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Zombie Apocalypse: Your Plans


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  Rage097 said:
Put on my gasmask

Have you ever worn a military gasmask ? - it's a great insight into the world of people who suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties.

Plus they restrict your peripheral vision and are really uncomfortable.

I know we are just having fun here, but please leave it out of your zombie survival kit anyway ;)

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  Starwaster said:
I found out I'm in trouble because I went and got an axe for the zombie apocalypse and practiced cutting some small branches and my hands were numb, itchy and achy after a few minutes of whacking at small branches :(

It is just matter of practice.

Personaly recommend Mechete over axe, if you are into melee, because it is more agille, it is lighter than axe, and you can stab with it if you dont have space to swing it. But you know without knowledge of proper fighting techniques with either of the weapons, and lot of practice, youl not be efective with it, so if you want to use melee weapons, please take at least some kind of fighting lessons with the weapon. I dont know how in your country, or where are you from, but in my there are plenty of teachers who will teach you, for reasonable price.

Also recommend using leather working glowes to prevent damage to your palms.

But if you really looking to survive, i recommend shotgun. It is easy to use, and damn efective. :-)

And also this Z idea is rather silly if the Zed´s were even possible, ods are, that we would be the zed´s rather than the survivors. So your only concern would be to get a fresh Bbrrraaiin. Lol.

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But really, I just grab these two and hold my ground (I can carry 10 mags for the rifle and 5 for my sidearm) until the rest of my training buddies come around to play. If the Z's aren't too thick I might risk driving my car, but it is a bit low should the roads be blocked.



For blade I have this machete on order, but there was an 8 week backlog, so my Gerber blade would go with me if it happened soon.


I will also keep my baby concealed with a few spare mags in IWB holsters. Problem with weapons in plain sight is somebody with "authority" or a force with more power and bad intentions, may try to take your weapons from you. If that happens and you have no other choice than to lay them down and walk away, at least you won't be unarmed. Or, if you have the skillset, catch them off guard and renegotiate terms of the deal.


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Knives, axes and machetes? You guys are way to close. Zombies usually are in packs. You can easily get infected or overwhelmed armed with Those items.

I'm live in Arizona so getting weapons is trivial. (Just open my gun cabinet and grab everything.)

Make a base that has high ground from a well protected and barricaded safe location with lots of food and water. Raid a grocery store then hit a Home Depot or lowes and fortify that location. Make sure you round up people you trust to help. Send a raiding party to get fuel using the fuel cans you got from your fort/base. Have a security team stationed on top of the building. These stores usually have internal access to the roof. The fuel is mainly for your generators and raiding vehicles.

Act fast!

establish a large garden in the home and garden center. Fortify it so zombies or people cannot renter from the outside. Set up a water collection storage container to capture rain. You may need to purify the water after capturing it due to the type of disease that caused the zombies.

new people join this base by going through a quarantine before joining the population. This base has all the tools and materials you would need to make the quarantine section. You need more members of your group to make yourself strong. There will be other things to worry about other than zombies. You will need to be a strong force to survive. Your group will need to have strong leaders and establish laws that are strictly enforced. Otherwise you risk all to internal forces that are more concerned for themselves than the group.

As you get built up you will need to push out and establish a perimeter and fortify it. This will probably require raiding parties for construction materials as you may not have enough in your fort to do this.

Whee! This is fun. This is my plan should I not be a zombie. Or course if I am a zombie, I'm just going to eat everyone. LOL!

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  Moon Goddess said:
Same thing that would happen to me in any natural disaster.

I sit tight, try to ride it out, wait for emergency services to rescue me or I die.... That's my current flood/tornado plan, don't see where zombies would be any different.

sad to say, but many of us have a term defined for people like you. Victim. We won't be coming for you, but if you make it to us we won't turn you away. That is if you aren't a zombie by this time. Be prepared to help support the base. :)

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  lajoswinkler said:
I'd like to see the trigger happy preppers (what a lovely nickname) deal with this.

And don't say it's not real. Zombies aren't, either. :)

Can't view that here. Sony is blocking it. Can you give a recap? I don't think of myself as a trigger happy prepper but I do believe in adapting to a new situation quickly.

You adapt you stay alive on your terms. Not adapting means you are dead, enslaved, eaten or infected (as we are talking about zombies ya know.)

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No, I'm all for adapting and all that, but it's too often that I see people obsessed with these kinds of things as not adapted themselves. But hey, we're all different. I prefer action over words. Talking about this stuff is unpleasant.

Too bad you can't see the scene because it's the only full one on youtube which builds up in tension.

Here's a shorter one.

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Ahh, much better. Well first off I would aim. LOL.

Shooting a shot gun from the hip is silly.

No recoil from the guy with his eyes shut. Someone else shot granny. As granny appears to be possessed I'd say she'll be getting back up soon. At least with zombies they stay dead when you shoot them in the head.

i expect there would be more of these types of things happening soon. If it is a demon they can jump around from body to body. Is there a holy man in the house? In any case, a cafe would be a terrible place to fort up. Time to move. In this case, to a church. :)

Edit: and time for a change in undies. I would poop all over myself. I still would have blown granny's head off, but I would have soiled myself. :). Just being honest here.

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It's an entertaining movie. Pretty stupid and I forgot the details after few days, but it was entertaining.

Yes, someone else shot her. If he didn't, she'd bite the head of this stupid guy with his eyes closed.

I also think I'd blow her head off. I mean, it's not like she's just talking like a demon and being all creepy. She's climbing the ceiling like a fast spider, biting people's necks and now she's sliding towards me with open mouth.

Super evil, doesn't respect the law of gravity and she's approaching me? That's not a granny at all and I doubt she wants to pat me on the head.

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See that is part of carrying a gun that is never covered in movies. You walk into a place and you scope everyone out, you scope out everyone who walks in. Somebody starts moving that fast or hurts anybody your gun is already drawn and aimed on reflex. All you have to do is pull the trigger if they don't stop.

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