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[1.02] KW Rocketry v2.7 Available - 1.02 Compatibility! - 16/05/2015


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  Virtualgenius said:
Do the old fairings not work now, I hate procedural fairings and loved the KW ones ...

Same here. I really hope you'll bring back the KW fairings ASAP.


I responded before I had a chance to see for myself. I was under the impression the KW fairings were replaced by the Procedural Fairings mod. I now realize you replaced them with the stock system on the KW fairing base.

I still prefer the old KW fairings but this is an acceptable (temporary) solution.

... be grateful if someone could explain please what the instant power response configs are or used for

KW Rocketry engines need to 'spool up' Unlike stock engines, they do not deliver 100% power the moment you stage them. With 'Instant Power Responds' they will deliver 100% on staging just like stock.

Edited by Tex_NL
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Thanks for the update, KSP isn't complete without KW rocketry!

One bug I'm having though, the petal adaptor decoupling is a bit broken for me. It will deploy fine, and the second decouple for the pod inside works, but the first decouple for the rocket stacked on top won't work. It animates, you get the camera jiggle and sound effects, but the stage will remain connected. You still have full control of the whole vessel after the fact too... Anyone else got this bug?

And yes, I did a fresh install mod free of KSP when 1.0 was realsed, and started a new 1.0 save career. The install does have a couple mods now, namely navy fishes docking alignment, and mechjeb, plus a few visual mods (no FAR or deadly re-entry etc).

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Thanks for the explanation appreciate it, I dont like the stock fairing system never liked procedural fairings brilliant mod but not for me, I always preferred the KW one's guarenteed to work every time without an issue

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  Ald said:
A observation. On a linux64 KW tends to freeze on all Aero Nosecones (on a heavily modded instance of KSP). Fins are not affected.

I can confirm this. KSP (linux 64bit) hangs during launch when the KW 2m SRB NoseCone is loading for me.

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  somnambulist said:
This will disable the automatic interstage engine fairings.

// Disable KW engine auto interstage fairings

@PART[KW*engine*]:AFTER[KWRocketry] {

!MODEL,2 {}

What does one do with this? Stick it in a text file, rename it ".cfg" and put it in gamedata?

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Firstly thanks for the mod. i really love it ^^

But I have problems with the update. First in [0.90] I used the same mod as now and KSP run perfectly a this time.Now i update all my mods but when I run the game, in the loading page something getting strange. KSP has a time seems to stop running but no crash report and when i checked my task manager KSP still running normally for him so I let it run for 1h but nothing has changed.

I close the games and delete KW and re-run KSP. This times everything work well so I stoppend the game and reinstall the mod but once again the problem occured.

I'm just a player who doesn't understand the "internals" operating mod so all I can do is to show you when all things seems to stopped.


Can anyones help me please? thanks

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  Virtualgenius said:
Thanks for the explanation appreciate it, I dont like the stock fairing system never liked procedural fairings brilliant mod but not for me, I always preferred the KW one's guarenteed to work every time without an issue

I never liked procedural fairings either but unfortunately our original ones simply won't work in the stock game any more due to how the aerodynamics work since 1.0.

However, you can always install the old fairings located in the Extras folder. As long as you have FAR installed they will work as always. You may want to delete the default Fairings folder before installing them so that you don't have the clutter and confusion of both types of fairings in your parts list.

Edited by Winston
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  Josson K. said:
I can confirm this. KSP (linux 64bit) hangs during launch when the KW 2m SRB NoseCone is loading for me.

KSP doesn't hang on (game) launch for me (also using a heavily modded Linux 64 bits install).

Are you sure this part is from KW? I don't seem to have a "2m SRB NoseCone" anywhere in the KWRocketry directory (2.5m only without SRB, for the 1.25m size there's also an SRB variant). Just installed KW 2.7 via CKAN.

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Might be some heat problem with 2.5m nosecones. I had them instantly exploding on the launchpad at one time and needed to go back to the VAB and relaunch to fix it (revert to launch didn't work).

Another issue, the engines always have their heat glow, in VAB after placing and ingame. Or is it just me? Weird nobody noted it until now, since it also occured in a otherwise vanilla install.

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  SpaceNomad said:

Are you sure this part is from KW? I don't seem to have a "2m SRB NoseCone" anywhere in the KWRocketry directory (2.5m only without SRB, for the 1.25m size there's also an SRB variant). Just installed KW 2.7 via CKAN.

Ahh, this is confusing "KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/150mSRBTop/part/KW2mSRBNoseCone" is actually the "1.25m SRB Nose Cone". So, I have it as well. But I'm not encountering the freeze.

I'm not using Deadly Reentry, so that might actually be it.

Those are the mods I have installed and which are not causing the issue ;)

- ActsEW 1.5

- AeroGUI v2

- AGExt 1.32a

- AutoAction 1.4

- BoxSat A.02e

- BoxSat-prototypes A.02e

- Chatterer 0.9.1

- CommunityResourcePack 0.4.2

- ContractConfigurator 1.0.4

- ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor 1.1.2

- ContractConfigurator-GrandTours 1.0.6

- ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 1.1.3

- ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.1.3

- ContractRewardModifier 2.0

- ControlLock 1.4

- CriticalTemperatureGauge 1.0.2-e

- CrowdSourcedScience v3.0

- DistantObject v1.5.5

- DistantObject-default v1.5.5

- DMagicOrbitalScience 1.0.3

- DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2

- EditorExtensions 2.7

- EVAManager 3

- ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads 5.1.90

- FieldExperience 1.0.1

- FilterExtensions 2.1.1

- HaystackContinued

- HeatManagement 0.21a

- HyperEdit 1.4

- KerbalAlarmClock v3.3.1.1

- KerbalConstructionTime 1.1.6

- KerbalEngineerRedux

- KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.3

- KerboKatzUtilities 1.2.5

- KIS 1.1.4

- KWRocketry 2.7

- MenuStabilizer 1

- ModuleManager 2.6.3

- PlanetShine

- PlanetShine-Config-Default

- PreciseNode 1.1.3

- Protractor v2.5.0.2

- QuickBrake v1.00

- QuickExit v1.30

- QuickGoTo v1.11

- QuickStart v1.01

- RasterPropMonitor v0.19.3

- RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.19.3

- RecoverAll 1.2.1

- RemoteTech 1.6.4

- SafeChute v1.7

- SASReset 1.1.1

- SCANsat v12.0

- ScienceAlert 1.8.7

- ShipManifest

- SimpleOrbitCalculator v1.3.1

- SmartParts 1.6.4

- SpacetuxSA 0.3.5

- StageRecovery 1.5.6

- StockBugFixModules v1.0.2d.2

- TacFuelBalancer v2.5.1

- TACLS v0.11.1.20

- TACLS-Config-Stock v0.11.1.20

- ThermalMonitor 1.0

- ToadicusTools 8a

- Toolbar 1.7.9

- TransferWindowPlanner v1.3.0.1

- TweakableEverything 1.9.1

- UniversalStorage

- WaypointManager 2.3.2

- WiderContractsApp 1.1.2

- xScience 4.3

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