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K.R.A.K: A multi-player continuous universe[SIGN UPS CLOSED]

How do we deal with the large number of players?  

  1. 1. How do we deal with the large number of players?

    • Multiple games(alternate realities)
    • Assign all missions early

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Today was an historic day for all Kerbals. The United Kations has approved the creation and indefinite funding of the Kerbin Rocketry and Aeronautics Komission(KRAK). Kaelen Kerman, the newly appointed Komissioner of KRAK had this to say. "As a species we have chosen space. We have chosen to go forth from Kerbin and learn all we can about this great solar system of ours. We will also seek to establish a permanent presence on suitable worlds we find. We will build a brighter future for all Kerbal kind."

*At this point the Komissioner waved to the crowd as he mounted his jetski and rocketed off into the sunset amid a shower of sparkling mist.*

Out of Character

Ok, so here is what is going on. I have an idea for a continuous game in the style of Boatmurdered. (If you already know what that is you are an awesome person.) The way this will work is that I will collect sign ups on this forum and make a list of all participants. Then I will start a new game and send it to the first person on the list along with a mission. When their mission has ended (in either success or failure) they will post a mission report(probably in a different thread) and put the save file up for download. We pass it to the next person on the list along with a new mission and so on.

Each mission will be based on what happened in the previous missions. For example, say mission 4 involves landing a science station in a specific location on Duna. Mission 5 or 6 may then involve retrieval of the samples collected during mission 4. Or, maybe mission 3 did not go so well and there are now 3 Kerbals stranded in orbit around the Mun. Mission 4 will likely be a rescue mission.

The overall goal of this campaign will be a grand tour of all the worlds of the Kerbol system. At least 1 mission will be sent to every planetary body. Right now I am going to restrict this to stock parts just to keep it simple. There may be advancements in Kerbin R&D later that open up some mods.


1. Mission Protocol

1. Stock parts only(at least for now.)

2. No Reverting. What happens, happens.

3. No recruiting new Kerbals without authorization. Their lives matter.

4. You may design and test your ships for your missions in a separate game as much as you like. This is to represent the simulation and testing that would happen on any real space mission.

5. Do your best to keep part counts down as not everyone has high powered computers.

2. Mission Reporting

1. Mission reports must be filed within 2 weeks from the submission of the last report. I will PM people when it is their turn.

2. If you mission is taking longer than 2 weeks you must still file a report on it's status to date and explain why you need an extension. If it is not a good enough reason then your mission will either be canceled or you will be replaced as mission commander.

3. Pics, or it didn't happen

3. Logistics

1. I will keep an archive of old save files so that we can RetCon if something(someone) stupid happens.

2. After each mission report I will post the new mission and name its commander.

3. Missions may be declined upon receiving them but you will move to the back of the line for your turn. I will be sure to make it so that everyone gets at least one mission before anyone gets a second(assuming this continues that long).

Sign Up Form

Sign ups are closed

Link to Mission Assignments and Reports: Mission Assignments and Reports

List of Mission Commanders

  1. Kaelen Kerman(Kaelen)
  2. Alakrity Fitzhugh Kerman(Alacrity)
  3. Psuedo Kerman(ThePsuedoMonkey)
  4. Rodwell Kerman(1D-1()T)
  5. Stoch Kerman(Stochasty)
  6. ???(The Destroyer)
  7. Funk Kerman(Radiokopf)
  8. Yar Kerman(YarTheBug)
  9. ???(Bothersome)
  10. Maxton Kerman(Maxilica)
  11. Robert the Kerman(Bean)
  12. Ron Kerman(Rondon)
  13. The Lone Kerman(The Lone Wolfling)
  14. Herman Kerman(Nephas)
  15. ???(searlefm)
  16. Rorim Kerman(ZingidyZongxxx)
  17. Herndon Kerman(Xiphos)
  18. Sierra Kerman(Captain Sierra)
  19. John Kerman(DeltaC00K13Z)
  20. Spart Kerman(Spartwo)
  21. Chet Kerman(bellino)
  22. O'tagon Kerman(Octagon)
  23. Seigmund Kerman(UnknownBrother)
  24. Cal Kerman(Cal'Mihe)
  25. Hans Kerman(SRFirefox)
  26. Rainbow Kerman(Rainbow-Dashie)
  27. Obrim Kerman(Zapness)
  28. Bman Kerman(bman2232)
  29. Kerman Kerman(SaturnVee)
  30. Zerois Kerman(Zerois)
  31. Kraken Kerman(The Deep Space Kraken)
  32. Tidus Lamare Kerman(Tidus Klein)

Edited by Kaelen
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world Preference: Not Kerbin (mom won't leave me alone)

Mission commander: Alakrity Fitzhugh Kerman

Curiculem Vitae

2008 -- Not-so controlled flight into terrain while orbiting Minmus.

