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What's the planet that compells you most?


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My original reason was "It's purple", but that was really back when I had a PC which could barely run the game, let alone provide a playable low-part framerate on atmospheric bodies.

Now it's more a case of "Rovers 'n' stuff work better when gravity is acting in my favour, and Eve isn't Kerbin". It's very easy to land there at ridiculous incoming velocities and it's very purple. Once I imagined that this weird obsession would be key to getting back to orbit, but I've yet to do that.

Otherwise, Moho, although it's more of a case of 'endlessly taunts' than 'compels'.

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Two things that make it far easier to get to Moho:

1. Ignore launch windows. Moho orbits so fast you can normally sort things out. Instead burn to escape Kerbin at the point where Kerbin is at one of the nodes relative to Moho and do your plane change maneuver in the escape burn. That will save dV (as the most common way of failing the Moho transfer is doing a 2+ km/s plane change in Solar orbit)

I dont use launch windows anyway :D I cant be bothered to wait.

But doing the plane change whilst escaping might be a good idea. So far i have just been escaping kerbin SOI and doing my plane change in solar orbit then starting the transfer. Takes so much dv just trying to match moho's pe!

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Duna and the Mun are probably the two bodies I enjoy going to the most (in part because I've always wanted to go to their real-world analogues myself), so they end up being the targets for most of my long-term missions.

I'm also admittedly a bit tsundere for Moho, because it's the first place outside of Kerbin and its moons that has claimed the lives of any of my kerbonauts, and I want to prove to myself that I can send a crew out there and bring it back safely someday.

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I vote for Duna too. Low gravity, but it has a little atmosphere, and there is ice, and craters, valleys, and it has a nice moon too, and... its red. Like a nice big desert. Laythe was a little disappointment for me, the land is booring, so there is nothing to do there but flying around.

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I love the Mun and Kerbin. Because they're home, and they're just classics.

Also, when optimizations/upgrades are done, they're done to Kerbin and Mun first (Like the art pass they got last update? It was for Kerbin, Mun, and Duna only if you remember, and if I'm not mistaken.)

I just love the Mun, and on Kerbin I can test stuff without having to launch a whole mission. (Gravity hacking and hyperedit isn't cool.)

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I like Eve and Duna. Both planets aren't too far away from Kerbin and landscapes of both planets are significantly improved since their 'original' appearance in 0.17. The atmospheres of both planets add extra possibilities like flying and aerobraking, but also provides additional challenges during departure, especially in the case of Eve.

Kerbin also has a fascinating landscape that has been updated frequently, although its easy to overlook as players are often focused on other celestial bodies.

The Jool system is also interesting, although landscapes of the moons over there can come across as somewhat boring when compared to Eve, Kerbin and Duna. I haven't been in the Jool systems for many months, but I think Laythe and Vall still have the 'original' 0.17-look.

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I want to love Minimus, it has such ad shapes and beautiful texture, but the low gravity is annoying for most rovers.

Duna and Ike are good fun. Traveling around Ike with Duna in the sky is wonderfully otherworldly.

Eve, Laytge and Moho are boring.

Eeloo is oddly fun, the distance is profound. Love aero breaking around Jool. Have to visit Bop and Pol. Val looks cool. Tylo looks dull.

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Gilly. Working on a long term mission now, but that will probably be cut short when 0.22 comes out and I will do it in CAREER MODE! I really want to park a Gilly Base on the largest hill and have a station orbiting <2km away from that so it can be seen from the base periodically. Yeah, that's not getting done before 0.22 :(

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