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Where is YOUR Jebediah Kerman?


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Currently he is waiting for my Duna space station to be completed in order for a rescue mission to be sent. At least Bill is in said station to keep him company while the launch window opens for more fuel and parts. Also: Attempting a Duna mission before you unlock mainsail engines: Not such a good idea!

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Not sure where he's got to this time. He's always stowing away on rockets.

He was supposed to be back on Kerbin training for an upcoming Duna mission. He was supposed to be training to command one of the ships in the convoy.

Next thing I know he's on the crew transfer shuttle as it's docking with Minmus Mining Station #1.

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After being stranded on the Mun by writing off the lander on touchdown and getting picked up by a greysuit on a rescue mission, Jeb and his would-be rescuer shot themselves into a Kerbol orbit accidentally. A staging error separated the return stage at full throttle when they merely meant to drop the landing rig a few meters above Mun. They continued straight on, out of control, on an escape trajctory, until they ran out of fuel.

The rescue^2 mission despaired at catching up with them, but was ready to give it another try with the scarce remaining fuel when I found this thread.

However, KSP suffered a savegame loading failure when I switched to the stranded ship ... miraculously returning Jeb to KSC again.

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Mine was my first to land on a celestial body and return. I've only got like three things unlocked on career mode so it was pretty dang risky.

p5ex.png That's my lander

To get back I used half the remaining fuel then activated the rockets attached to the cabin.... yea. It was basically loading him into a gun and lobbing him back to Kerbin.

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  Brotoro said:
He's at KSC. He tries to sneak onto every rocket I try to fly that has a capsule, even when I don't WANT anybody there. Every. Damn. Time.

I know, right. I try telling him "Jeb, that rocket is going somewhere far away and it's not coming back. Notice how I am not bothering with a parachute?". But he never listens.

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My Jeb was the first to get into orbit with a rocket just consisting of the most basic design. It had an antenna too, which helped him pick up the chatter from KSC, all the tales of Bill Kerman going to Mun and Minmus and other exciting places while Jeb was circling Kerbin in a burnedout rocket of ancient design. But finaly, the brilliant researchers had developed a vessel with additional crew capacity AND the ability to return to the surface in a (kinda) predictable and safe manner, so a mission to rendevous with Jeb was launched.

It was that time that ground controlle noticed the fact that Jebs Vessel was orbiting Kerbin in a rather low orbit. So low in fact that it lost altitude with each passing, meaning that Jeb would come down on his own eventualy. Unfortunatly, neither predictable nor safe, the one parachute that had been bolted onto the top was far from sufficient to do for a safe landing.

(Questions why it had been attached at all will not be answered and it 100% has nothing to do with getting Jeb to climb into the cockpit)

Well, a solution needed to be found, and quick, since there was no time to get the pickup vessel up in time. So it was decided to send Jeb, who keept complaining about not getting enough movement anyway, on an EVA. A rather long one. One that would, in fact, make him his one vessel, orbiting Kerbin in a, hopefully, safe and stable orbit.

Thanks to his low weight (praise the dry rations) and his trusty jetpack, Jeb left the old first orbitlauncher in time and managed to use his jetpack to gain enough speed and altitude to be safe until the pickupvessel made the rendevous.

His unparalleled experience in orbiting Kerbin made him prime candidate for commandering the first permanent Spacestation orbiting Kerbin.

There he is now, way more comfortable then in the first cockpit he sat, munching dry rations and watching Kerbin go by below him.

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Today we mourn a hero! Jeb visiting the crash site of Bill's plane:


It was a routine test flight of a highly experimental spaceplane. All that remains was Bill's command seat. There are rumors about pilot error but no Kerbalnaut will believe those lies! The plane design has been scrapped and the plans burned. There will be a state burial tomorrow. You died too young Bill.

Bill Kerman

died in a tragic accident

* unknown

† year 5, day 64, 2PM

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Stuck on the Mun. An early landing had too big of an engine to land with the legs, nevertheless rightside-up. Luckily, Jeb always packs a few barrels of whiskey and a LOT of potato chips; just in case... :P

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Mine is currently attempting to hold his crewmate Bob back from making yet another futile attempt to drop a rover on Duna, using a dropship that can't hover due to interference from said rover. -__-

I think Bob has spent a little too much time with Jeb on that trip.

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My Jeb, Bill, and Bob were the only Kerbal astronauts with any education and real training. Between them, they unlocked the tech tree and in the process worked themselves out of a job. From that point on, the only reason to send Kerbals to space was to change rover tires, for which the Big Three were hugely over-qualified and overpaid. All subsequent Kerbals in space have been pressganged vagrants. So the Big Three don't go to space anymore, instead being part of the ground staff at KSC. They have a lot of input on mission concepts and ship design, do all the simulations, and make all the instructional videos for those who actually make the trip.

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