2009 -- First near orbital lift of a rover with out rockets... also at Minmus.

2010-2011 -- Missed Eeloo by that much.

2012 -- Inventor of the fitzhugh maneuver... using the Mun in a slingshot to establish a Kerbin orbit... when leaving kerbin. Later indicted for securities fraud and insider trading with the Liquid fuel lobby.

2013 -- Completed construction of a Minmus refueling station 'EXXON VALDEZ' with Mission Kss 134 docking the final piece in place... then forget to kill the engines of the tug and pushed the whole station, now the Kerbol Solar obsrvatory 'WHOOPSIE', out of the Kerbin system.

I look forward to being apart of this carefully planned and not at all explosive endeavor.

ps... Is there dental?


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Thanks for signing up alacrity! The first mission will likely just be a basic Kerbin orbit so I won't make you do that. I'm actually going to do that myself to try and give people an idea of what the mission reports will look like. The reports from Boatmurdered though are pretty much what I am envisioning. Glad to have you on board!

P.S. Sorry, no dental. But we do have free virtual bubble wrap!

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Sounds like fun. Love Boatmurdered btw.

Name :1D-1()T

World preference : No further than Duna (Mun, Minmus, Eve and Gilly, Duna and Ike are all fine)

Character name : Rodwell Kerman

Here's what I have experience with

Mun/Minmus landings

Orbital stations and assorted docking

Surface bases



Duna landing

Eve landing

I will make a suggestion if I may, in the rules maybe put something about not making monsters that will destroy all non-supercomputers.

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This sounds amusing. I'll sign up, although depending on when exactly my turn comes I may not be able to guarantee having the time to complete the mission.

Name: Stochasty

World Preference: Eve, Tylo, Moho; something difficult.

Character: Stoch Kerman

CV: Have visited and returned from every world.

Have visited and returned from the following worlds using SSTO vehicles: Mun, Minmus, Gilly, Ike, Duna, Dres, Laythe, Vall, Bop, Pol, Eeloo.

Have built and flown the only (to my knowledge) functioning stock Eve-return capable spaceplane.

Consider myself an expert at spaceplane design (SSTO and otherwise).

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World Preference: Send me everywhere, as long as i dont have to use Planes. Mosty i love to play around in the low g places.

Character Name: Funk Kerman


Landed everywhere

Driven most of it

Flown on everything with Atmosphere

Bases with launchpad and mining/kethane on Duna, Laythe, Vall and Minimus

failed several Eve return attempts

Made one half Rocket half EVA ascent on Tylo

Constantly hitting weird trajectoris caused by denial of the maneuver node

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I'm in!

Name: YarTheBug

World Preference: Eeloo, Minmus, any other cold-weather mission.

Character Name: Yar Kerman


- I've Assembled and flown multi-part ships to all worlds.

- Landed and returned Kerbaled ships from all worlds but Eve (God rest you, Roman), Jool, and Kerbol.

- Driven rovers on Moho (pre-20 when I started the ribbon thing), Duna, Minmus, Mun, and Kerbin.

- Built multi-part bases in orbit and on surfaces of Minmus, Mun, and Kerbin.

- Flown on all atmo-worlds (Laythe also pre-20).

- Hunted anomalies: Mun and Minmus complete, half-way through Kerbin.

- Test piloted and reported on a few vehicles from the forums.

- Posted the Nomad family (in sig) for community use.

- Landed a space-plane on Gilly.


- Yar

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I'll play as pilot. Efficient piloting skills. I fly your craft to where you want em. Been to Laythe, Tylo, Vali, Eve, Duna, Mun, and Minmus. Only need a good ship and clear flight instructions.

The name is Ase and the place is Spase. You call we haul.

Oh yea, I fly manual controls, none of that computerized assistance for me. Well, maybe SAS is ok.

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Sign up form:

Name: Maxilica

World Preferance: Eve, Vall, Pol. (Pretty random, I know)

Character Name: Maxton Kerman

Expertise(s): Docking, Munar Bases, Hochmann Transfers, Efficient Gravity Turns.

