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BSC - Ravenspear Mk. 1 - And the winner is...


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@Sirine: Haha, no - I laughed my ass off. Anyways - as I'f told you - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I actually perfer the spoon-version, I know how the plane looks with a normal, circular intake, it was one of the versions in the design process. Also - form follows function - the ram intake is the most efficient one ;)

@Tidus Klein: Don't worry - just remeber it for the next challenge :P

As I'm writing this, you still have ~27h to go.

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Hey Xeldrak.

Im not sure if there is a thread or not for this kind of thing, but I have an idea for a BSC Challenge.

Simply put; Aeris 4 SSTO {Cant remember the proper name}

The Aeris SSTO design is incredibly inefficient and hard to fly, and as a beginner I completely disregarded SSTO designs because of it and its difficulty. Hell, I've managed to make rockets more efficient than that thing. So here is my proposal - The next BSC should be for the Aeris 4.

PS - Not sure if it is the Aeris 4A or 4B, I kinda deleted all of my stock craft because I run mods and don't need them.

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I think i can win this time....

The FRAK-1

Still the same since 19.0, it's really an unbelieveable plane.

Advantages over other contenders:

-no SAS spam

-Elegant design

-Large form, yet low (103 parts) count

-easy to control

-Superior height and range (This thing can easily do long suborbital flights)

-Small fuel tank makes it very fast

-Anahedal wing is elegant and provides compression lift.

-Well known (over 450 downloads)

A high performance fighter capable of Mach 3+ and service ceiling of 43Km. Range is 3000+km. Lands at 25m/s.



...but enough words. Go fly it yourself. Low altitude dashing, Zoom climbs and dives, straight up suborbital, then straight down at mach 4 into the atmosphere. Words cannot describe the thrill this plane brings me. Try it, and you won't be sorry.

Once you go Frak, you'll never go back!


(cover shot)


(zoom climb)


(Speeed's the name.)


(Going suborbital)


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I hope I am not too late to share my submission I know it is the 11th hour. Many of the craft I have looked at are vary exceptional and of high quality. I thought however they were too complex for a beginner to rebuild and I even saw part clipping a lot which is way beyond a beginners skill to do. With that in mind. here is my submission.

My craft File here.

here are the picks I hope they explain the abilities of the craft.

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Edited by mcirish3
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Had a feeling you would use the Frak-1 ... actually when i saw this thats the first plane that came to my mind :)

micirish : i think that exposing beginners to part clipping is good. as there are so many weird things you can do with part cliping to make your planes look good while still getting the performance they want. i still use some of those basic part clipping skills i first learned by looking just looking at other peoples craft.

Edited by brobel
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@ zekes : your Frank-1 is amazing, 12 RamAir intake for 2 Turbo Jet engine, + lots of wings. It is fast over 2000m/s, it is stable no over pitch, no over yaw, no tail strike, hands free take off, Air Ceiling 32km(no reduce engine).. and I shall vote for you.

But why "Action Group 1 to cut off 60% of the intakes (to facilitate more maneuverability in the low altitudes)."??? Please explain facilitate more maneuverability? Cut off the intake make the plane engine suffer...no?

Edited by Sirine
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@ zekes : your Frank-1 is amazing, 12 RamAir intake for 2 Turbo Jet engine, + lots of wings. It is fast over 2000m/s, it is stable no over pitch, no over yaw, no tail strike, hands free take off.. and I shall vote for you.

But why "Action Group 1 to cut off 60% of the intakes (to facilitate more maneuverability in the low altitudes)."??? Please explain facilitate more maneuverability? Cut off the intake make the plane engine suffer...no?

im actually not sure... one of those things that i really don't need... i think i was testing that very question, and forgot to take the action group out :P ah well it doesnt change the ship.

And thanks for the support! :D

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@zekes My SSTM get similar design with yours, but got 16 Ram-Air intake, LOTS of fuels 1180 Lq /880 oxy, 2 TurboJets, 2 LV-N and a aerospike engines. It can't climb that fast...about 1260m/s tops...I think its too heavy...


