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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.7 - Pipes as fuel lines and even fewer explosions!


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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS)


Download Kerbal Attachment System 0.4.7

Last updated April 1, 2014 (KSP 0.23.5) (release notes)

License - Source code


KAS is maintained and distributed from this thread during KospY's extended absence. The original thread can be found here.


This mod introduce new gameplay mechanics by adding winches, hooks (magnet/grappling hook/anchor), containers, grabbable & attachable parts and constructable struts and pipes. It gives some purpose to EVA and can be used for many things:

  • Resource transfer (winches or pipes)
  • Towing parts (winches)
  • Adding/removing parts on a vessel (grabbable & attachable parts)
  • Storing parts (containers)
  • Base/vessel interconnections (pipes)
  • Vessel consolidation (struts & pipes)
  • Grabbing parts (magnet)
  • Cranes (winches)
  • Airship anchoring (winches)
  • Skycranes (winches)
  • Elevators (winches)
  • ...and more


Useful Links



  • KospY: Plugin development and the ugly models (hook support, grapple, anchor)
  • Winn75: Models and textures (connector, ports, winches and magnet)
  • zzz: Models and textures (containers, bays, strut, pipe and pylon)
  • Majiir: Plugin maintenance
  • a.g.: Plugin contributions

Edited by NathanKell
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KAS 0.4.4 has been released. The download on Spaceport (link in the first post) has been updated.

This is a compatibility update for KSP 0.22. KAS does not yet integrate with the new Research and Development system.

Changes in this version:

  • The container editor will only show parts that have been unlocked when in career mode.

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Congratulations on release. :) BTW, ever thought of making Module Manager configs for other mods? Putting containers in various transport spacecraft or lunar landers, for example.

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More fantastic news. I can't contain my excitement! I WANT TO BASE JUMP FROM MY SPACE STATION.

When this is added to the tech tree (or after I unlock all the nodes that I think this stuff should be in) I'm installing this.

Oh, and the next time someone says they don't see any reason to use mods, I'm linking them to that picture.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  5thHorseman said:
More fantastic news. I can't contain my excitement! I WANT TO BASE JUMP FROM MY SPACE STATION.

When this is added to the tech tree (or after I unlock all the nodes that I think this stuff should be in) I'm installing this.

Oh, and the next time someone says they don't see any reason to use mods, I'm linking them to that picture.

This screenshot was taken in Career Mode, just sayin...


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  Toyotawolf said:
how did you do a skydive? i must be missing something

Here, I'll show you!

Here's the launch vehicle.


EVA + right click menu after rocketing up a bit, then select Grab.


Hang on, Jeb!


Once you are clear of your ship, select Deploy Chute.


I really enjoy the new lighting at KSC.


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  z0rt said:
Here, I'll show you!

Here's the launch vehicle.


EVA + right click menu after rocketing up a bit, then select Grab.


Hang on, Jeb!


Once you are clear of your ship, select Deploy Chute.


I really enjoy the new lighting at KSC.


LOL that's awesome

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To advertise one of my favorite mods - although I find your "make shift McGuyver rescue chute" good and funny! :D


The parts to equip a chute in EVA are actually not needed (read thread please) as every Kerbal automatically has on built into his suit, so 0.22 compatibility should be a given I guess. :)

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Glad to see the chute works here, gonna try it. :)

If you check the older thread there was an issue where the chute would not slow the kerbal down at all, basejumping off an orbiting craft failed when he rocketed through the atmosphere and smacked the ground at 3k m/s..

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  forsaken1111 said:
There is already a mod allowing custom research trees as well. Its a good day to be a kerbal.

each mod will almost require its own part to generate science. the reseearch system works as such. each location, IE, on the ground, high altitude, orbit, and different places on the ground on each planetary body have a set amount of science associated with them for each part that can generate science. you pull science from this pool by observing each part. once its all used up at that location it doesnt matter how many flights you take to the same location, the science will not repopulate, you have to find a new place to research.

so to reiterate. once all your research is done with each science part close to home, you cant go back and do it again on another flight, this pushes you farther and farther out. wouldnt want to have to go to eve before you can use all those spiffy new parts would ya?

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  apoch1999 said:
each mod will almost require its own part to generate science. the reseearch system works as such. each location, IE, on the ground, high altitude, orbit, and different places on the ground on each planetary body have a set amount of science associated with them for each part that can generate science. you pull science from this pool by observing each part. once its all used up at that location it doesnt matter how many flights you take to the same location, the science will not repopulate, you have to find a new place to research.

so to reiterate. once all your research is done with each science part close to home, you cant go back and do it again on another flight, this pushes you farther and farther out. wouldnt want to have to go to eve before you can use all those spiffy new parts would ya?

