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[PLUGIN] [0.2x.x] Automatic Centre of Mass Tracking - 0.01


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Ooooo. That certainly looks like the one http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38069-0-23-Davon-Throttle-Control-systems-mod-%28major-improvement-complete-overhaul%29

Congratulations, you win one Rotatron!

I have it packaged ready to ship. Very fragile so thick and heavy packaging. Shipping will cost $18479.


Annnnnnnd, just for good measure, here's a third thrust balancing mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67270-Throttle-Controlled-Avionics-1-1-0-23

In general, if you have several engines around the CoM and some TWR to spare then I think these balancers are good idea. If you have a small number of engines or need to select only a small number of engines or have limited TWR etc, etc, then I think these are the situations where my CoM mod has an advantage.

Edited by ecat
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I have another question. Would this work for lift as well as thrust? I have a mid sized cargo plane which is quite long and narrow, and to compensate for a widely fluctuating CoM I have movable wings:


Could I use this mod for adjusting CoL?


Edited by Hammer Tech
Phone to the rescue!
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how is the progress going for compatibility for the latest versions of IR v0.18.6a and KSP v0.24.2? I would very much like to add this mod to my list of tools, what sizes are the parts in the mod? I use FAR and Deadly reentry so solid connection between parts are key.

After seeing the OP and what others have posted in response I have had a multitude of ideas and eargerly await the next stable release.

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Having looked through the latest IR release a complete rewrite will be required so the question is one of time.

If all you require is Centre of Thrust adjustment I'd recommend taking a look at the thrust balancing mods mentioned here:


Or looking at implementing a variation of the Gimbal adjustment I demonstrate here:

The latter is especially appealing as it is inherently fully integrated with SQUAD code, will scale to any engine size without compromising joint integrity and while it may look a little strange at times is in truth no less realistic than moving a big engine along a little rail.

I'll see what time I have this week and will update if I make any progress :)

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