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Yes, another BSC thread! Love the designs so far. Lot of diversity in size - I'm not sure what the most true-to-Ravenspear Mk1 design will look like.

To my mind, the Ravenspears are all about learning how to fly at high altitude. They need to be a little scarier than the Aeris 3a, more like the MIG-25. One turbojet won't cut it, and two are flameout hell, so I went with 3 - and the rest followed (with some inspiration from brobel's finalist design last time. The key is the rudder placement, to give strong control authority and let newbies learn to control and recover from flameouts, safe in the knowledge that they don't have to go to space today. Enough talk!

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The Ravenspjaar Mk1

  • Fairly beefy, as training for larger / heavier SSTOs. Three turbojets for blistering speed.
  • Slightly inward-angled jets and double-canard rudders give plenty of flameout forgiveness
  • Combination canard / large control surface give plenty of pitch authority, without too much roll
  • 2:1 intake ratio - no spam!
  • 20 minutes flying time - no round-the-world flights!
  • No cubic struts, modest "legal" partclipping. ~50 parts.
  • 3-2-1 turbojet toggle action groups allow newbies to learn how to feather turbojets at high altitude
  • Easy to fly - handsfree takeoff, front brake disabled, automatic ladder-on-parking-brake activation
  • Lights for that midnight glow

>> .craft file here <<

Edited by antbin
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here are the picks I hope they explain the abilities of the craft.


Hey nice plane mcirish! I hear you on the part clipping.

By the way, you can show off your pictures better if you group them in an imgur album and embed it here with

[imgur]ABCDE /imgur]

where ABCDE is the five-letter/number code of your album.

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Hey nice plane mcirish! I hear you on the part clipping.

By the way, you can show off your pictures better if you group them in an imgur album and embed it here with

[imgur]ABCDE /imgur]

where ABCDE is the five-letter/number code of your album.

Thank you for the tip :) will update ASAP, and glad I am not the only one who thinks part clipping is a bit much the beginner/casual user.

Edited by mcirish3
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I've tested all of the entries so far by flying them until they crash (a very bad way to evaluate planes) and here are some of the things I want to say:

- Zekes' plane is very maneuverable

- Gusturbo's plane flies kinda like my plane

- Daveofdefeat's plane is mounted on a launch clamp for some reason

- HueHue's plane has its center of lift too far back

- A few planes had rolling issues

- Some planes pitch very slowly (those didn't last very long in my tests)

Edited by Giggleplex777
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@zekes My SSTM get similar design with yours, but got 16 Ram-Air intake, LOTS of fuels 1180 Lq /880 oxy, 2 TurboJets, 2 LV-N and a aerospike engines. It can't climb that fast...about 1260m/s tops...I think its too heavy...

plus mine has an elegant body :D those curves.

No seriously add wings around the plane and yours will be much easier to fly.

Oh and also mine, like Giggle said, has really light wing loading, so it's maneuverable and can get really insanely high on Jets alone....

I've tested all of the entries so far by flying them until they crash (a very bad way to evaluate planes) and here are some of the things I want to say:

- Zekes' plane is very maneuverable

- Gusturbo's plane flies kinda like my plane

- Daveofdefeat's plane is mounted on a launch clamp for some reason

- HueHue's plane has its center of lift too far back

- A few planes had rolling issues

- Some planes pitch very slowly (those didn't last very long in my tests)

:D sounds like my plane is the only one you like (other than Gusturbo's).

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sounds like my plane is the only one you like (other than Gusturbo's).

Only if you assume he likes the performance of his own entry :D

I'll have to give these all a try. My new laptop battery came today, so my computer won't be crashing unexpectedly when I try to play the game.

Edited by GusTurbo
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:D sounds like my plane is the only one you like (other than Gusturbo's).

I was looking for the feel of the plane, which is bias towards the good flyers. Honestly, I think that when a beginner tries out a plane, he/she would probably fly it around KSC and do loops and such before they actually take it for a speed test.

Also keep in mind that it was an incomplete list.

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