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IOS/Android Space Sim In Development


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We had a talk about this *cough... Thing ...*cough a couple of months ago.

1) They -almost- directly insulted the KSP community with their game's description.

2) They're selling more than they can make.

Seriously, I highly doubt they'll get it running in iOS. I wouldn't say anything if it was some kind of Orbiter revamp for PC, but aiming for iPhones and iPads is too much for a space sim.

Check out "Space agency", that's probably as far as a cellphone can go in terms of space simulation.

EDIT: Yep, still there. "...or let you fly cartoon-ish spacecrafts in a fictitious tiny universe with unrealistic physics...".

Spit at your audience in the face and you will go far.

Edited by astropapi1
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...Design a rocket's wiring and hydraulic actuators...

I don't think so.

I'm sorry for letting you down, but this project isn't going to work. :)

So we're capable of making gaming tech like the Oculus Rift and Xbox Kinect, but designing rocket parts is too far fetched? I can assure you it's not, there are a lot more complex gaming mechanics than that.

Also, it's hardly an insult at KSP, the line about green men and tiny universe. More like a small joke based entirely in fact.


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Seriously, this is for mobile devices and people are still comparing KSP with it? I mean JEEZE GUYS wake up, no mobile device is going to have superior game-play and potential to any PC game, let alone the biblical game we all love, KSP.

They can post all they want for their game, but coming from a mobile based development, with a website made from Joomla, I don't know why this is even sparked any 'competition' in the first place.

Edited by deskjetser
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Seriously, this is for mobile devices and people are still comparing KSP with it? I mean JEEZE GUYS wake up, no mobile device is going to have superior game-play and potential to any PC game, let alone the biblical game we all love, KSP.

They can post all they want for their game, but coming from a mobile based development, with a website made from Joomla, I don't know why this is even sparked any 'competition' in the first place.

So... You've never played the game or seen gameplay and obviously not even spent more than a minute reading the site, yet you instantly assume it won't be as good, if not better than KSP?

That's pretty fanboyish behaviour...

But can you build a Battlestar?

People don't want realism, they want fun.


See - Orbiter, ArmA, Red Orchestra 2, Flight Sims.

Who are you to say what people want anyway?

Personally I think this game looks like it could be great, but unlike the rest of you, I'll wait for more information to pass final judgement.

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See - Orbiter, ArmA, Red Orchestra 2, Flight Sims.

Who are you to say what people want anyway?

Before games had amazing graphics, they had to be fun. So what i guess i'm trying to say is that the fun part of a game, is the root part of all games. Although realism certainly does add to the experience, it's not required at all. Do you buy games that look to be little or no fun to play?


Back on topic- I'll have to see what it's like when it comes out.

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The game is just a copy of orbiter and look at the orbital maps its directly from orbiter. It just orbiter but with better graphics and stuff

"Design, build and test your own rocket designs"

Wait ? design your own rockets I think is copying KSP and is probably not in game, but like a mod people makes and upload to a website.

It saids " let you fly cartoon-ish spacecrafts in a fictitious tiny universe with unrealistic physics"

What is this insulting KSP how dare you KSP is still in development :mad:

Plus the KSP is more better and funner.

Space simulator is insulting other space games

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Honestly what on earth are people expecting from another one of those cheap mobile-phone games?

Like this one, which is wholly real and playable on both Android and iDevices and looks exactly like those screenshots you see on that website? I was very skeptical of this Space-Simulator project until I played F-Sim and was blown away. Now I'm willing to wait and see what comes of it.

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Read/skimmed the first two paragraphs of the description.

Yep, they lost a customer here. I'd buy it if it wasn't so implicitly rude to KSP. Yes, our atmospheric physics are incorrect, we don't have n-bodies, and our universe is tiny, but that doesn't mean our game is so unrealistic as to be unplayable. If anything, these features make it more playable. I don't feel confident in supporting a game whose developer/web designer (it could very well be either or both) has a superiority complex.

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Seriously, I highly doubt they'll get it running in iOS. I wouldn't say anything if it was some kind of Orbiter revamp for PC, but aiming for iPhones and iPads is too much for a space sim.

Check out "Space agency", that's probably as far as a cellphone can go in terms of space simulation.

There is also SimpleRockets, it was just released. I beta tested the game for a while and it is as close to KSP on mobile I've seen.

IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id663068211

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jundroo.simplerockets&hl=en

Scott Manley reviewed it:

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hi guys. If anyone is around London , we will be very pleased to showcase our Space-Simulator iOS in an iPad2/3/4 ...

Regarding the "toy universe with cartoony physics" or "Just landing the shuttle" ... We were obviouysly refering to some "simulations" for mobile devices/ tablets out there in the app Store.. Can't see why KSP people are offended by that at all.

Also , we are aiming towards a entirely different customer base. KSP is a very fun game /sandbox-style that runs on PCs , we are developing a simulation that runs on iOS.Its like pears and apples. If you want , it is much more Orbiter for mobile devices . The "build your own spacecraft" is -for now- limited to the PC /PS3 version , as in iOS iT would be a mess with the lack of mouse. We got different challenges -lack of mouse/keyboard is one- so we had to do all 3D virtual cockpits operational , everything is "touchable" .. . Also , lack of possiblity to install plugins , forces us to create the whole content in one go ( so apollo missions/shuttle/scenarios/sounds/ computers, etc ) needs to be shipped at once.

