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Where is YOUR Jebediah Kerman?


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My Jeb just got back from commanding my first Vall landing mission. He's returned to the Jool mission mothership and has started checking out the Tylo lander, while Bob and Bill have taken over the smaller lander to head for Jool's outer moons.


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My Jeb crashed into a Mun mountain because I set up a polar orbit that was too low (originally wanted to gather some of dat pole science). If I was literally 10 meters higher I would have survived. Despite the fact that Jeb "respawns", I have largely considered him "dead" (although I did launch him one time when I forgot to change in a new guy).

The main guy I use now is a random kerbal named "Landan", which I have assumed is an abbreviation for "Lando Calrissian"

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My Jeb crashed into a Mun mountain because I set up a polar orbit that was too low (originally wanted to gather some of dat pole science). If I was literally 10 meters higher I would have survived. Despite the fact that Jeb "respawns", I have largely considered him "dead" (although I did launch him one time when I forgot to change in a new guy).

The main guy I use now is a random kerbal named "Landan", which I have assumed is an abbreviation for "Lando Calrissian"

Either that or Michael Landon, who flew on 4 different STS missions. But it's spelled with an "O"

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At KSC, testing out the experimental lander designs.

Back when I was landing on the Mun for the first time, the flights with Robin Kerman went smoothly, the flights with Jebediah Kerman led to crashes/being stuck. I thus stopped using Jebediah.

Then came Minmus Orbital Bombardment, a rocket which would split into 9 manned landers, each of which would land on a separate biome and then return to Kerbin. I needed everyone I had, so I sent Jebediah. His was the only lander which crashed.

Then I stopped using him for good.

Then I needed to test the experimental landers, and he kept sneaking on to the test flights. I'm currently debating sending him on my first manned mission to Eve. Though I should probably make my first manned interplanetary landing on an easier planet, like Dres or something.

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I have my 3 Orange Suits driving around the launch center in a testbed Munar Science Rover. Jeb seems to really enjoy bombing around in it, and the other two always go along with whatever he's up to. A side benefit is I have it there to test new ideas I have for my Munar base infrastructure, as it's rear docking port almost perfectly lines up with the ones I use on the base modules.

Currently they're parked next to the scale model Kiffel Tower that I set up next to the runway for giggles. Jeb is constantly looking up at it with awe. Silly guy sure is amused easily.

Basically I got tired of forgetting to check the crew window before I launched, accidentally sending them up by default, rather than whichever lesser Kerbal I really wanted to. At least this way it's some other lesser Kerbal who accidentally gets sent up.

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Where is my Jeb? ... Dead. Very very dead.

My Jeb is so dead, I think I have killed him six or seven times.

His latest death involved an accident on the ill fated Minmus I, my refueling station around Minmus (which sounded like a better idea than it was). Jeb was commanding the station which used to hang in very low Minmus orbit. I docked a robot controlled refueling tanker to refuel the station and then got up to get an alcohol infused beverage. I must have tapped the shift key or something as I got up because the engine on the refueling ship fired up. By the time I got back Minmus I was crashing into Minmus. The station was too big and bulky to rotate enough in time to correct its orbit and it crashed.

I blame Jeb for the accident ('cause it certainly wasn't my fault!). When he reappears again he will be sent back to the space plane testing department. The space plane testing department has a simply abysmal safety record (like, at least my rockets get off the ground and only explode sometimes) so I predict more death in Jeb's future.

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Mine is currently catching his breath after his lander tipped over on the Mun, destroyed everything BUT the command pod, and having a rescue mission. Bill ran out of EVA fuel and fell to his death a hundred meters short of the rescue ship. ;.;

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Ah yes, the notorious "gets on all missions, especially the almost-suicide ones first" Kerbal.

I finally managed to get Jeb and his two companions Bill and Bob to keep out of trouble. Jeb was leading the first kerbal'd asteroid capture mission. After achieving elliptical orbit in a most spectacular fashion (bingo on regular and rcs propellant), the tanker that finally caught up with him only had return seats for two Kerbals, Jeb volunteered to stay behind and wait for the space station parts to arrive since he was promised a most spectacular reentry vehicle. Bill and Bob arrived with the lab and the living spaces, respectively, but since they only got supplied one open top reentry vehicle, the three of them are still up there trying to figure out who gets to ride the hot seat.

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He stole a plane after he returned and abandoned it, we found his suit floating in the ocean.

Last known sightings:


Plane after being abandoned:


The plane was shot down and crashed. It is currently being recovered.

The sear for Jeb has started

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