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Why Kerbals don't eat


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Why don't kerbals have to eat?

MY theory is they Use photosynthesis, This would also explain what gives them their green colour

I know animal cells don't have the things that make food out of sunlight. but hey, that's only on earth and we don't know about life out there :)

And what is FOOD in the Hitchhiker storage container, i don't know, (something that starts with F) Orbital Ordinances and devices?

And IF they add life support than i guess kerbals would de-evolve to lose photosynthesis but what will keep their green colour? :P

Just post your opinions (and arguments) on this theory and your own theories. :)

PS: Also, if this is in the wrong section, can a moderator please move it?

Edited by M.Wolfy
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I'm always looking at them, totally not being creepy and all :P

Yes, they do have teeth, but there is no other living lifeforms (excluding the kraken, oh god i hope they don't eat the krakens flesh :P) that teeth would be used to chew besides trees (OK, they might be herbivores, but lets not jump to any conclusions :mad:) and Rocks (which they probably wouldn't) but then again, i did say this was a theory :P

EDIT: Also funny to see what people think of the labels in the hitch hiker storage container :P

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I imagine the Kerbals sitting still in their Hitchhiker like students in a class room. And every time player looks away they start stuffing their mouths with food like the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. And when we look at them they sit still and pretend like nothing happened. :D

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Species that care only about space travel and do it all the time get space sick? :P

But they wouldn't ALL be sick... Or would they...

or are they just sick of wasting all their money, resources and lives on space travel? :P

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Maybe those are for defense?


"Everybody! bite it!"


*kraken dies* :P

Maybe they like to eat (e.g., Snacks), but don't need to once they're grown up, because they get the energy to sustain themselves from the sunlight.

They also would have to bring snacks to places with longer nights than kerbin, because they wouldn't be adapted to it. but i guess a snack is a leisure thing for kerbals as well :D

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Why don't kerbals have to eat?

MY theory is they Use photosynthesis, This would also explain what gives them their green colour

I know animal cells don't have the things that make food out of sunlight. but hey, that's only on earth and we don't know about life out there :)

And what is FOOD in the Hitchhiker storage container, i don't know, (something that starts with F) Orbital Ordinances and devices?

And IF they add life support than i guess kerbals would de-evolve to lose photosynthesis but what will keep their green colour? :P

Just post your opinions (and arguments) on this theory and your own theories. :)

PS: Also, if this is in the wrong section, can a moderator please move it?

Plants don't eat light. They use light and various protein systems to mush CO2 and water together into sugars. If you don't supply plants with matter, you can shine all the light you want, they'll die.

Kerbals eat awesomeness. That's why they smile like goofs on landing. They're very hungry after being stuck in a can for weeks and there's lots of awesomeness in landing procedures, so they feast on it. Case closed.

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Spam much?

A bit, why do they have an food locker?

The lack of life support has two reasons, 1 game is not finished yet 2 it might be hard for players to do multiple missions at once and launch in time for transfer windows and lots of other issues who come up if you have life support and limited time to do missions.

The simplest explanation to why they have low life support demands is probably that they can hibernate, lost of mammals can do this, even more common among reptiles.

Some research going on if we can get humans to do this to for long spaceflights. Common in sci-fi like Alien and Avatar.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy Thread Revival!

Anyway, while studying, I bumped into this one: Towards Synthetic Chloroplasts.

The gist of it is, they made a photosynthetic bacteria capable of living inside eukaryotic (animals are eukaryotic) cells.

Theoretically, Kerbal Science could have succeeded into inserting chloroplast-like bacteria into their Kerbalnaughts (probably while they were still embryos), eliminating the need (and cost) of bringing food on long space-trips. They could live on Light, CO2 and Water. And some supplement-pills for essential minerals.

They would need a lot (and I mean a lot) of water though: to produce a single sugar-molecule they'd need six water molecules.

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