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[1.1.2] Station Science (v2.0: New models by SpeedyB)


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I'm very glad to see the update -- glad to see science station parts that require a little more effort to pay off! One thing: KSP 1.0 added the ability to sort by cross-section, and to take full advantage of it, each part should have a line like "bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf" in its config. More details over here. Thanks!

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Hey ethernet, just wanted to let you know that your README file is a bit out of date. It talks about copying the contents of a GameData folder into the main KSP GameData folder, but there is no GameData folder in the StationScience-1.5.zip folder; there's only a Source folder and a StationScience folder.

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Quick question: do the various manned labs added by this mod require scientist Kerbals staffing them, and are there advantages to them having higher levels? Or can any Kerbal of any level and specialization do it?

Lab and Zoology Lab require a Scientist. Higher levels expedite research time. (Learned from experience)

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Lab and Zoology Lab require a Scientist. Higher levels expedite research time. (Learned from experience)

Is it really the case? Both labs have the line "UseSpecialistBonus = false" in the .cfg, which means the specialist bonus (similar to engineers to ISRUs) should not apply here - did you have actual data that proves higher levels matter?

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First of all I love the mod and am excited that it is updated for 1.0

What I'm wondering is in terms of balancing on the funds rewards. Is it your intention that it is balanced to do each experiment at each planet once? With the 30x payout for the first completion I really can't see any reason why you would want to do each one more than once, yet I get nothing but contracts to do the plant growth experiments again and again and again. -see edit

Don't get me wrong. I've thought about it and I really can't think of a better way to handle the rewards. From a thematic point of view it doesn't make sense that any company would pay me more than chump change to grow plants in space once I've already given them results once. Although I can't see why they would keep offering me $12,000 to do it again and again when it would cost me significantly more than that to ferry it up to my station for them.

Edit: I figured out why I only got the plant growth ones and no others. I had reached the node in the tech tree to unlock the other experiments, but I had yet to pay to unlock them. I was going to unlock them fully one I had a reason (contract) to. On a whim i did so and the contracts starting coming in.

Edited by tito13kfm
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First of all I love the mod and am excited that it is updated for 1.0

What I'm wondering is in terms of balancing on the funds rewards. Is it your intention that it is balanced to do each experiment at each planet once? With the 30x payout for the first completion I really can't see any reason why you would want to do each one more than once, yet I get nothing but contracts to do the plant growth experiments again and again and again.

Don't get me wrong. I've thought about it and I really can't think of a better way to handle the rewards. From a thematic point of view it doesn't make sense that any company would pay me more than chump change to grow plants in space once I've already given them results once. Although I can't see why they would keep offering me $12,000 to do it again and again when it would cost me significantly more than that to ferry it up to my station for them.

Funny thing, I see this as a good thing, not as a bad one. I guess this simply depends on what kind of gameplay each player wants to have.

I was always sad/frustrated that we would put up a nice station in orbit and only do experiments a single time in each location (Kerbin, Mun, bases, etc). I always wanted to keep using one station again and again, instead of having to launch two new cyclotrons every time.

Same things occurs with the rest of the stock game: You finally land on a planet, and in 5 minutes, there's nothing else to do there. And no reason to ever visit it again. Such a shame.

So, I personally like the "grow plants contract" over and over again. I let my imagination kick in, and think that we're actually developing and advancing on those experiments, each time. :)

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Is it really the case? Both labs have the line "UseSpecialistBonus = false" in the .cfg, which means the specialist bonus (similar to engineers to ISRUs) should not apply here - did you have actual data that proves higher levels matter?

Yeah, rank shouldn't matter. You just need to have at least one Scientist in the lab.

I actually tried setting that true, and setting some other properties that seemed relevant, but I couldn't manage to make it do anything. As far as I could tell, it doesn't do anything for the stock ISRU converter, either.

First of all I love the mod and am excited that it is updated for 1.0

What I'm wondering is in terms of balancing on the funds rewards. Is it your intention that it is balanced to do each experiment at each planet once? With the 30x payout for the first completion I really can't see any reason why you would want to do each one more than once, yet I get nothing but contracts to do the plant growth experiments again and again and again. -see edit

Don't get me wrong. I've thought about it and I really can't think of a better way to handle the rewards. From a thematic point of view it doesn't make sense that any company would pay me more than chump change to grow plants in space once I've already given them results once. Although I can't see why they would keep offering me $12,000 to do it again and again when it would cost me significantly more than that to ferry it up to my station for them.

Edit: I figured out why I only got the plant growth ones and no others. I had reached the node in the tech tree to unlock the other experiments, but I had yet to pay to unlock them. I was going to unlock them fully one I had a reason (contract) to. On a whim i did so and the contracts starting coming in.

The increased payout on the first contract is to fund getting the station built in the first place. The repeats assume you still have the station, and are just paying for sending the experiment pod itself. The intent is to have some lingering value to the station, even once you've done all the experiments at it.

Yeah, it would make sense to unlock the contracts once the tech node is unlocked, even if the part hasn't been purchased. I'll look into doing this. The advances certainly should pay plenty for unlocking the part.

