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What's your most anticipated feature for 0.22?


What's your most anticipated feature for 0.22?  

  1. 1. What's your most anticipated feature for 0.22?

    • Science modules/functionality
    • Tech tree/career progression
    • Revised SAS
    • Sub-assemblies
    • Optimisation improvements (scene lag)
    • New island runway
    • Installers/launcher
    • KSC Revamp/Runway lights
    • New parts
    • Other

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For me, it's sub-assemblies! Rebuilding everything from scratch is a pain and a real motivation-sapper for me, and the sub-assembly mods were always a little flaky.

Really looking forward to seeing that as a stock feature.

I thought I'd be craving for the SAS revision, but I've sorta got used to it - even if it does suck with asymmetrical loads.

And career? I'm assuming that it will be mostly a structural placeholder and that actual missions/activities won't have been built into it yet.

What about you?

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Hehe, i was thinking exactly about the (currently) top three features (Science modules/functionality, Tech tree/career progression, Sub-assemblies)

In the end i choose the tech tree - though for now, i guess it will be more like an achievement system only. But its a good step towards career mode. Science modules are just new parts that will help you to climb up the tech tree, so in the end, it can be only secondary. Sub-assemblies are awesome, and will help a lot, i'm really happy that they implemented this, but it only saves time, so... for me, the most anticipated is the tech tree :)

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In the end i choose the tech tree - though for now, i guess it will be more like an achievement system only.

I would not name it an "achievement system" - you unlock new parts by advancing through tech tree and also if they decided to keep it (it was showed in some early tech tree screeshots) unlocking certain nodes also upgrades previously unlocked parts (+5% to fuel capacity for example), while achieviements in modern games 99% of the time are just "YOU DID IT! HAVE A PRETTY PICTURE! AND SOME USELESS POINTS! YAY!" :P

So, no - it is not an achievement system - it is a proper gameplay mechanic.

But on topic: tech tree - that's the thing I'm exited most about - seems like tons of fun incoming with it. Also I really hope they fixed scene lag - while it's not making game unplayable for me, it is a rather annoying thing to bear with.

Edited by jcraft
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I'm looking forward to having kerbals do things.

I'm not that interested in the tech tree, I may play around with saves a bit, so I can carry out planned missions with all the parts, before moving everything to a career save where I can do science. I'll unlock the parts for real once I've deployed my science base on Eve, and done my Moho mohole investigation.

Though the new island runway could be interesting. The changes that island in 0.21 were not that nice.

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I voted for sub assemblies as well. This is one of the features I have waited for a long time. It is always possible to mess something up while designing a big rocket, and more often than not it was simpler to rebuild your ship from scratch instead of trying to find the issue. From now on, you can develop each sub assembly step by step, and once it is finished and tested, you can rely on it.

For - let's say - more casual gamers like myself, this will cut down the stressful trial & error significantly. The first thing I'll do is create proper sub assemblies for sky cranes, rovers and munar landers.

Research is also very interesting, but I guess it will take a few more releases until this system plays to its full strength.

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I wish I didn't have to choose just one of these in the poll, but I went for complex scene optimization because expanding the limits of what the game allows you to do will be one of the most important things the KSP devs can work on at any time now or in the future, since the potential for complexity the game offers is actually outrunning the ability of the game to handle it. I think that the more the game is shored up to handle tough scenes, the more impressive are the things we'll be able to see from the players. The thing I'm most looking forward to actually playing with is obviously the science system, of course.

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Definitely science, but I'm curious what the latest new (non science) parts will be. I've made full use of the new parts that were introduced in 0.21, so if they're as good as those, I'm pretty excited for that.

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I'm looking forward to everything but for me the most anticipated feature would be any sort of improvement to the SAS for performing space maneuvers. Seriously. Sure, there's always MechJeb, but I'd like to have the best of all worlds in my SAS, especially since I'd love to do a full-stock career mode.

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I'm looking forward to everything but for me the most anticipated feature would be any sort of improvement to the SAS for performing space maneuvers.

If I'm not mistaken devs mentioned something about further tweaking of 0.21 SAS in upcoming update.

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