and now he's playing Blacklist, so dead to the world, lol.

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  InfiniteDice said:
Right, it's possible to edit - for squad, I've seen more than a few real-time terrain editing samples within unity itself, but I've never seen someone change terrain within KSP.

What makes you think its only available for Squad? One of the advantages of using an engine like unity is that we basically have the same tools available as squad has. Thats the reason mods like this awesome City project do exist. The question is whether squads implementation allows us to find a decent solution. AttachedPathScript for example does expose some terrain related fields (no, i have not yet checked what its good for). Ofc it would be easier to start by removing a mountain, to prevent having sub-zero-issues and as you mentioned we might end with entirely different solutions, but i think evaluating our options cannot be wrong.

Edited by Faark
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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Argh, can anyone find that post with the files for common textures and current map files/models?

pulling my hair out here.

If these can be added to the OP that'd be fantastic also.

I will redesign the entire OP tonight too. It's completely nonfunctional and I'm getting lost all the time. This project actually needs an entire dedicated website I think xD There is so many info you need... General info, info for first time seeing people, for supporters, for developers + technical info, downloads, future projects.. pff

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Argh, can anyone find that post with the files for common textures and current map files/models?

pulling my hair out here.

If these can be added to the OP that'd be fantastic also.

This one?


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  sirkut said:

Yup thats the one. Found another post with a dated version of the map which helped.

How do you feel about receiving unity packages instead of model files nothke? I'm just thinking the colliders on a few things I'm doing are not going to be easy to set up, and it'd be simpler to open an export package, CTRL+C, go into your scene, and CTRL+V it in there. I imagine you'd have to reset a few textures but it'd save messing with the colliders.

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  Faark said:
What makes you think its only available for Squad? One of the advantages of using an engine like unity is that we basically have the same tools available as squad has.

Well another example would be the kerbal models. How many mods let you play as a smurf or anything other than a kerbal? Where are the models to edit? Even looking at the code, some things are private and not easily modified or tampered with. Sure it's all unity but ultimately it comes down to how easy these things are to get at and play with.

I'd love to be able to play with the terrain, so if someone finds the procedure for doing so please let us know :)

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Yup thats the one. Found another post with a dated version of the map which helped.

How do you feel about receiving unity packages instead of model files nothke? I'm just thinking the colliders on a few things I'm doing are not going to be easy to set up, and it'd be simpler to open an export package, CTRL+C, go into your scene, and CTRL+V it in there. I imagine you'd have to reset a few textures but it'd save messing with the colliders.

Ok cool. Helpful tip. Top right of the thread you can do a search thread link. All I did was use 'textures' in the search and found that post. Saves me a LOT of time and I figured I'd share that tip.

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  Olympic1 said:
i'm watching

EDIT: Do you use autodesk for the buildings or just the ground?

I use 3ds max for all modeling. It doesn't really matter which software you USE.. But which you get USED TO. So I am used to 3ds max.

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I'm back after a lengthy while of being busy. I was reading through the posts, and when you said there is no "General" time limit, I got a bit frustrated.

Why? Well, I thought there was a time limit, so I was completely rushing my model, basically means I have to redo it, now that I know I can actually take my time and make good models :)

Back to work! :D

Edited by Mr.Desmond Tiny
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  Mr.Desmond Tiny said:
I'm back after a lengthy while of being busy. I was reading through the posts, and when you said there is no "General" time limit, I got a bit frustrated.

Why? Well, I thought there was a time limit, so I was completely rushing my model, basically means I have to redo it, now that I know I can actually take my time and make good models :)

Back to work! :D

You can take you're time, phase B will be a larger (and longer) project

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