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Thanks for the Status-Thread, KasperVld


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A Private Message would have sufficed you know. :P

Time KasparVld would need to look through 100 Thank-PMs ... 30-60 mins ...

time KasperVld will need to look through a Thankyou-Thread with ~100 postings ... less than 10 mins.

I did it for us all, especially considering the possibility that Update 0.22 gets released during the time that (without this thread) KasperVld would spend his 30-60 mins looking through Thankyou-PMs

(and therefore is unable to update his Thread in time :D )

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You also need a Twitter account, Google plus page and email list.
We also need threads tracking updates on all of those, plus sites tracking the threads tracking the updates, and then threads to track the sites tracking the threads tracking the sites which are tracking the thread.
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We also need threads tracking updates on all of those, plus sites tracking the threads tracking the updates, and then threads to track the sites tracking the threads tracking the sites which are tracking the thread.

Better get to it then

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You also need a Twitter account, Google plus page and email list.

And a smartphone app which sets off every kind of alarm imaginable when it happens, and then autoposts on your Twitter and G+ to tell everyone else in the world that you're now in the humungous download queue.

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Actually I saw some database error messages on the main site about a hour ago... Maybe Squad was just doing some maintance?

The funny thing is ...

all database crashes that this forum and shop experience due to the masses of excited users hoping for the release of the update,

will by themselves increase the excitement, as most users will see the crashes as a sign of work being done in preparation for the release of the update :D

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You guys don't have something else to do/play?

Come check back in a few hour, be sure it will be quite obvious on the main site and on the forum that 0.22 is released.

What will you do if it happens they can't launch today?


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Another good reason for this thread to exist is that it points out the fact that KasperVids is there. I never would have known about the status post if I didn't see this thread in the "new posts" section

great idea. perhaps whenever i make a new thread, ill make another one that has a link to the first one, just to show that its there ;D

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