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[0.24.2] Achievements 1.6.3 - Earn 136 achievements while playing


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Achievements Plugin 1.4.3 is now available for download, with minor changes and new achievements as usual.

Update note: When updating the plugin, make sure to keep the achievements.dat file in the plugin's folder. If you delete it, all your earned achievements are lost.

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Hey blizzy, I have been using your mod for a few days now and it's pretty damn good!

May I suggest that you can have the time of the pop-up telling you that you unlocked an achievement a bit shorter, and possibly move it to the corner of the screen, it gets a tiny bit cluttered.

Just my opinion, otherwise, keep up the brilliant work, it's now more fun killing my Kerbals :D

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Achievement ideas:

"Ion't know how you did that" -Land using only ion engines (ie: Gilly or Minmus)

"Three mile lander" -land on an atmospheric body using only nuclear engine thrust

"The longest walk" -walk/run a kerbal 1(+?)km on his own little two feet

"REPORT: DAMAGE MINIMAL" -collide a craft with one of the buildings at KSC2

I like the little jigsaw effect for the "dlc" planets. nice.

Edited by kahlzun
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Achievements Plugin 1.4.5 is now available for download. You can now click on achievements in the list to see when they were earned, and with which vessel.

Update note: When updating the plugin, make sure to keep the achievements.dat file in the plugin's folder. If you delete it, all your earned achievements are lost.

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I have a few ideas

Last Ditch Landing - Land in the water at +30 M/s and have all kerbals survive

(Insert name of planet here) Colony - Have One base ship, one lander ship, and one rover ship within 2.5km of each other

Polar Flyer - Fly from KSC to either pole.

Waterlogged - Land a ship marked as a base in the water

Modded - Install a mod (okay this one is stupid)

Minuscule Rocket - Make a rocket that can achieve orbit that is only made of 0.625 meter parts

The Deep Dark Blue - Achieve a 500 meter dive in Kerbin's oceans.

And thanks for this mod, its made my KSP experience a lot more enjoyable. :)

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Achievements Plugin 1.4.6 is now available for download. This release now opens up the API to other mod authors who may wish to contribute their own achievements.

Update note: When updating the plugin, make sure to keep the achievements.dat file in the plugin's folder. If you delete it, all your earned achievements are lost.

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Now, that you are tracking the ships, which do the achievements, I have an Idea...

How about tracking the stats of every Kerbonaut, where they landed, how far they traveled, what they did, and store it in a second category. Also you could track how they died (if). I think that would be a great thing if you could see which your Kerbals have fallen for science(!?!) and how they died. Maybe also some Information, packed into text, like the hitman blood money papers, for example: "First kerbal to "land" on the mun, first kerbal that died extraplanetary".



Edited by Themorris
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I really would like to use this, but would like the ability to pick and choose the achievements possible. Looking at the code on github, my (very brief) review indicates that the achievments are hardcoded. Is there a way you can put the achievement definitions into a xml file that is loaded? In a way, it would be like the resources.cfg, but the file would define the achievements. That way non-programmers could more easily make achievements and/or deactivate ones.


Suggested achievements:

-Travel X distance/speed by rover on Kerbin(and other planets)

-Travel X distance/speed over water on Kerbin(boat achievements)

-Travel X diatance/speed by plane on Kerbin

-Break the sound barrier. Mach 1, mach 2, mach 3, etc

-Circumnavigation by boat/rover/plane

Edited by seanth
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  7499275 said:
I have a small problem. I have installed your mod putting "Achievements" in the Gamedata folder, in game there is little button on the side that says "achievements" but I can't click it.

Please upload your output_log.txt somewhere, I'd like to see if there are any errors.

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