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If you could go anywhere in the solar system where would you go?


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I'm a big fan of rocks. Big and small. So it would be cool to go out to the Asteroid Belt. Maybe even EVA and get some samples.

Considering these types of rocks are even older than those in the sub surface of our planet. The chance to hold one, for a ROCK GUY like me, would be a treasure of a life time.

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Sedna. The farthest observed object in our solar system on the fringes of the inner Oort cloud. It's apparently almost as red as Mars. Id love to stand on its surface and see our sun as just another bright star in the sky.

I think i´d just freak out. Is that pic from celestia? If so, keep going outward, to the rim of the galaxy, till you see fewer and fewer stars, and then keep clicking out some more. If you dont freak out then, you probably dont get what i mean. If you do, that would be it / 100 or so.

Personally, i think i´d opt for golfing on Mars, or maybe just throwing some rocks. Preferably on the ´face´, between the ´pyramids´. Seriously, i bet there is a billionaires´ amusement park up there already!

EDIT: As someone already said: Pics of the places you suggest, from ground preferably, would be cool.

Edited by Mr. Scruffy
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The Moon - I would visit one of the Apollo landing sites with an operational lunar rover and drive that around, then definitely visit the landing site of Apollo 12 and be the first visitor of the Moon Museum

Venus - Would visit with some kind of airship/aerostat that can float at an altitude of about 50 km, where there is Earth-like temperature and pressure. I would go outside without a space suit and admire the view, leaning over the railing while breathing from a simple oxygen tank.

Titan - The most interesting place in the solar system for me, foreign but familiar at the same time. I would try attaching wings to my arms and flying around and rowing a boat around a methane lake.

Phobos - For having fun jumping around in the low gravity and having a great view of Mars

99942 Apophis - A good target for an asteroid visit, although depending on its gravity, maybe it would be more correct to say rendezvousing with it.

Edited by szputnyik
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Let's look at the solar system and my options:

Sun-Too hot

Mercury-Again, too hot.

Venus-Too hot, to much pressure.

Earth-Been there, done that. Moon-Good choice

Mars-I'd love to, if it wasn't a radiation-scarred desert. Phobos- Too much radiation, again.

Asteroid belt- Might be a few places, like Ceres, to visit

Jupiter-Too much gas, not enough ground Io-Too much volcanoes Europa-Again, too much radiation :( Ganymede- Actually, good choice. Callisto- Good choice

Saturn-Same as Jupiter, though the orbital view might not be half bad! Titan- Good choice Enceladus- Good Choice

Uranus- Good choice, though might receive a few to many jokes about me "Vacationing in Uranus's system"

Neptune- Good choice

Pluto- Too cold! Moons- Too cold!

So, I could have a trip at either the Moon, Jupiter, Ganymede, Callisto, Saturn, Titan, Enceladus, Uranus, or Neptune.

Edited by Bioman222
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I would love to see the surface of venus. If we could build something strong enough to last in that environment. The moons of jupiter and Saturn would be next. But out of the places that are actually possible, First would be the moon. I'd go back to the apollo 12 landing site and plant the flag again. And of course Mars. Though I'm pretty sure we are never going to find any living organisms on Mars, there is still the feeling of what if. No better way to look for it than actually walking on the surface and digging up soil.

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Europa without a doubt. I'd want some kind of nuclear powered drilling/heating device, a stack of food, white wine and ciggies and a totally awesome submarine rover thingy so I could go and see what is living in that liquid water...gotta be something...right? Right guys? Gotta be.

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Careful with this. A vigorous jump could get you to escape velocity (~11 m/s)

That'd be one hell of a jump. t(maxheight) = 11/g, d = v*t-0.5*g*t^2 ~= 6 meters high.

So unless you can jump over a 2 story house on earth I wouldn't worry too much about accidentially escaping Phobos :P

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What about Deimos then?

Much more dangerous. Deimos has an escape velocity of only 5.6 m/s, if you plug that into the calcs you come to the conclusion this would only be a 1.6 meter jump on earth.

Do note that you need to lift your CoM by 1.6 meter, not just your feet. So it's a bit harder than it seems. But the world record on the high jump is around 2.5 meters. So it is certainly possible. Professional high jumpers on Deimos beware!

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Or, more specifically, that big-ass crater. Imagine the view standing on the rim of the crater! Mars huge in the sky, the vast irregular expanse of unexplored ground in front of you.


I hope you do know that these photos use highly exaggerated colors. Phobos and Deimos look gray to the human eye. The view would not be spectacular as it seems, unless the Sun is low and shadows are exaggerated, although if the Sun's angle is too low and Mars is currently not visible, lots of visual black patches would form, illuminated by nothing but stars, meaning they would look like pitch black regions. That would be very scary.

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Titan with several million oxygen tanks and a box of matches.

(You know what I'm doing.... :wink:)

Still nothing would happen. I think almost 99% of its atmosphere is nitrogen, the rest is mainly methane and other hydrocarbons. Even if you had enough oxygen to decently fill its atmosphere (few million tanks isn't nearly enough), you couldn't light it on fire. Hydrocarbons are ices which exist mainly as a condensed matter on Titan. Solid or liquid.

If you'd tug Titan closer to the Sun and have those ices in gaseous state, and then fill it up with O2 and press the big red button, it would be a spectacular explosion indeed.

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Swimming on Titan would be the most horrifying things ever to happen. Especially in a spacesuit. Restricted movement slow reactions and the fact if you are alone you would probably drown and sink until you ran out of oxygen. At the bottom of a -270c lake with no waves under a dark orange sky.

You are absolutely correct. It's a world that would kill humans and all we hold dear. A realm that violates every fibre of our beings and a land no one possessed of reason would go.

Now let's go over there to poke around and see what it's like. Just think of the data.

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Swimming on Titan would be the most horrifying things ever to happen. Especially in a spacesuit. Restricted movement slow reactions and the fact if you are alone you would probably drown and sink until you ran out of oxygen. At the bottom of a -270c lake with no waves under a dark orange sky.

You'll reach crush depth before you run out of air. Once your suit is crushed, you'll freeze almost instantly. It might be horrifying, but it wouldn't be a slow death.

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I would go with spectacular views ...

Enceladus (to have a great view on Saturn)


Io (to experience the sulphur volcanism and see Jupiter from close)


Europa (View of Jupiter and drill the ice to check for lifeforms in the ocean beneath)

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