Self Description: I haven't bothered exploring other planets until quite recently, so I suppose I'm more of a space station builder. So far I've ventured to Duna, Eve and Laythe, because I like using Hochmann Transfers more than blitzing all my fuel using the "hybrid" method. P.S. Hate planes. Never got further than the Island Airport using Stock Crafts.

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Sign me up:

Name: Bean

World: Any will do, I've not yet got to Moho or Jool though, so probably best to not give me those ones unless you want to wait a while or have a failed mission.

Character Name: Robert The Kerman

I'm pretty good at rendevous, docking and in Kerbin SOI missions, I've been to Duna and EVE stock, but used mechjeb for Eeloo. Though mainly because I wanted another badge.

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Wow this is so awesome to see so many people sign up! I'll update the player list today during lunch. Also, stay tuned for a link to the thread where mission reports will go.

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Yes, please.

Name: The Lone Wolfling

World Preference: Someplace with an atmosphere, preferably Kerbin or Laythe, as jets work. Someplace else with an atmosphere would also be acceptable, though.

Character Name: The Lone Kerman

CV: Seaplanes and amphibious rovers, mainly. I've landed on every planet though.

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If there's still room, I'm in.

Preferences: anything except Plane/SSTO-stuff, best would be something interplanetary

Experiences: Station/Base-building, manned landings on Kerbins and most of Jools moons and on Duna (and safely returned :D). Also lots of probes and rovers.

Name: Herman Kerman

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Kerbal Boatmurdered. Now that would be interesting.

It's probably not a good idea to even try to comprehend such a thing.


You've got quite a few applications so I won't sign up; I'd probably forget about it and people would've missed the chance to participate :(

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Original Post updated with new names. I also added a couple rules so please check it out. We have a good amount of players already so I am going to get the first mission assignment posted to a new thread in the mission report section (link to follow in OP here) and lets get started! Sign ups will remain open even while we play so go ahead and sign up if you haven't yet and you want to.

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World preference :any world but

Eve, I Hate it

also I'm experiences at messing around with space plain and have built infaglider that work in FAR

and am currently setting up a kethain powered base on every world but Eve.

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I would love to sign up!

Name: ZingidyZongxxx

World Preference: I'm not too picky about this. I like Jool and its moons, or maybe Eeloo or something. But I'll do anything.

Character Name: Rorim Kerman


- Landed and returned from everywhere

- Experienced stock or with mods

- Built several SSTOs

- Done many multi-part missions and assembled several space stations

This looks like a really cool idea and I would be very happy to join.


2. No Reverting. What happens, happens.

Just to be clear, you mean no quick-saving and quick-loading?

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Sign me up!

Name: Xiphos

World: Duna or Jool System

Character name: Herndon Kerman

I have a lot of experience flying, building, landing, etc. all stock and would like a decent challenge. I always aim to make the smallest vehicles possible to keep part counts low.

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Name: Captain Sierra (call me Sierra)

World preference: Eve, Kerbin, Duna, and all associated moons (Jool only if you want a probe in a retrograde orbit, the only orbit I have ever made at Jool XD)

Seriously though, don't send me past Duna or Eve if you want a decent probability of success.

Character name: Sierra Kerman

Mission portfolio:

5 of 6 probes sent lost to Jool system lost, 1 in retrograde orbit

The Lazarus, a massive tug used to haul large tanker modules and/or big chunks of bases interplanetary at once.

Outpost on Duna, Outpost on Mun.

Future refueling base on Duna

2 wrecked rovers to Eve (my fault, forgot to hook up KAS)

More stuff, but nothing else prominent.

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Character name: John Kerman

World: Kerbin, Mun, Minmus

Some explanation: I'm a noob, but if you give me an extraplanetary mission, I will do my best. I also noticed most of the entries are good/expert players, so if you ever want to do a rescue mission, let me do the preparations, if you know what I mean... :P


-Close to none, but I can build space stations, rovers, planes and stuff like that :)

-I can fly/dock well, but larger ships are somewhat framerate-consuming.

Achievements so far:

-landed on the Mun with a couple of ships and have a base set up.

-landed on Minmus with a base consisting of a few buildings, 2 rovers and a spaceplane.

-I have a space station around Kerbin orbit.

-have seen some easter eggs on Kerbin, which is always nice.



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