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Where is YOUR Jebediah Kerman?


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Yesterday I started KSP again after a few months brake. I started with a fresh carrier and tried to design something flyable.

I was able to achieve a flyby of the Mun really early, I was eager to await the science results. As soon as I landed back at home, I ordered Bob to collect a few samples before getting the stranded vehicle back. It seems that the points for science modules on the ship (filled with science of course) won´t count to the end result if the brave pilot is not inside the vessel at the moment you press the button :-/

In a next attempt I wanted to land my brave Bob on the Mun, I changed the design a bit (not using any of the cheating stuff like MechJeb etc.) and thought it would be enough to land on the Mun and to return safely.


Good news is, it was indeed capable of landing on the Mun. In the heat of the moment, I accidentally ordered Jeb to maneuver the ship instead of Bob. The reason for the rough landing was the shortage of fuel. I had literally just enough fuel for not smashing into the ground, I was still too fast but Jeb was able to do some tricky kerb-move in order to survive (and turning the vessel).

I´m not sure if he realized that he won´t return for quite some time :/

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  Mipi said:
It seems that the points for science modules on the ship (filled with science of course) won´t count to the end result if the brave pilot is not inside the vessel at the moment you press the button :-/

If you mean that you clicked "recover vessel" while Bob was EVA then, yes, you only recovered Bob so only got the science he was carrying. However, all is not lost as you can simply go to the tracking station and find the remains of your ship (it may be listed as debris or a ship, landed at kerbin) and recover it from there.


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In my Sandbox save, after circumnavigating the globe the Aeronautics Division's Dragonfly Mk II, cruising along at 1750m/s at 27km up, Jeb's safely on the ground relaxing on Alternate Runway Island after overshooting the approach to KSC.

Since I've just rebooted my Career save, that version of Jeb is lounging around the Astronaut Complex after his recent return from orbit.

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Well, my Jeb died a horrible death by exceeding G-limit at reentry during early days of space explorations. There was no solar panels at that time and I miscalculated battery usage so I couldn't control the vessel and ended up on very high speed perpendicular reentry trajectory. The capsule survived thanks to it's heatshield (I managed to turn the craft engine down before reentry and everything up to capsule was destroyed) but when the rescue crew arrived they found dead Jebediah inside. :(

He's got a nice memorial flag at KSP.

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  Padishar said:
If you mean that you clicked "recover vessel" while Bob was EVA then, yes, you only recovered Bob so only got the science he was carrying. However, all is not lost as you can simply go to the tracking station and find the remains of your ship (it may be listed as debris or a ship, landed at kerbin) and recover it from there.


Thanks for the tip! I was able to get 89.9 science points by this way! A good amount for the beginning, now I´m able to rescue Jeb :)

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Jeb is locked in a Cuppola attached to a science lab/fuel station in orbit around the Mun. I put the science lab with a Cuppola as the control unit piloted by Jeb. Unfortunately I was not careful where I placed the illuminators and one is right over the exit hatch for the Cuppola. Jeb cant get out to collect the experiments from the Munar Science Lander and Bill (in the lander) cant get in to drop off the data, and as the science lab/cupola was never designed for return and reentry to Kerbin, he is in for a long wait until I can figure it out.

Bill tried ramming the offending illuminator with the nose of the lander to try and knock it off. That didn't work.

The plan was to land the science lander, gather science, take back to the station and move the reports to the cupola via EVA. The two no name kerbs in the science lab would clean and scrub the goo and science jr, then refuel the lander from the station and send it back to the Mun for more, rinse, lather repeat. Then we would move the science lab station back to Kerbin, send up a crew ship to bring all the Kerbs, and data, back home. Then with the lander (which has a remote control thing) attached to the station, deorbit the station.

(plan B is to send the station onto Duna, but it does not have enough deltaV, so would need a tug to get it going, still may happen if Jeb is to stay locked in there forever)

I guess I can mod him out with the crew manifest mod, but I am open to suggestions !

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You can collect and store experiments in capsules while on EVA. Get Bill out of the lander. Click on lander capsule and "take data". Do the same with all experiments. Then EVA to the cupola and click on it and you can store the data (unless it checks the door for that).

I suggest you don't move the station back to Kerbin and send the crew ship to it at the Mun. Then just deorbit it onto the Mun. If you can't store the data in the cupola on EVA and you have a spare docking port on the station then you could send the crew transport vehicle now and put the science directly in there.

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He failed to reach the orbit with an experimental spaceplane, and was forced to land at the North Pole.

As he don't want KSC's director to know that he landed his expensive spaceplane anywhere else than a runway, he planted a flag and claimed that actually at the north pole there's an airport.


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  Precambrianmollusc said:
Good point, the crew transport could head up there now, and do a refuel run at the same time. Still not sure how to get Jeb out though.

I can think of two ways. First, the way you've already tried but you may have to be quite violent with the collision (try hitting it from the side) so make sure to quicksave before trying. And second, try editing you persistent file to remove the offending part from the ship (I assume it isn't vital)...

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Dead, among other Kerbal test pilots.

I removed the respawn function in the settings file. If I lose them, I lose them. Done. Makes the game a bit harder and you actually try to save them.

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As of last night, he's stranded in high Kerbal orbit. He took a joy-ride with an SSTO plane and wouldn't listen to the space centre's low fuel warnings.

People on the ground heard him scream "MMMMMOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR SPEEEEEEED!!!" about 2min before his fuel ran out. Will save him eventually, but I am tempted to leave him in orbit for a year so he learns his lesson.

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