I don't understand why this was a response to my pointing out that there is a mod to allow modifying the tech tree...

Even so, you wouldn't need to go to eve to unlock anything. Heck I got over 300 science just using the various science bits and taking soil samples AROUND KSP with a rover... and you can continue to gain science per biome and per location on each planet. There is such a huge number of locations I've found so far that I'm in no danger of exhausting all of the planets and moons out to Eve. I've got a fair chunk of tech unlocked and haven't even made it to Minmus yet, and only explored and sampled ONE of the large craters on the mun.

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  forsaken1111 said:
I don't understand why this was a response to my pointing out that there is a mod to allow modifying the tech tree...

Even so, you wouldn't need to go to eve to unlock anything. Heck I got over 300 science just using the various science bits and taking soil samples AROUND KSP with a rover... and you can continue to gain science per biome and per location on each planet. There is such a huge number of locations I've found so far that I'm in no danger of exhausting all of the planets and moons out to Eve. I've got a fair chunk of tech unlocked and haven't even made it to Minmus yet, and only explored and sampled ONE of the large craters on the mun.

cause i misclicked the button and i was in a hurry lol

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  forsaken1111 said:
There is already a mod allowing custom research trees as well. Its a good day to be a kerbal.

Honestly it seems kinda pointless to me to fracture the tree like this...we are gonna end up with 100 tech trees and updating mods is gonna become a nightmare....

The stock techtree is aranged in a resonable manner, there are a fair amount of nodes...and ANYONE can put anything into anynode on the current tree... If you dont like something it takes a couple seconds to change the node the part is in....

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Just want to say- this is easily my favorite mod, after the ever-important Mechjeb. The pipes especially make bases and stations so much more awesome!

Hell, even just being able to remove unused RCS thrusters and other such bits and stuff them into a storage container to reduce part count is amazing.

Though something you should be aware of; don't have a Kerbal enter a ship with the cable still attached to his back. It will screw things up amazingly. The cable will drift away, not attached to either end. The winch won't seem to see a problem, but won't respond- and if you detach the pod with the kerbal in it from any part with the winch attached, the camera will go ABSOLUTELY INSANE.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Honestly it seems kinda pointless to me to fracture the tree like this...we are gonna end up with 100 tech trees and updating mods is gonna become a nightmare....

The stock techtree is aranged in a resonable manner, there are a fair amount of nodes...and ANYONE can put anything into anynode on the current tree... If you dont like something it takes a couple seconds to change the node the part is in....

I was just pointing out that its possible to alter and even add to the tree.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Honestly it seems kinda pointless to me to fracture the tree like this...we are gonna end up with 100 tech trees and updating mods is gonna become a nightmare....

The stock techtree is aranged in a resonable manner, there are a fair amount of nodes...and ANYONE can put anything into anynode on the current tree... If you dont like something it takes a couple seconds to change the node the part is in....

about what i was thinking...why not have a mod use as much of the existing tech tree as possible...example KAS struts could go in with the ones in game already. winchs in with docking ports and such..etc etc. then maybe have a branch from there for the other things that dont quite fit

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  Tassyr said:
Just want to say- this is easily my favorite mod, after the ever-important Mechjeb. The pipes especially make bases and stations so much more awesome!

Hell, even just being able to remove unused RCS thrusters and other such bits and stuff them into a storage container to reduce part count is amazing.

Though something you should be aware of; don't have a Kerbal enter a ship with the cable still attached to his back. It will screw things up amazingly. The cable will drift away, not attached to either end. The winch won't seem to see a problem, but won't respond- and if you detach the pod with the kerbal in it from any part with the winch attached, the camera will go ABSOLUTELY INSANE.

The insanity is how you know it's working :D

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  KhaosCorp said:
Honestly it seems kinda pointless to me to fracture the tree like this...we are gonna end up with 100 tech trees and updating mods is gonna become a nightmare....

The stock techtree is aranged in a resonable manner, there are a fair amount of nodes...and ANYONE can put anything into anynode on the current tree... If you dont like something it takes a couple seconds to change the node the part is in....

The mod just rearranged the nodes, it doesn't add, or remove, it doesn't fracture anything KAS simply needs to it's stuff into a Node and it will work in every tree, it will just appear at a different time.

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  Moon Goddess said:
The mod just rearranged the nodes, it doesn't add, or remove, it doesn't fracture anything KAS simply needs to it's stuff into a Node and it will work in every tree, it will just appear at a different time.

You should take a better look at the tree mod....

It supports re aranging the technodes, basicaly creating a new tree, and will support creation of new nodes. It could very easyly become that we all need a seperate mod just to track the different trees all the different mod makers decide to use or create. I see the potential for alot of chaos when trying to upgrade version of KSP of versions of any given mod if there is 20 diffrent tech trees to try and manage.

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