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Yeah, rank shouldn't matter. You just need to have at least one Scientist in the lab.

I actually tried setting that true, and setting some other properties that seemed relevant, but I couldn't manage to make it do anything. As far as I could tell, it doesn't do anything for the stock ISRU converter, either.

I know USI Kolonization Systems takes into account your kerbals' levels when calculating the efficiency of various parts. Is it possible that you could use some variant of the code for that to allow higher level scientists to complete experiments faster?

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Here's an idea... how about having specific staff needs based on what is at the station? e.g. you'd need an engineer if you have a Cyclotron, just in case something breaks down.

(Or you could have parts fail at random and then have a separate contract "send up an engineer to fix the Cyclotron")

Or maybe for a specific experiment, the mod might generate a new Kerbal with X special scientific skill, and the contract would be to send that particular Kerbal to the station...

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Sorry if this has already been asked. Can you obtain all the eurekas and such for an experiment in orbit, then take just the experiment to the surface and hit the finalize button (leaving behind all the science labs and cyclotrons and such in orbit)? Or will it reset like an experiment that is still in progress if you cross the low-high boundary in orbit? Or will it still just count as being performed in orbit, not on the surface?


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@thermospore: you want to perform an experiment in orbit, take it without finalyzing to the surface and want it to count as an Experiment performer in the surface, just cause you click 'finalize' in the surface?

Sorry that would sound like a bug, not a feature...

Speaking of features:

Featurerequest: stop an experiment manually! or pause it, so that i can chose wich experiment to be priorized after accidently activating too much.

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I feel like filling the bar up is just acquiring the necessary materials to perform the experiment and when you hit 'finalize' is when the experiment is actually performed. But if that's not how the mod is meant to be used, then that is now how I will use it. I'm just trying to fully understand how the mod works.

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Hi all, I have the same problem here i just tried a kuarks bio contract and...


I send the plant growth experiment pod to the station, it works and i can get the science points when i recover it, but when i try to accomplish a contract for this experiment in orbit around Kerbin, after the ship is docked to the station, the first part of the contract (launching the experiment), which was checked (and green) at the liftoff become white again (and unchecked), and the contract can't be done, because the ship appears as unlaunched.

Any fixes for this? If any of you have any info for this, It would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by REGZZZ
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I really love the mod and have spent the last week building an orbital station which I am unreasonably proud of. However now I'm finally ready to do the experiments I'm having some problems.

My station looks like this:


It's got a cyclotron and a zoo-ology bay connected by a lab staffed with scientists. I've just docked a stack containing a plant growth experiment, prograde quarks and a creature comforts.

Everything says that it is operational and it's definitely connected since I can transfer mono between the different components.


However when I try starting any of the experiments, nothing happens at all. I've tried moving all the scientists to different labs and docking the experiments to the lab module instead of the zoo-ology bay but nothing makes a difference.

The contract that I took also doesn't seem to update to recognise that I've got a research lab -as you can see in the second image it's still unticked.

Does anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I can provide the persistence file if needed.

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The contract that I took also doesn't seem to update to recognise that I've got a research lab -as you can see in the second image it's still unticked.

That's a stock contract and it wants the stock Mobile Processing Lab, not the Station Science lab. You can have both on your station.

Your other issues look like you're missing the .dll. You can try re-installing Station Science, or show us what your GameData and GameData\Station Science directory look like.

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This is probably my favourite KSP mod ever, fantastic work on giving space stations a reason to exist and to expand!

I'm experiencing a bug that stops me from completing the experiment contracts though. I have a plant growth unit that launches and docks with my lab in orbit, and when I complete the experiment and finalise the results, everything in the contract is looking good -- all conditions except for 'recover at Kerbin' are checked green. When I undock my experiment though, the contract conditions reset as if I hadn't done any of it. I recover the unit on Kerbin, but get nothing.

Am I missing something obvious, or is this a bug?

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Hi everyone,

I have got a little problem(?) here. I have completed the plant growth experiment then returned it to the surface, recovered it and got 50 science. However I have completed the experiment for a second time and I have got no science at all, according to the report. If I don't remember it wrong, we were able to repeat the same experiment for several times, but for less science gain. Is it changed or am I missing something?

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This is probably my favourite KSP mod ever, fantastic work on giving space stations a reason to exist and to expand!

I'm experiencing a bug that stops me from completing the experiment contracts though. I have a plant growth unit that launches and docks with my lab in orbit, and when I complete the experiment and finalise the results, everything in the contract is looking good -- all conditions except for 'recover at Kerbin' are checked green. When I undock my experiment though, the contract conditions reset as if I hadn't done any of it. I recover the unit on Kerbin, but get nothing.

Am I missing something obvious, or is this a bug?

I have the same issue with contracts. In fact, it seems that contract objectives are reset when you stop pointing the ship embedding the experiment. For example, there is the same issue if you go back to the space center during the experiment or if you switch between the ship and the space station during the docking maneuver. I didn't have time to try it yet, but i think if you right click to the command pod of the ship and choose "control from here" before undocking, the focus will be set to the ship and not to the station after undocking, and the objectives will be preserved

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