Unfortunately , iOS won't accept anything other than a full product . Releasing an "alpha" version with bugs here and there is simply not an option , hence the longer than usual development time . ( we are now 3 coders, 1 artist , and 1 coordinator on the team ) .

Regarding if it runs or not on mobile devices.. we got all our betatester slots full .., but as I said ,if someone is from London and want to have a look to the stuff running on a tablet... he ll be most welcome.

-The videos are recorded from an actual iPad2 , pumping 30fps -

The crappy web ??. I did it myself ( me being a professional Console programmer (ps3/ps2/rockstar/Sony) for the last 20 years) , but not a web designer ... so hence the joomla cheap-looking web.

Anyway .. well launch the kickstarter funding campaign very shortly . ( we simply can't keep on with the development costs , so we are making a living out of developing other -cheapo- iPad/droid apps- and that is delaying us pointlessly. . With the funding campaing .. we expect to hit the appstore in 5-6 months for a full polished and manicured product.

Edited by dionbouton
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hi guys. If anyone is around London , we will be very pleased to showcase our Space-Simulator iOS in an iPad2/3/4 ...

A honest question: WHY?

- the game has probably a very specific target group

- the platform you choose pretty much limits your options

- especially your target group probably will dislike those options

- 99% of the people on the platform will probably have no interrest in such a game

- especially the target-group will probably not be the typical smartphone-gamer for obvious reasons (limitations in controls and complexity)

So may i ask you why did you choose that platform and who is your target audience?

(For example i do enjoy simulations and complex games - i do some casual-gaming aswell but i would never even think of playing time-consuming complex games on my smartephone because ohter platforms can offer way more)

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hi .

I said ipad2/3/4 as a quick way to send to someone respected here a build , to show that the game is real , and the screenshots are real and that it runs as claimed in a mobile device. As it seems that quite a few people over here are basically calling bull**** on our graphics/framerate on iPads. ( some people are indeed claiming that it doesnt run at-all! :) .

Target Audience :

For the mobile/tablet build ? People which like simulations. People that play orbiter on the PC and would like something similar (bit more limited ) , but without the hassle of installing addons/plugins/missions etc.. .

For the PC/MAC/Console Build ? People that like space simulations , but can't get bothered installing all the required plugings.etc (for Orbiter) or want it running on their set-top PS3/Xbox. For the PC , people that like designing and building rocket engines , -and then flying them - with a bit more of realism ( real sizes, actual planets , decent rendering, correct physics etc) . Basically somewhere in the middle beetween the ultra realism of Orbiter and the super-fun of KSP.



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hi .

I said ipad2/3/4 as a quick way to send to someone respected here a build , to show that the game is real , and the screenshots are real and that it runs as claimed in a mobile device. As it seems that quite a few people over here are basically calling bull**** on our graphics/framerate on iPads. ( some people are indeed claiming that it doesnt run at-all! :) .

Target Audience :

For the mobile/tablet build ? People which like simulations. People that play orbiter on the PC and would like something similar (bit more limited ) , but without the hassle of installing addons/plugins/missions etc.. .

For the PC/MAC/Console Build ? People that like space simulations , but can't get bothered installing all the required plugings.etc (for Orbiter) or want it running on their set-top PS3/Xbox. For the PC , people that like designing and building rocket engines , -and then flying them - with a bit more of realism ( real sizes, actual planets , decent rendering, correct physics etc) . Basically somewhere in the middle beetween the ultra realism of Orbiter and the super-fun of KSP.



So you pretty much make 2 different builds? How will graphics etc. change?

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I wonder why everyone is taking "fly cartoon-ish spacecrafts in a fictitious tiny universe with unrealistic physics" as a personal insult? It doesn't even seem to be talking about Kerbal Space Program, given that our universe isn't tiny and the physics are, in fact, realistic. And even if it was a stab at Kerbal Space Program? Fill your heart with hydrogen, it needs to be lighter :)

Furthermore, handheld devices aren't necessarily low-powered. Recall that Orbiter was made, and worked, in 2000. I don't have the numbers in front of me to confirm, but I'd wager that a modern tablet computer is more powerful than a thirteen-year-old computer.

TL;DR: I'm a neckbeared fanboy ;)

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I wonder why everyone is taking "fly cartoon-ish spacecrafts in a fictitious tiny universe with unrealistic physics" as a personal insult? It doesn't even seem to be talking about Kerbal Space Program, given that our universe isn't tiny and the physics are, in fact, realistic. And even if it was a stab at Kerbal Space Program? Fill your heart with hydrogen, it needs to be lighter :)

Furthermore, handheld devices aren't necessarily low-powered. Recall that Orbiter was made, and worked, in 2000. I don't have the numbers in front of me to confirm, but I'd wager that a modern tablet computer is more powerful than a thirteen-year-old computer.

TL;DR: I'm a neckbeared fanboy ;)

It's tiny compared to real life. Which is what they're going for. And the physics aren't entirely realistic. I mean, they're good enough to represent space, but when your in kerbin's SoI the mun might as well not be there gravitationally. For example.

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Looks like things got a little bit overboard here. Let's not insult others shall we?

Alright, I've gone through and gotten rid of off topic and insulting posts.

Since the devs of this game were nice enough to come here and talk about their product, let's give them some respect and let them show what they can do.

Though I probably won't play this myself as I have a rather strong dislike of apple products, it will be interesting to see how they make the gameplay aspect when working without a proper keyboard.

Edited by OdinYggd
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