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What skill level are you?


what level of skill are you?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. what level of skill are you?

    • I can't even get KSP to run
    • Everything Blows up upon launch
    • I got it off the Ground!
    • Yay orbit!
    • I'm at the mun!
    • interplanetary travel!
    • interplanetary travel and return!
    • I'm Very confident in what I do!
    • Jool is a joke to me!
    • I'm Scott Manely!

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May I ask? But why do people:

Suggest that Scott Manley is the Best KSP player ever? I don't know, but he says him self, that he has trouble doing certain things. I mean, I can do better things that him, and I bet you can too. But still doesn't mean he's the best. I with all due respect, I know he has a lot of knowledge about space, but Scott is like all of us.

Also, why do people make threads that will make people vote/comment ect. Yes, I know this is a discussion, but is it necessary?

I'm not asking for hate, just wondering about all the very repetitive threads coming up lately...

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I find my self agreeing with most other people: Scott Manley really isn't the best player out there. I am a big fan of him myself, and I will certainly agree that he is definitely one of the smartest players out there. However, he really is not that good when it comes to the actual flying part of the game. The most likely reason that he is the highest skill level in the poll is because he is very popular throughout the community *cough* accent *cough*.

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I'm over confident. Sometimes I can do things, sometimes it ends in horrible death.

I've been trying for moho recently. I got there on my first attempt and then legitimately crashed into the surface going 4km/s. Probably should have looked at the map screen whilst doing my deceleration burn.:blush:

Moho is very hard, multiple times harder than Jool, my first Moho probe did an 6 km/s landing, it was also my first trip and I had poor understanding of orbital movements, an just an fraction of the fuel left to enter orbit. However even perfect burns towards Moho might end up with needing +3 km/s to brake as its orbit is uneven, the plane change is also an dV killer.

And yes one of my later probes also impacted, ion powered kethane mapping probe, got Pe at 20 km, told mechjeb to put it in orbit while looking at it from time to time, did not notice that Pe was creeping downward until it disappeared and at that time it was to late to move it up.

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Mun, Minmus landings. Couple of times each, and have returned both times. I've built a Comsat Network around Kerbin with RemoteTech, and am able to navigate unmanned missions fairly well. (Thank you to the creator of that Mod. It's really fun and adds an element to the environment.) Most of the time I'm even able to return within a reasonable distance to the launch base!! I've gotten efficient at orbital rendezvous and docking. Right now, I am building and testing for my first interplanetary mission to either EVE or DUNA. Haven't really made up my mind yet. I'll make the final decision after the fuel depot is completed so that I can better determine the best intercept windows for each of them, in relation to the testing I want to finish. I'm very tempted to launch a Manned mission to either one right off the bat! It's an adventure though and a calculated risk either way, significantly so on a Manned mission. Rovers still seem to be my biggest obstacle. I know it seems silly lol. Getting rovers from Kerbin to point B just never works out for me! Certainly on top of my list for the Eve or Duna trip preparations! ;p

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Today I made my first manned trip to Gilly and back (single Kerbal getting down with jetpack to plant a flag from orbit). That was first interplanetary test of my new lifter, real test will be tomorrow when I try to land on Duna and get back (to orbit at least for refueling). Old desing could send just small probes and landers around (from Moho to Jool)

So to answer question, Id say interplanetary travel and soon also returning.

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I find my self agreeing with most other people: Scott Manley really isn't the best player out there. I am a big fan of him myself, and I will certainly agree that he is definitely one of the smartest players out there. However, he really is not that good when it comes to the actual flying part of the game. The most likely reason that he is the highest skill level in the poll is because he is very popular throughout the community *cough* accent *cough*.

And remember... He does use Mechjeb...

So, as a result it makes it "easier"

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Put it this way: Scott Manley seems a bit amatuerish compared to me at this point. Don't get me wrong, he's definitely an excellent KSP player overall, but the man can't land properly to save his own hide. Also, he relies on MechJeb, docking cameras, etc. to do quite a lot of things for him these days, whereas I have always done everything manually and will continue to do so no matter how impressive MechJeb et. al. get.

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I'd consider myself at or above Scott Manley's level; I could do anything he could, but without some of the (very few, mind you) things he does that frustrates me and makes me want to take over control of his game lol.

16 people can't be Scott Manely, unless... OMG SCOTT MANELY GOT A CLONING MACHINE!!!

also, make that 17 now with my vote XD

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I'd consider myself at or above Scott Manley's level; I could do anything he could, but without some of the (very few, mind you) things he does that frustrates me and makes me want to take over control of his game lol.

Join the club... Every time I see him go in for any sort of manual landing, I cringe. Watching him dock is an exercise in frustration. And his ship designs are almost always lacking in certain key departments.

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Honestly, for me the question really isn't "What are my skills", but instead "Do I understand the theory behind what I'm trying to do?"

The reason I say this is because if you don't understand what your doing, how are you supposed to do it with any so called "skill"? An example of this is basic Orbital Mechanics; When you first start playing KSP and don't know how basic Orbital Mechanics work, before you ever even make orbit, how do you expect to get to the Mun? Point at it and thrust.

Very quickly it becomes obvious that simply pointing at your target and thrusting is not going to work, but why? That's how stuff works on earth, why not in space? However, after some basic research and learning about the 6 cardinal directions in space relative to your ship, and how thrusting in those directions effects your orbit, you then understand the theory behind those 6 cardinal directions. Now, if you simply apply those theories while maneuvering your ship in space, you find that instead of asking yourself "What do I do to make this happen?", you ask yourself "How can I apply what I know to make this happen?".

You can only perform an action as well as you understand the theory behind that action.

With that being said, I voted "I'm Very confident in what I do!" and I will always be in that category, because it's the truth.

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I voted 'at the mun', I've only been to Mun and Minmus so far.

I've been spending time building stations/bases/satellite networks before I focus on exploring further away planets, probably planning on making my first inter-planetary trip this week :)

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Apparently 19 people are scott manley...I didn't realize there were so many clones.

Hehehe, tell me a joke I haven't heard before >w> srsly though, please let this joke die already... I would have voted for "Better than Scott Manley" if it was an option; sadly "Scott Manley" is the highest skill level anybody bothers to compare to.

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I'm super confident now. But, I've only just had a couple of interplanetary successes. My space station is complete through multiple (over a dozen) launches and all manually docked (no Mech Jeb). I've recently had a hugely successful Jool mission. But, I haven't had an SSTO that can go from Kerbin to Laythe and back like some people. I haven't had a lander that can return from Eve, like some people.

I'm good and getting better. I put myself middle of the road, but I'm confident that things are going well.

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I think there is an interesting measure of skill that comes down to how much spare fuel you like to give your craft. If you consistently design missions that have only a half percent of the stage's total fuel remaining after key maneuvers, that's a sure sign of skill.

Personally, I could put a kerbal on the surface of duna with 0 fuel remaining. but my eve ascender is ridiculously overbuilt, because I don't do that as often.

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My skill level at building and launching insanely large (and heavy) contraptions = ludicrously high (click my signature for proof).

My skill level at docking = improving.

My skill level at building aircraft = BOOM.

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